Saved trees

Programme: Innovations and Competitiveness

Planning region: All


The project proposal of Algae Farm AD envisages the construction of a plant for the production of algal biomass will be built in the village of Svoboda, Strelcha, reg. Pazardzhik, Kolibi area. The plant will consist of two production units for the production of microalgae - "Chlorella / Scenedesmus / and" Spirulina production unit. The numbers of the properties in which the investment will be made on the cadastral map of the village of Svoboda, Strelcha are: 020179 and 020182. The owner of the property is Algae Farm AD with headquarters and management address: Pazardzhik, municipality The plot of property 020179 is 11,616 decares ECATTE 65807 and on property 020182 is 10.000 decares ECATTE 65807. The altitude of the property is 300 m.
The implementation of the project proposal will be met by a large number of the selection criteria set out in the Applicant's Conditions under this procedure, such as:
1. Open 6 new full-time jobs;
2. Achieve a positive net present value of the investment within the first 3 years of the project implementation;
3. Implement methods and technologies that improve the energy and resource efficiency of an enterprise as illustrated by the attached Energy Efficiency Report;
4. Make an investment to ensure a safe working environment by purchasing personal protective equipment and introducing security systems;
5. Make investment in the reproductive-production process by providing conditions for inoculum recovery from chlorella and spirulina in a closed recirculation system;
6. Focus on the cultivation of species with very good market potential - chlorella and spirulina;
7. Introduce farm innovations.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Строеж на сграда - Предприятие за производство на водораслова биомаса (СМР): Строеж на сграда - Предприятие за производство на водораслова биомаса (СМР) 849 042.18 847 690.81
Доставка на технологично оборудване за производство на водораслова биомаса: Доставка на технологично оборудване за автономно производство на водораслова биомаса 833 035.42 831 950.00
Въвеждане на система за безопасност на условията на труд ISO-9360: Въвеждане на система за безопасност на условията на труд ISO-9360 5 800.00 5 740.00
Доставка на ЛПС: Доставка на Работно облекло и лични предпазни средства за подобряване условията на труд на работещите в предприятието 11 200.00 10 976.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).