Saved trees

Programme: Maritime and Fisheries Programme

Planning region: All


Adventure 15 EOOD was established in 2015 with the following subject of activity : development of agricultural activity. The company grows vineyards located on the land of Brestovitsa village and  in the city of Plovdiv. The existing vineyards are registered with the EAVW and they are also registered in the register of the vineyards. An annual declaration of wine grape yields is submitted annually. The company also cultivates fields in the lands of the village of Milevo and the village of “Opalchenets”. Agricultural activity is aimed at the development of plant growing activity. Greenhouse cultivation of vegetables is envisaged, as well as outdoor vegetable production in additionally rented properties. The grant funds will be used for agro-technical activities, purchase of fertilizers and plant protection products, as well as for a meteorological station. The meteorological station is linked to a contribution for sustainable and digital economic recovery by using the latest developments to monitor the weather forecast. By purchasing this type of station, it will be possible to regulate the humidity of the seedings and also to control the spraying in the vineyards. The project under sub-measure 6.3 "Start-up aid for the development of small farms" will contribute to the economic development and strengthening of agriculture as a sustainable and viable unit. It is going to accelerate the modernization and technological renewal and also improve environmental protection and adaptation to climate changes. The business plan proves the viability of the farm for a period of 5 years by increasing it’s economic equivalent of 2000 euros, measured in standard production volume - the planned increase is by 2182 euros standard production volume. Compliance with the applicable European Union Standards relating to supported activities will also be achieved in terms of relevant phytosanitary requirements, environmental protection, hygiene, safety and safety at work.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Развитие на земеделската дейност на „Адвенчър 15“ ЕООД, чрез отглеждане на растениевъдни култури и трайни насаждения – винени лозя.: „Адвенчър 15“ ЕООД е регистрирана в регистъра на земеделските стопани от 2015 година. През земеделската 2021/2022 стопанска година се отглеждат следните култури: винени лозя, пшеница, люцерна и бадеми, които все още не са в плододаваща възраст. За винените лозя има вписване в лозарския регистър на ИАЛВ, където ежегодно се декларират добивите от винено грозде. Във връзка с изпълнение на проекта се предвижда да се стартира отглеждане на зеленчуци – домати оранжерийно и открито производство, както и отглеждането на картофи. Ще се наемат допълнителни парцели в УПИ в с. Опълченец, общ. Братя Даскалови. С оглед на опита свързан с отглеждането на лозя ще се наемат още 2,6 дка винени лозя в землището на община Родопи. 29 337.00 0.00


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).