BULLAND 33 EOOD is a legal entity - a sole proprietorship with limited liability, registered as an agricultural producer, operating in the agricultural sector and in particular in the sector - grain production. The candidate has been developing agricultural activity for many years and has extensive experience in the sector.
The project of BULLAND 33 EOOD aims to purchase and put into operation modern machinery and equipment for conservation agriculture, within sub-measure 4.1. "Investments in agricultural holdings" of the Rural Development Program / RDP / 2014-2020. a. The current project is for the purchase of machines for the implementation of technologies for conservation agriculture. The current project provides a tractor, sprayer and GPS equipment for the tractor provided in the project.
Contracted Amount
Reported Amount
Закупуване на машини и оборудване: Настоящия проект е за закупуване на машини за внедряване на технологии за консервационно земеделие . В текущия проект са предвидени трактор, пръскачка и GPS оборудване за предвидения трактор в проекта.
188 687.25
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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN