Saved trees

Programme: Human Resources Development

Planning region: All


Of essential importance in the performance of official duties is work clothing, which every employer must provide when the nature of the work requires it. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 17 of October 9, 2012 on the uniform and service card of employees in the executive agency for fisheries and aquaculture, exercising control over the use and protection of fish resources in accordance with the law on fisheries and aquaculture, Art. 2. Employees who are in an official or employment relationship with IARA, exercising control over the use and protection of fish resources, have the right to uniform clothing. In the specific case, the provision of appropriate official clothing to employees with control functions is of great importance both for the effective performance of official duties and for their safety and prevention of occupational accidents. It also has a positive impact on job satisfaction, increases performance and improves reputation.
The performance of the official duties of the officers with control functions includes field work - checks at sea and in ports, on inland reservoirs, in commercial networks and catering establishments and on road arteries. Given the different working conditions (climatic, geographical) and the specifics of the inspected objects, employees need appropriate work clothes. Field clothing must be appropriate to the nature of the work. Of paramount importance is its strength and resistance to climatic conditions and features of the relief and landscape, in order to ensure maximum protection and comfort. The provision of uniform clothing is necessary due to the wear and tear of the uniform used by a large number of employees. According to Appendix No. 2 to Art. 11, para. 1 of the aforementioned Ordinance, the period for wearing out the uniform representative and uniform field clothing used by employees under Art. 2, are from 1 to 2 years.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на лятна и зимна униформа - комплект за служителите на ИАРА с вменени контролни функции: Закупуване на лятна и зимна униформа - комплект за служителите на ИАРА с вменени контролни функции 530 640.00 530 226.00
Дейност по информация и публичност: За да бъде осъществена дейността по проекта ще бъде необходимо да се наеме фирма, която да изготви материали за информираност. Ще публикуваме в уеб-сайта на агенцията кратко описание на проекта и неговите цели и резултати, като ще посочим финансовата подкрепа от ЕС. На входа на сградата на ИАРА ще бъде поставен плакат с информация за проекта. Ще бъдат организирани две публични събития и ще бъдат изготвени брошури и плакати. В случай, че проектът бъде одобрен за финансиране ще публикуваме на интернет страницата на ИАРА подробна информация за проекта. 5 300.00 4 680.00
Разходи за екип за управление на проекта: Разходи необходими за заплащане на извършените дейности от определения екип за управление на проекта. Часовите таблици (Тime Sheets) за доказване на изработеното от екипа време ще бъдат приложени на етап искане за плащане, като са попълнени за съответния период на изпълнение на проекта. 26 532.00 25 618.84


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).