Saved trees

Programme: Maritime and Fisheries Programme

Planning region: All


The climatic conditions in our country provide unlimited resources for the production of quality livestock production. As a traditional industry, it is also a resource for future food production, for the socioeconomic stability of large areas of the country and a source of income for the population in such regions, where the demographic decline is greatest.
Taking into account the strategic priorities, goals and directions for the development of the districts of Sliven, Burgas, Smolyan, Shumen, Kardzhali and Blagoevgrad, as well as the climatic conditions for the development of animal husbandry in these regions, the Agricultural Institute - Stara Zagora provides modern training of animal husbandry personnel from these regions. . These areas are characterized by highly developed animal husbandry and a large number of livestock in the country are concentrated here, as well as a number of new, modern farms have been built.
The curriculum is designed for seminars lasting 18 hours. The curriculum content clarifies the general and specific issues concerning the welfare of livestock and animal transport, the use of probiotics in livestock as an alternative to antibiotics, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from animal husbandry. Farmers will acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to improve the quality of meat, milk, eggs produced and protect the environment through the management of gas emissions. The content provides informative cognitive, theoretical and assessment knowledge, intellectual skills, competences and values ​​in the modern
 animal husbandry. Agricultural Institute - Stara Zagora offers modern training of cattle breeders. The Institute's scientists have extensive experience in training farmers under the SAPARD program, the RDP, through the CPA at the SAA, as well as under Erasmus + projects.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Организация и управление на проекта: Организацията на учебния процес, закупуването и окомплектоването на учебните материали, обезпечаването на провеждането на семинарите се осъществява от екипа на проекта - ръководител, технически отговорник и счетоводител на проекта. Ще се провеждат работни срещи, за да се организира и координира дейността. Техническият екип ще отговаря за документацията по изпълнение на проекта. Ще изготвят отчет за изпълнението на проекта. 2 560.00 0.00
Провеждане на семинари: Предвидено е провеждането на семинари по 4различни теми в 8 населени места или общо 32 семинара.Всеки семинар е с продължителност 18 часа. Предвиждат се по 15 участника във всеки семинар. 83 840.00 0.00


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).