Saved trees

Programme: Maritime and Fisheries Programme

Planning region: All


The project proposal prepared and submitted by candidate "Agrea" EOOD, is aimed at supporting the competitiveness of the agricultural company in two directions:
1. Investment tangible fixed assets that will support the automated agricultural holding:
- Vacuum drill;
- Precision seeder for autumn plants;
- Automatic guidance system (Autopilot);
- "GNSS" antenna for autopilot;
- Radio antenna for autopilot;
- Cultivator for strip cultivation;
2. Construction and installation activities in the agricultural base on the territory of the village of Iliya Blaskovo, municipality Shumen.

The agricultural producer registered under Ordinance № 3 of 1999 on the establishment and maintenance of a register of farmers, fully complies with the requirements of the conditions for application for acceptance of sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" of measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets From the RDP 2014-2020. The candidate "Agreya" EOOD with NACE.BG 2008: 01.11 - "Growing of cereals, tubers, technical and fodder crops" grows agricultural crops:
- Barley;
- Sunflower;
- Common (soft) wheat;
- Corn for grain.

The location of the arable land by the agricultural producer is located on the territory of:
- The village of Iliya Blaskovo, Shumen municipality;
- Vehtovo village, Shumen municipality;
- The village of Ovcharovo, Shumen municipality.

In implementation of the project proposal with a period of 12 months, the aim is to support the farmer by automating fixed assets needed for land cultivation and crop production more efficiently. way. With the implementation of this project will be achieved repair of the roof of the agricultural base in the village of Iliya Blaskovo, municipality. Shumen, which will achieve storage of products and increase revenues and production of more products to be stored.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Строително монтажни дейности в стопански двор: Земеделската база на кандидатът "Агрея" ЕООД се намира на територията на с. Илия Блъскаво, общ Шумен, като предвидените строително монтажни дейности ще бъдат извършени в нея. В изпълнение на дейност 1 - Строително монтажни дейности в стопански двор, се предвижда да бъдат извършени следните задачи: 1. Преградна стена; 2. Ремонт на покрив. Дейността ще бъде реализирана на база издадено становище от гл. архитект с изх. номер: 26-00-2414/ 30.09.2021 г. 80 311.50 87 758.50
Закупуване и доставка на ДМА : Закупуване и доставка на следните съоръжения/ материални активи: - Вакуумна сеялка; - Прецизна сеялка за есенници; - Система за автоматично водене ( Автопилот ); - „ GNSS ” антена за автопилот; - Радио антена за автопилот; - Култиватор за ивична обработка. 132 840.31 132 840.31
Консултантски услуги за изготвяне и управление на проектно предложение: Изготвяне и управление на проектната документация 10 800.00 10 800.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).