Saved trees

Programme: Human Resources Development

Planning region: All


The project proposal is aimed at developing a printed publication to promote the natural and cultural-historical heritage on the territory of FLAG Samokov. It is planned to study and photograph significant natural and historical sites on the territory, the collected information and materials to be processed. To develop a printed edition with quality content and materials from the study, which should be a kind of portfolio of the region. The publication envisages systematization and presentation of significant historical and architectural sites, natural landmarks and places that are guaranteed good quality of the offered service and information. To ensure the quality implementation of the project proposal, highly qualified contractors with proven experience in the implementation of such activities will be hired. An initial study of the potential sites to be included and presented in the publication is envisaged. Capture of the selected objects and described in as much detail as possible with information about each of them. Production and printing of an edition with the following indicative parameters - printed 2000 pcs. illustrated editions with hard covers and cover in Bulgarian, format 16.5h23.0 cm, volume 96 printed pages, paper 135 g / m2, gloss, binding - hard, with end sewing and with cover - laminate and full color printing.
The benefits of this will be that the publication is sustainable. It is one of the most influential and durable information products, which does not require additional financial or institutional intervention to be preserved or used.
The publication will be extremely useful for introducing the guests of the region and directing them to important sites in the territory. It is envisaged that the printed edition will be distributed among key sites and institutions, information centers, community centers, tourist entities and the organization of FLAG Samokov.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Проучване и заснемане на значими природни и исторически обекти на триторията: Дейноста предвижда проучване и заснамане на природни и исторически обекти на територията. Събиране на информация и исторически данни за проучваните обекти, систематизиране на информацията и подготовка на подходяща текстова информация за обектите. 15 000.00 15 000.00
Отпечатване на издание - 2000 броя с параметри формат 16,5h23,0 cм. и обем 96 печатни страници: Отпечатване на издание - 2000 броя с параметри формат 16,5h23,0 cм. и обем 96 печатни страници, хартия 135 г/м2, гланц, подвързия – твърда, с концево шиене и с обложка – ламинат и пълноцветен печат 28 000.00 28 000.00
Кампания за предтавяне и разпространение: Кампанията е поредица от мероприятия/информационни срещи/ за представяне и популяризиране на изданието с цел запознаване на заинтересованите страни и безвъзмездно предоставяне на издания за разпространение. Предвижда се да бъдат проведени 3 /три/представяния на изданието сред различни целеви групи. В рамките на кампанията, безвъзмездно ще бъде предоставено за разпространение печатното издание. 1. Предтавяне пред публични и неправителствени организации, опериращи в сферата на туризма и туристическите услуги. 2. Представяне пред търговски субекти, опериращи в сектора на туристически услуги 3. Представяне пред МИРГ Самоков 7 000.00 7 000.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).