Saved trees

Programme: Regions in Growth

Planning region: Stolichna


“Establishing of Youth International Center Burgas” project is foreseeing the provision of a modern and efficient culture infrastructure meeting the high standards of the Council of Europe for youth work and providing quality, varied and complex services in support of the development of the youth sector.
The Municipality of Burgas has chosen a territory in the largest and most densely populated city neighborhoods – “Meden Rudnik” Residential Area, for the construction of a Youth International Center. The terrain is located close to a central street artery, main public transport lines and a school. The newly constructed building will consist mainly of one ground floor with two additional smaller floors providing accommodation and recreation services. The center is planned to have separate rooms intended for holding conferences, seminars, meetings and non-formal educational activities, including those with an international scope.
The Center’s activity will be aimed at supporting and improving the quality of life of young people aged between 15-29 years by conducting non-formal cultural and educational activities. The services provided by it will be accessible to all young people, including representatives of low-income families, people with disabilities, ethnic minority youths, as well as those living in small and remote settlements around the city of Burgas.
With the project implementation, Burgas Municipality will offer quality services to young people in accordance with their needs; encourage their activity and creativity; contribute to their personal development and growth; and improve international youth cooperation. The project is of utmost importance for the Municipality of Burgas and a milestone /key moment in the sustainable development of a youth society.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Organisation and management of the project: In order to ensure sustainable and quality implementation, overall organization, reporting, monitoring, control and financial management of the project, Burgas Municipality will form a team of experts, responsible for the execution, management and coordination of the perspective activities of the project. The team members are pre-selected based on their professional experience, qualifications, leadership, organizational and communication skills. Its structure includes - 1. Project Manager; 2. Coordinator; 3.Technical Assistant; 4.Financial expert, 5.Treasurer, 6."Investor Control" Expert and 7. "Public Procurement" Expert. The project manager is responsible for the overall project implementation process, including : - being in charge of the project management under the terms of the Grant Agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) as a Program Operator under the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups” Program and realize communication with it; - controlling the compliance with lawfulness and appropriateness of the procedures for contractor selection and the costs incurred under the project. - performing monitor activities and controls the implementation of the project activities; - being responsible for on time and correct submission of project report information to the UMIS. The coordinator’s responsibilities include: - assisting the Project Manager in the overall project management; - being responsible for all correspondence and coordination with the project partner; - assisting the preparation and conduct of procurement procedures, training and all project activities; - coordinating the implementation of all project activities; - participating in the regular working meetings of the project team. The Financial expert's duties include: - being responsible for the legality and appropriateness of the costs incurred in the project; - preparing financial statements and payment requests; - preserving financial documentation of the project; Technical Assistant: - assists in the preparation of tender dossiers and procedures; - is responsible for the preparation and organization of information materials and public events for the project; - participate in regular project team working meetings; - participates in the preparation of project reports. The cashier will be responsible for accruing and accounting the salaries of the project management team as well as the employees of YIC Burgas. The two accounting positions differ because of the specifics of the accounting system of Burgas Municipality and for this reason it requires the appointment of the second financial officer. Investor Control Expert: - To manage and organize the activity of quality control of the construction works; Public Procurement and Legal Issues Expert: - is responsible for conducting the tendering procedures under the Public Procurement Act and the applicable European legislation; Overall, the main responsibilities of the project team will be related to compliance with the provisions of the signed Project contract and Program rules. The team will constantly monitor and control the implementation of the project activities in their technological sequence. Within the framework of the activity, business missions in the country and abroad are planned, incl. and in the partner country for the purpose of holding workshops. The activity also includes conducting a lawful, expedient, effective and transparent selection of contractors for the project activities, in accordance with the rules for spending Community funds, current Bulgarian legislation, the system of financial management and control of the Municipality of Burgas and the Internal Rules for Public Procurement. The Public Procurement Expert is responsible for the preparation and conduct of public procurement in compliance with the Internal Rules for Management of the Public Procurement Cycle of the Municipality of Burgas. 268 730.60 127 924.39
Construction, Furnishing and equipment of Youth International Center Burgas: For the construction of the Youth International Center, the Municipality of Burgas has commissioned the preparation of an investment project. It is approved by the Municipality of Burgas and submitted for coordination with the water and electricity companies. A building permit is to be issued. The Youth International Center in Burgas is located in plot IV54, neighborhood 14, according to the plan of the largest and most populated residential complex "Meden Rudnik", zone "A". The total area of the land is 3936 m2, the total built-up area is 1820 m2, it is located mainly on one ground floor with two additional smaller floors, serving for accommodation and recreation with the corresponding adjacent rooms. Functional distribution: 1. On the ground floor there is a large common area with a winter garden, including a children's playground, an exhibition area and a place for co working with separated workplaces. On the ground floor are also foreseen a multi-functional hall with folding stands and stage, a reception, visitor lavatories, a technical room and a dining room with kitchen. The entire common area is designed for youth activities and work in separate corners with portable devices. 2. The mezzanine level of the building is for administrative use only. At this level are situated the hardware room serving the hall, the chamber office with the necessary adjacent premises to the hotel part. 3. The second level is designated for 35 bedrooms and a shared work space with a large terrace. The individual levels are reached via an elevator and a staircase separated via access control. The lift is accessible to people with disabilities. The necessary parking spaces are provided, including those for electric vehicles. The building is designed in accordance with Ordinance № 4 for accessible environment. The building has energy class "B" and meets the requirements for energy efficiency in accordance with Ordinance № 7. Equipment and furnishing of all functional spaces is provided for. Part of it is modular and presents the opportunity for space restructuring. The specific equipment of the multi-functional hall, with folding stands, allows the conduct of youth conferences, theatrical plays, concerts and sports activities, as well as dividing the hall in two and using it for parallel events. In order to guarantee the quality of the completed activities and their compliance with the regulations, independent construction supervision will be selected. The author's supervision of the project will be carried out by the designers who have prepared the technical documentation within the rules of the Spatial Planning Act (SPA) and Ordinance No. 4. The Municipality of Burgas will provide the necessary co-financing for the construction of the Youth International Center Burgas, although it is not required under the project, but is necessary for the implementation of the developed investment project. This will ensure that all the necessary conditions are met, covering the high standards for youth work of the Council of Europe. 4 787 409.38 3 190 936.86
Operation of the Youth International Center Burgas: All the activities that will be provided by the Youth International Center Burgas and its overall work will be tailored to the needs of the target groups and the standards of the Council of Europe for youth work -respect for human rights, transparent management and Civil participation. For the realization of the activities in the Youth International Center Burgas will be formed a team, that will include: 1 Manager, 7 youth workers, two of whom will be trainees; 2 Roma educational mediators – 10 employees in total. The manager, youth workers and the two Roma mediators will be appointed 10 months after signing the grant contract and the other support staff after starting the activity of the center. The appointed team of the Youth International Center Burgas will develop the administrative documents of the Center including: rules of Operation of the Youth International Center Burgas; Rules of internal labour order; Annual calendar of activities; During the first months of the appointment, the members of the center team will undergo a training period. In order to attract and integrate the project target groups, youth workers will carry out "fieldwork". The two youth workers (trainees) are committed to reducing the risk of early exit of youth workers. They will also be included in the training. The appointed manager will participate in workshops with the project management team. Officially the functioning of the center will be launched after completion of the construction works, and the activities of furnishing and equipment. The food establishment will be catered for by the municipality of Burgas and the bed base will be managed by the team of the center. In the framework of the project will be provided funds for securing of the functional expenses (electricity, water, security, Internet, telephones, insurance of the building and property in it), as well as for other expenses arising from the activities of the center. Burgas Municipality will declare that the use of the building will not be changed for at least 5 years after implementation of the project and will undertake decisions regarding the institutionalization of the YIC Burgas. With the opening of the center, the project activities related to the developed functional packages of measures aimed at active participation of young people, social inclusion, development of key skills, reintegration of dropped out of educational Community activities, international partnerships and exchanges will start. In order to provide a pleasant and cozy environment for the young people, it is planned to use a decorative layout in the premises of the center, whose design and conception will be entrusted to an external contractor in accordance with the PPA. Materials will be delivered through which youth workers and young people will have the opportunity to decorate the premises in which they work. As an innovative approach, the implementation of an intelligent digital solution for active community collaboration is envisaged, representing a Web-based platform covering requirements for high-performance digital working environment. The platform will provide tools for interaction between employees and young users of the center and will provide communication between them and enable them to be involved in the activities of the center and remotely. The platform will also provide opportunities for young people to take into account their satisfaction with the services of the Youth International Center Burgas. 676 852.00 279 061.76
Activities encouraging the active youth participation in local and regional policy making : In order to reach critical reflection, innovation and changes at local and regional level, the first functional package of activities is developed with the aim to stimulate the active participation of young people in the process of formation of local and regional policies. The aim of the package follows Specific Objective №2. As a result, the active participation of young people in the process of local and regional policy making is expected to be stimulated. The involvement of young people in the decisions and actions of the local authorities is essential for building more democratic, inclusive and prosperous societies. Based on the European Charter for the participation of young people and in order to achieve real youth participation, a number of tools will be used within the activity to support young people such as: training modules, forums, initiatives created with and by young people themselves. As a target group, besides young people, the activity is aimed at the general public in the face of young parents, one of the most significant groups of people in the territory of "Meden Rudnik". The tools will be implemented in a series of sub-activities: 1. Youth active participation training: - training modules based on non-formal methodology in the field of leadership skills and qualities, communication skills, combined with practical exercises. A total of 6 thematic non-formal training modules will be conducted. The sessions will emphasize on the development of presentation skills, leadership skills, human rights, career guidance, anger management and non-violent communication, as well as present-day challenges and peer-to peer education. 2. Generating project ideas through "Idea Incubator": young people will have the opportunity to propose to the IYC’s team ideas and proposals for various initiatives, campaigns, and volunteer actions - activities derived by their needs, interests and motivation. The implementation of the approved project proposals will be in partnership and support of the Youth Centre. Priority will be given to volunteer initiatives on socially relevant issues. In order to involve and attract more young people to the IYC’s activities and as a prelude to holding and participating in future youth debates, the IYC’s team will use an "icebreaking" strategy. These include "Quiz Nights" on topics related to civil education, communication, and leadership skills, where youngsters could develop and polish critical thinking, logic and speed. The winner will have the opportunity to prepare questions for the next quiz and pass on skills and experiences to peers - first steps in the process of youth empowerment. 3. Youth Forums: This sub-activity includes preparation and execution of debates on topics related to the values of the Council of Europe, civic education, fundamental human rights and freedom, freedom of expression, and many others. One of the main goals of the forums is to provoke and encourage young people to be more active, and to express and defend their points of view. Total number of debates organised and held by IYC: 2, for a maximum of 30 participants per debate. 4. In order to demonstrate the potential of young people in the implementation of local policies, a Youth National Conference for the implementation of youth ideas will be held during the grand opening of the Centre (Activity 8). Representatives of local, regional and national institutions and business representatives will be invited to the event. At this conference, young people will present their ideas for solving problems in the youth sector and their expectations for partnership in the process of implementation. 12 107.20 38 290.43
Development of soft skills: The second functional package of activities aims to encourage the development of various soft skills such as creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, digital and information literacy, entrepreneurial skills. As part of the activity, an online and on-the-site survey was conducted to track the young people’s interests and needs (aged 15 to 29). The results of the survey outlined the following spectrum of interests: - Financial literacy; - entrepreneurship; - new technologies; - stress management; - positive psychology; - personal development; Two main fields of interest emerged from the youth survey: Career Development and Personal Development. Under the "Career Development", the IYC’s team will organize 4 workshops "Skills of the Future" (on artificial intelligence, data mining, new technologies, etc.). The activity aims to target the group of young people up to 29 years of age: students, young people in the process of career search, and “Not in Education, Employment, or Training” young people (NEETs). Prominent professionals from Bulgaria will be contracted as lecturers, and through the “Skills of the Future” Master classes they will have the opportunity to share their experience and motivate anyone who pursue a career in a particular field. 4 creative workshops "Personal Development through Art" will be held within the "Personal Development"; 2 green initiatives will take place each year. These will include tree planting, cleaning of polluted natural areas and other environmental initiatives. It is planned to conduct 5 creative workshops in order to develop creative skills. Within the framework of the activity, 1 edition of the "Science Fair" will be held, as well as 2 Hackathons on different topics, which will be open for participation for young people from the region and the country. 99 114.00 18 942.00
Prevention and reintegration of the dropped out students and those who are at risk of dropping out of the education system: The third functional package of activities is related to the implementation of specific objective 4 - Providing educational support to young people who are still in formal education, but are at risk of dropping out or have dropped out of the education system. The activity aims to cover the following categories of young people at risk: young people of ethnic origin; young people at risk of dropping out of the education system; young people living in poor and remote areas in the Burgas region, without access to television and internet. It includes activities aimed at solving key problems of these young people: social isolation of many of them; difficulties in school adaptation; lack of educational motivation; broken connection between school and family; According to data from the Municipality of Burgas, such students are mainly children of Roma origin from the following schools in Burgas: Nayden Gerov Primary School, Elin Pelin Primary School, Petko Rosen University of Sofia and Konstantin Petkanov University of Sofia. The activities included in the functional package include a series of measures: 1. Reading early school leaving signals. In order to be able to read the early signals for dropping out of school, Roma educational mediators will maintain close contact with schools and all institutions participating in the Mechanism for joint work on coverage and retention in the education system of children and students of compulsory preschool and school age. Priority will be given to Nayden Gerov Primary School, Elin Pelin Primary School, Petko Rosen University of Sofia and Konstantin Petkanov University of Sofia. The work of the identification mediators will also include field work in Roma neighborhoods and neighborhoods. In addition, they will be included in the detour teams under the Mechanism. As a result, children and young people at risk of dropping out of the education system will be identified and specific work with them will be planned. 2. Organizing and conducting 6 trainings for children and youth from the risk group related to the formation of communicative and language competencies, as well as building a positive attitude towards school and learning. 3. Motivating students graduating from primary education and 10th grade to continue their education. 10 motivational seminars "Educational opportunities" will be organized. 4. Field work in the other 12 municipalities of Burgas district, at least 12 individual meetings will be held with young people and their families living in remote and poor areas of the district. 5 283.00 3 017.84
Strengthening young people’s resilience to resist negative influences and behavior : The fourth functional package of activities aims to strengthen the resilience of young people to negative influences and behaviours/aggression, juvenile delinquency, discrimination and intolerance behaviour and attitudes/and to implement measures for the inclusion of young people in society by offering them tools and opportunities to be active citizens. The main challenges for young people in Bulgaria are: juvenile delinquency, increased number of car accidents involving youth, cybersecurity and dependence on the Bulgarian youth delegates, with data from inquiries conducted by the United Nations. With its activity, YIC Burgas aims to provide quality services and opportunities to overcome the negative impact of the challenges faced by young people in Bulgaria. 1. The need for sport and knowledge as a tool for upbringing, discipline and perseverance, as well as its role in preventing negative influence are embedded in the activities of the Center. In this regard, the establishment of the sport club is foreseen, which will offer young people the opportunity to develop their interests in the field of physical activity and sport. 3 clubs will be formed in different sports. Every year sport competitions will be held, in which in addition to the participants in the clubs will be included teams of young people with disabilities, as well as representatives of different ethnicities, including Roma. 2. In addition to the sport competititons, aiming social cohesion and reducing negative influence and behavior among teenagers, YIC team will organize 4 additional sport and entertainment competitions, with combined skills. These combined competitions will develop physical endurance, strategic thinking, creativity and teamwork 3. Promoting healthy lifestyle and healthy culture of young people: nformation health campaigns will be conducted on significant dates: 1 December – World AIDS Day; 26 June-World Drug day; 31 May-International Day for combating smoking and 21 November-International Day without tobacco smoke; 4. In the framework of the activity is planned the implementation of 2 editions of the socio-healthy 3-day Campus "Against aggression", which aims to establish healthy models for quality life, as well as strategies for prevention of addictions. Training and sports-entertainment events are planned, which have a direct impact in terms of their attitudes to combat aggression in school, on the street and in society. It will be able to include up to 100 young people from Burgas and the country, which in the form of entertainment, sports lessons, lectures and lectures will draw the attention of teenagers to building relationships based on friendship, respect and Tolerance. Special attention is devoted to the "Stop the war on the road" cause. 5. In relation to the challenge of the online privacy rights-the youth seminars "data protection in the digital age" is foreseen. Young IT professionals will show methods for protecting personal data. 6. In order to prevent discrimination, intolerance, overcome the prejudices and enhancing intercultural understanding, a discussion forum ' ' For diversity. Against discrimination ' ', as well as ' evenings of cultures ', where young people from different ethnic communities will be presenting features and cultural values. 7. „Inspiration“ series - 4 meetings / discussions with famous people from the spheres of culture, sports and the entertainment industry. Through an informal dialogue, famous personalities whom young people emulate and admire will share examples from their life experiences and professional growth. The emphasis will be on the challenges on the way to success and the accompanying negatives such as addictions, depressive states, asociality, unhealthy lifestyle, etc. The idea of the series is to encourage young people to follow their dreams and not give up on pursuing their goals, but also to have an objective view of the positive and negative aspects of success. 41 179.77 7 686.00
Bilateral relations with donor states. Partnership between Burgas Municipality and Reykjavik Municipality. : For the purposes of the project, a partnership agreement between Municipality Burgas and Municipality Reykjavik was signed, an implementation of which will contribute for the building of value- added lasting relations. The partnership relations between Municipality Burgas and Municipality Reykjavik will combine the organisation and holding of 5 exchanges of good practices and acknowledgement, 3 of them will be held in Burgas, and the rest 2 in Reykjavik city: 1. 1st exchange of experience will be held in 2022 in Reykjavik at the beginning of the activities in Youth International Center, soon after of the workers employment for the center. During that exchange a short staff trainings will be held for the recruited workers in the new Youth center in Burgas. The official journey will have a motivational effect for the youth workers and the manager, which will have the opportunity to familiarize with the employees of the established youth centres in Reykjavik. 2. The second exchange of experience will take place in Burgas in 2022 and the planned events will include (a group of 10 participants, of which 8 young people and 2 experts): Training for adults, where Reykjavík's young leaders will teach the local group of youth workers leadership skills and conduct practical exercises; The International Youth Creative Residency - an event in which - young people from Reykjavík will participate; 3. The third exchange of experience will take place in the city of Reykjavík in 2023 for a group of about 15 people (10 young people and 5 experts from the YIC team); 4. The fourth exchange of experience will take place in Burgas in 2023, during which a group of young people from Iceland will again be invited to visit Burgas and exchange ideas and knowledge. 5. The fifth exchange of experience will take place in Burgas during the official opening of the building of the International Youth Center Burgas, during which the partners will be invited to take part For the overall project period, all activities between the International Youth Center and Municipality Reykjavik aims, dissemination of the skills on applying of good practices and they will have the following structure: 6.A coordinating process in the creation of documents for internal adjustment of the functioning of the center, from the partners in Reykjavik, accordingly their professional presentation. 7.Creating of channels in the socials networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), permanent sharing of events and upgrading of information for the upcoming events and good practices. 8.Monitoring – preparation of annual report for the progress and the achieved goals, implemented activities and the level and measurement of the level of satisfaction of the relationship between the partners and the level of trust between the partners from the beneficiary countries and the donor countries. 214 208.20 69 033.27
Cooperation on a regional, national and international level: The aim of the action is to enable the target groups covered by the project to draw on experience and knowledge from already established national and international youth centers, to meet their peers and youth experts and to establish lasting and constructive relationships. Youth exchanges aim at bringing together groups of young people, thus providing an opportunity to get acquainted with different cultures and ideas. Within the activity regional visits to smaller settlements around Burgas are foreseen; Visits of the young people from the Youth International Centеr in the already functioning and established youth centres in the country. Also, there will be visits to international youth centers in Europe. During the regional visits, some of the youth workers and Roma mediators together with a small group of youth leaders will reach those young people who do not have or have limited opportunities to participate in the regular activities of the YIC. The employees of YIC Burgas will acquaint the young people from the smaller settlements with the activities of the centre, and according to their needs they will conduct non-formal educational activities in order to develop their competencies, to acquaint them with important topics about the society and more importantly, by learning from each other to strengthen values such as solidarity, democracy, friendship, etc. It is foreseen that the young people, together with youth workers of the YIC Burgas conduct national visits to the already built youth centres in the country, to share and exchange experience and good practices and to participate in some of their activities. In the framework of this national cooperation, the YIC Burgas will join the National Network of Youth Centres in order to build lasting and fruitful partnerships, which is of utmost importance for both employees and youth from the centre, providing them opportunity to learn from the experience and knowledge of their colleagues and young people as well as to build friendships with their peers. The selection of young people will be made in compliance with the conditions of non-discrimination based on sex, age, ethnicity or religion. International cooperation – aside from the partners from Reykjavik, the YIC Burgas will provide informal partnership with other European youth centers. A visit and exchange of experience with at least two international youth centres is foreseen. The activities during the international visits will be carried out on the principle of transnational cooperation, and young people will have the opportunity to develop their competencies, to explore new cultures enriching their contacts and worldviews as well as creating new friendships and relationships with foreign peers. 40 498.00 1 404.39
Independent Financial Audit: The activity aims at conducting an audit check of the implemented project, observing the requirements of the Guidelines for implementation of projects under the "Local development, poverty reduction and enhanced inclusion of vulnerable groups" Programme, financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 and the guidelines for applying under the programme for selection of project proposals "ESTABLISHING YOUTH CENTERS". The audit commitment is a continuous process that will be implemented throughout the project life cycle by conducting interim and final audits. Within the scope of the review, the auditor will be required to carry out a compliance check on the legality of procurement procedures, signed contracts and annexes thereto, if any. Such controls shall be carried out to comply with applicable regulations in respect of all procedures relating to the award of all types of project activities. At a minimum, the auditor will carry out a conformity assessment on legality, taking into account the applicable legislation, the subject matter and nature of the activities included in the project, as well as all documents under the Regulation on the implementation of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021, Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021; Agreement on the implementation of the programme "Local development, poverty reduction and enhanced inclusion of vulnerable groups" signed on 25 July 2018. The contractual engagement report (independent financial audit) will be prepared in accordance with International Standard on Related Services (IPSAS) 4400 and will be presented as an interim and final review report on the contractual commitment. An audit report will be carried out by an independent expert from Iceland on the costs of the activities of the Project Partner, Reykjavik Municipality. 7 220.00 0.00
Publicity and information: In order to guarantee the principles of publicity and transparency in the planning and implementation of the project, a Communication Plan has been developed. Its objectives are: To raise awareness among the general public about the FM of the EEA 2014 - 2021, the opportunities that the tool offers, as well as the results that are achieved in this case through the implementation of the project "Establishment of Youth International Center Burgas"; To ensure and guarantee transparency in the implementation of the project "Establishment of the Youth International Center Burgas"; To raise public awareness about the opportunities for improving the quality of life of young people in the Burgas District, to provide up-to-date information to young people about the complex services offered in the center, as well as information about various events, campaigns, discussions and others; Establishing good partnerships with the Municipality of Reykjavik, Iceland, as well as promoting joint project activities related to youth exchanges and sharing good practices. The following main tools will be used: working with the media, advertising on the Internet, production and distribution of printed and advertising materials, organizing and conducting information campaigns and events. The preparation and implementation of the information and publicity measures will follow the guidelines set out in Annex 3 "Information and Communication Requirements" of the Regulation implementing the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. It is planned to develop and maintain a website of the center. The website will include new opportunities for interactive communication with young people blog, Twitter, Facebook profile, RSS feed and other popular modern high-tech methods for information, communication and exchange of ideas. The site will have a forum with a specially designed module for feedback and comments. The page will provide news and up-to-date information about the activities performed and about their results and impact on the target groups, photos, videos. It is planned to develop printed materials such as brochures, posters, roll banners, information flyers, stickers, billboards, information board, banners, as well as merchandise products - notebooks, chemicals, bracelets, folders, T-shirts, hats. A minimum of 8 messages will be published on the website of the Municipality of Burgas; As information events are provided - 2 pcs. press conferences - opening and closing; International Youth Logo Competition; and 6 pcs. information events and campaigns. To cover the project activities, the Municipality of Burgas will cooperate with regional and national print and electronic media, regional and national radio and television and social media. The center's logo will be chosen in an innovative way - through an international youth drawing competition. An advertising video for the activities of the center will be made. 118 233.00 47 818.80


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).