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Programme: Transport and Transport Infrastructure

Planning region: All


This project proposal is aimed at modernizing an existing practice for dental medicine by purchasing modern dental equipment.
There are 4 separate cabinets in the dental center, which employ 4 doctors in dentistry.
Buying modern dental equipment is a tremendous necessity for the dental office of the applicant, given that some of the equipment is completely dampened and signs of frequent damage are noticed. The goal of the doctors is to avoid these frequent damages, which lead to a delay in their activity, as well as a decrease in the quality of the service provided and the patient's convenience.
By purchasing dental units with multiple functionalities and tools, the doctors will save time and resources, will be able to quickly and qualitatively serve their clients, and given the constant flow of customers, they will have the opportunity to carry out more manipulations at the same time. The many new functionalities will allow for additional manipulations which will contribute to the more precise performance of the dental services and thus the dentists will gain competitive advantage compared to the other Ihtiman practices. At the same time, machines are engineered to save energy and water costs, which in turn will lead to increased resource efficiency. 
Last but not least, the purchase of new equipment will significantly increase patient comfort during treatment.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Развитие на услуги в сектор Q ХУМАННО ЗДРАВЕОПАЗВАНЕ И СОЦИАЛНА РАБОТА, Раздел 86 - 86.23 Дейност на лекари по дентална медицина съгласно Приложение № 18: Дейността ще се изпълни чрез закупуването на съвременно стоматологично оборудване, вкючващо: 3 дентални юнита с допълнителни пакети към тях, 3 турбини, 3 обратни наконечника 1:1, 1 бр. обратен наконечник 1:5, наконечник за полиране на зъби, медицински лупи, въздушен безмаслен компресор, аспирационна система, амалгам сепаратор, автоклав, дестилатор на вода, опаковъчна машина, ендодонтски мотор, апекслокатор и уреди за триизмерно запълване с гутаперка. Закупуването на стоматологичното оборудване е разход, който е изцяло свързан с развитието на услуга в сектор Q ХУМАННО ЗДРАВЕОПАЗВАНЕ И СОЦИАЛНА РАБОТА, Раздел 86 - 86.23 Дейност на лекари по дентална медицина съгласно Приложение № 18 и критерий 9 от Раздел 22 "Критерии и методика за оценка на проектните предложения". В допълнение, при изпълнение на проекта ще бъдат назначени допълнителни служители. 127 322.00 115 322.00


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).