Saved trees

Programme: Transport and Transport Infrastructure

Planning region: All


Subject to due process: Наемане на външни оценители и помощник-оценители, Estimated Amount: 16 800.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Георги Дончев Симеонов
    Contractor: Georgi
    Contract total funded value: 500.00
  • Differentiated position 2: Милена Стойчева Димитрова
    Contractor: Milena
    Contract total funded value: 500.00
  • Differentiated position 3: Мария Райкова Грънчарова
    Contractor: Maria
    Contract total funded value: 500.00
  • Differentiated position 4: Пламена Станчева Стойкова
    Contractor: Plamena
    Contract total funded value: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 5: Пламена Живкова Николова
    Contractor: Plamena
    Contract total funded value: 500.00
  • Differentiated position 6: Радостина Иванова Андонова
    Contractor: Radostina
    Contract total funded value: 1 500.00
  • Differentiated position 7: Красимира Пейкова Кънчева
    Contractor: Krasimira
    Contract total funded value: 500.00
  • Differentiated position 8: Златка Георгиева Мечева
    Contractor: Zlatka
    Contract total funded value: 500.00
  • Differentiated position 9: Васко Ананиев Василев
    Contractor: Vasko
    Contract total funded value: 700.00
  • Differentiated position 10: Снежина Господинова Ортакчийска
    Contractor: Snejina
    Contract total funded value: 500.00
  • Differentiated position 11: Валентин Захариев Захариев
    Contractor: Valentin
    Contract total funded value: 500.00
  • Differentiated position 12: Деница Николаева Дечева
    Contractor: Denitsa
    Contract total funded value: 500.00
Subject to due process: Одит на проекта, Estimated Amount: 2 121.80
  • Differentiated position 1: ОДИТ КОНСУЛТ КОЛЕВИ ООД
    Contractor: Audit Kolevi Consult Ltd.
    Contract total funded value: 2 546.16
Subject to due process: Организация и управление на проекта, Estimated Amount: 27 320.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Мирослава Сергеева Шопова
    Contractor: Miroslava
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 2: Милка Момчилова Бонева
    Contractor: Milka
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 3: Мария Веселинова Боянова
    Contractor: Maria
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 4: Джоана Стефанова Иванова
    Contractor: Joanna
    Contract total funded value: 27 320.00
Subject to due process: Разходи за публичност и визуализация, Estimated Amount: 2 600.00
  • Differentiated position 1: "ИНФО ТРЕЙНИНГ" ООД
    Contractor: INFO TRAINING
    Contract total funded value: 1 920.00
Subject to due process: Техническа помощ за създаване на градски мрежи и участие в прояви на равнище на ЕС, свързани с интегрирано градско устойчиво развитие, Estimated Amount: 88 012.35
  • Differentiated position 1: НСОРБ - Актив ЕООД
    Contractor: "NAMRB - Activ" Ltd.
    Contract total funded value: 218 728.30
Subject to due process: Участие в програми за обмен на опит и добри практики, Estimated Amount: 103 854.58
  • Differentiated position 1: НСОРБ - Актив ЕООД
    Contractor: "NAMRB - Activ" Ltd.
    Contract total funded value: 218 728.30


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).