"DALEX GROUP" Ltd. has an existing milk processing plant in the village of Zhelyazno, municipality of Maritsa, region of Plovdiv. With the present project proposal, "Dalex Group" Ltd. plans to purchase a specialized transport vehicle brand IVECO model Daily 50C35 for the needs of a milk processing enterprise in the village of Zelyazno, municipality of Maritsa, region of Plovdiv. "DALEX GROUP" owns specialized means of transport - tankers for transporting raw milk raw material and refrigerated buses for transporting products, but the refrigerated buses are old and depreciated, and the production of sour and fresh milk is sensitive in terms of storage time and temperature, and therefore necessitates the purchase of a new specialized transport - a refrigerated bus.
The productivity of the enterprise in terms of the production of sour and fresh milk is increasing.
Contracted Amount
Reported Amount
закупуване на Специализирано транспортно средство: закупуване на 1 бр. Специализирано транспортно средство, марка IVECO модел Daily 50C35
97 574.86
97 576.36
Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN