Saved trees

Programme: Innovations and Competitiveness

Planning region: All


MARIO PAVLOV TOMOV is a registered agricultural producer and intends to purchase the following agricultural machinery
• Tractor with a power output of 73 hp, with wheel formula 4x4, with maximum speed up to 40 km / h, with a capacity of 2300 kg
• L-shaped contour pruning machine - with 4 horizontal knives, cutting height / width - 154/50 cm, drive with hydromotors and belts, electro-hydraulic distributor;
• Fan sprayer with a tank volume of 1500 liters.
The purchased equipment will be used for processing of permanent crops of cherries of 19 decares in the village of Porvenets, Rodopi municipality, from table grapes - 32 decares of table grapes on the territory of the village Brestovitsa, Rodopi municipality and 4.6 decares of wine vineyards in the land of Brestovitsa.
ZM Mario Tomov will carry out the agro-technical activities in the described arrays with the newly purchased trenchika, observing all the agro-technical terms and all requirements for the use of the technique, including registration at the CTI Plovdiv.
A new workplace will be created with the implementation of the project.
The project proposal is in line with the priorities of the SCMO for reducing the social exclusion of vulnerable groups of people and disadvantaged groups as support for Mario Tomov will help to reduce the risk of poverty of the applicant.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на земеделска техника - вентилаторна пръскачка - Г-образна машина за контурна резитба: Закупуване на: Г-образна машина за контурна резитба "B.M.V."ИТАЛИЯ, МОДЕЛ S 800А Вентилаторна пръскачка RICOSMA, модел CLES BASE 1500 TR 54 144.36 54 145.20
закупуване на трактор: закупуване на Трактор Kubota, модел M5071N 81 600.00 78 000.00
консултантски услуги: Консултантската услуга е свързана с подготовка и управление на проекта и включва подготовка на заявление за подпомагане, изработка на бизнесплан и подготовка на заявки за плащане, включително отчитане и управление на проекта. 6 700.00 6 292.27


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).