Saved trees

Programme: Innovations and Competitiveness

Planning region: All


Farmer Verka Tileva has a legal basis for properties that he plans to create perennials. Dessert grapes of the varieties Nadezhda, Victoria and Italy are planned to be planted in properties with the numbers 100010 - 2,778 decares, 1,00011 - 3,249 decares, 260203 - 4,835 decares, 260174 - 1,637 decares, 260173 - 1,636 decares, 270078 - 1,730 decares, 270079-1,971 decares or a total of 17,830 decares, each of which will be planted with 270 pieces of saplings per hectare. Apricots are planned to be planted in properties with the numbers 100161- 3,703 decares, 281243- 1,605 decares, 281332 - 2,810 decares, 050433- 5,302 decares, 050435 - 1,198 decares, 050432 - 3,095 decares or a total of 17,713 decares as per decare planting of 44 saplings.
Cherries (on mahalebka) are planned to be planted in properties with the number 276199 - 1,786 decares, 276343- 1,864 decares or a total of 3,650 decares, with each decare planting 50 saplings.
All properties are located on the territory of the town of Perushtitsa, Perushtitsa municipality, Plovdiv region.
The following equipment for soil cultivation, agrotechnical activities and harvesting will be purchased: a tractor with a nominal power of 45-50 hp, a plow Cultivator of a vine and a Sprinkler, a new fan.
Consequence of the implementation of the project will create a new job.
Candidate Verka Tileva is a disadvantaged person and the implementation of the project will reduce the impact of its social exclusion and will help to fulfill the priorities of the LLPP of the Perigistza-Rodopi LAG.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Подготовка и засаждане на 17,83 дка десертни лозя: подготовка на терен и засаждане на 17,83 дка десертни лозя 38 896.20 38 896.20
Десертно грозде- подпорна контсрукция: изграждане на подпорна конструкция на 17,83 дка десертно грозде 13 479.48 0.00
Създаване на насаждения от череши: създаване на 3,65 дка насаждения от череши 3 637.86 3 637.86
Кайсии- създаване на насаждения: създаване на 17,713 дка насаждения от кайсии 15 782.56 15 782.56
закупуване на земеделска техника: закупуване на Трактор, Плуг, Пръскачка, нова вентилаторна, Култиватор лозаро-овощарски за нуждите на земеделското стопанство 56 650.00 56 900.00
консултантски услуги: получаване на консултантска услуга, свързана с подготовка и управление на проекта и включва подготовка на заявление за подпомагане, изработка на бизнесплан и подготовка на заявки за плащане, включително отчитане и управление на проекта. 6 400.00 5 748.33


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).