Saved trees

Programme: Maritime and Fisheries Programme

Planning region: All


The investments under the project are aimed at construction of facilities and equipment related to prevention and safe storage of feed in the livestock farm in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance 44/2006, Art. 4, para 1, item 6. The main motives for investments by " Yaytseprom AD in biosecurity measures is the annual outbreak of outbreaks of Influenza A and Newcastle disease, which are highly contagious bird diseases, leading to rapid spread and high animal mortality. The farms of Yaytseprom AD are positioned in areas where in recent years outbreaks of both the most popular bird diseases "Influenza A" in the village of Perperek, Kardzhali Municipality in 2020 and "Newcastle disease" in 2017 have been found. in the land of the village of Gluhar, where the investment under the project will be positioned. The new facility will ensure safe storage and decontamination of the feed consumed by the farm, which will ensure prevention in livestock farms and will improve the hygienic conditions of production. , minimizing the risk of infecting the farm with "Influenza A" or others. contagious disease, which, as described above, lead to extremely severe financial consequences and loss of market position. Although the increase of the biosecurity in the livestock farm of "Yaytseprom" AD is associated with constant prevention and many additional costs for veterinary intervention, medicines, monitoring, additional treatment with chemicals, labor and especially investments in new facilities related to biosecurity, in the current episodic situation, which has obviously become a trend in recent years, it can be said that targeted investments in preventive activities have a direct bearing on the competitiveness of the company.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Инвестиции в съоръжения и оборудване свързано с осигуряване на превенция, включително за повишаване на безопасността при съхранение на фуражи: Дейността по настоящият проект е изцяло насочена към изграждане на съоръжение за повишаване на безопасността при съхранение на фуражи във ферма за отглеждане на стококови кокошки-носачки в землището на с. Глухар. Инвестициите по проекта са насочени към изграждане на съоръжения и оборудване свързано с превенция и безопасно съхранение на фуражите в животновъдния обект съобразно изискванията на Наредба 44/2006, чл.4, ал.1, т. 6. С изграждането на новото съоръжение за съхранение на фуража ще се изолира основна точка за пробив в стопанството- контрола и безопасността на фуража във фермите. Новото съоръжение ще осигури безопасно съхранение и обеззаразяване на фуража, който консумира стопанството, което ще гарантира превенция в животновъдните обекти и ще подобри хигиенните условия на производство. 915 245.23 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).