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Programme: Innovations and Competitiveness

Planning region: All


The project proposal envisages the delivery of implantological equipment to the office of "AGPPDP-PLAMADENT" OOD, with the aim of diversifying the practice and expanding the opportunities for development and entrepreneurship, which fully corresponds to the objectives of procedure №BG06RDNP001-19.739 MIG Belene - Nikopol, Measure 6.4 " Investment support for non-agricultural activities'.
The project activities envisage the purchase of the following equipment:
- System for perio prevention - 1 - the system provides an opportunity for treatment and prevention of gum diseases - painful and sensitive gums, gingivitis, periodontosis, which are extremely common.
- Implantology system - 1 - the system allows many clinical applications such as implantology, endodontics and dental surgery, with multiple programs and customization options.
- Digital impression system - 1 - the system can easily perform precise intraoral 3D scans that are not unpleasant for the patient and suitable for dental surgery. The system provides the possibility of fast and precise impressions for prostheses, implants, veneers, aligners, etc.
By implementing the project, we will achieve the following results:
By purchasing the equipment under the project, we will diversify the offered services of the practice, we will create an opportunity to access higher quality and specialized ones, developing in a new and innovative, for us and for the region, field of implantology, which will fully satisfy our needs to keep up with the current trends of technological advancements in in-office dentistry and the need to provide the best possible and innovative practices and technologies with care for our patients.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Доставка на имплантологично оборудване в кабинет „АГППДП-ПЛАМАДЕНТ“ ООД: Изпълнението на настоящата дейност предвижда закупуване на ново и иновативно дентално имплантологично оборудване, както следва: - Система за перио профилактика - 1 бр. - системата предоставя възможност за лечение и профилактика на заболявания на венците - болезнени и чувствителни венци, гингивит, парадонтоза, които са изключително често срещани. - Имплантологична система - 1 бр. - системата позволява много клинични приложения като имплантология, ендодонтия и стоматологична хирургия, с множество програми и възможности за персонализация. - Система за дигитален отпечатък - 1 бр. - системата може лесно да извършвате прецизни интраорални 3D сканирания, които не са неприятни за пациента и са подходящи за денталната хирургия. Системата предоставя възможност за бързи и прецизни отпечатъци за протези, импланти, фасети, алайнери и др. 81 331.20 0.00


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).