Saved trees

Programme: Transport and Transport Infrastructure

Planning region: All


The project proposal of the municipality of Valchi dol is planned to be implemented on the territory of the municipality for a period of 15 months. The project proposal of the municipality envisages reforming the system of social services and facilitating the transition to the new mechanisms on the territory of the municipality, through the development and strengthening of municipal capacity. Currently, on issues related to the implementation of the Personal Assistance Act (PAA), the Law on Persons with Disabilities (PAA) and the Social Services Act (SSA), in its part relating to the state-delegated activity "Assistant Support", 4 are working employees from the Municipal Administration, who are to be appointed as a target group, and 3 of them will work for 11 months, and 1 - for 14 months. According to the project, both these 4 employees will be trained, as well as 2 people from the Project Management Team and 2 people, heads of social services operating on the territory of the municipality, will be trained. The training will be carried out with the aim of providing integrated support to the municipality of Valchi Dol in the implementation of its powers under the Social Services Act (SSA), the Disabled Persons Act (PAA) and the Personal Assistance Act (PAA), which will allow smooth and trouble-free introduction of reforms in the field of social services and personal assistance and will accelerate the provision of more effective, efficient and quality care to persons from the most vulnerable groups of the population on the territory of the municipality of 22 settlements. During the implementation of the project, 2 supervisions of 6 persons from the target group will be carried out, incl. 1 person appointed under the project for 14 months, 3 persons appointed for 11 months, and the two heads of social services of Valchi dol municipality.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Подготовка за обезпечаване правомощията на община Вълчи дол по ЗСУ, ЗХУ и ЗЛП и създаване на работни места (фронт-офис),наемане, обучение и супервизия на персонала, необходим за изпълнение на задълженията и отговорностите на община Вълчи дол по ЗЛП/ЗХУ, както и по ЗСУ в частта, свързана с насочването от общините за ползване на социални услуги. : Община Вълчи дол ще извърши подготовка за обезпечаване правомощията на общината по ЗСУ, ЗХУ и ЗЛП и създаване на работни места 4 бр., в т.ч. създаване и изграждане на 1 бр. фронт-офис. Ще се извърши наемане, обучение и супервизия на персонала, необходим за изпълнение на задълженията и отговорностите на община Вълчи дол по ЗЛП/ЗХУ, както и по ЗСУ в частта, свързана с насочването от общината за ползване на социални услуги. За функциониране на фронт офиса ще бъде закупено оборудване, материали и консумативи, необходими за изпълнение на дейността по проекта. 34 642.00 26 930.62


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).