Saved trees

Programme: Transport and Transport Infrastructure

Planning region: All


The cult religious temple in the village of Dolno Prahovo, Ardino municipality, according to a notary deed for ownership of real estate under prescription, is an unregulated land property located outside the urbanized territory of the village of  Dolno Prahovo, Ardino municipality with an area of 5,457 decares, together with the built on it buildings:
- Ritual building / mosque / - two-storey massive building with a built-up area of 183 sq.m;
- Another building for household services - one-storey building with a built-up area of 105 sq.m;
- Warehouse - one-storey building with a built-up area of 25 sq.m.
According to Decision №1 / 14.02.2020 of the District Court - Kardzhali, the Muslim Board of Trustees - Dolno Prahovo village is entered in the register of religions.
The mosque occupies a central place and is the only prayer house in the neighborhood, covering the settlements of Dolno Prahovo, Gorno Prahovo, Bashevo, Chernigovo, Dedino, Tarna, Levtsi with a total population of 1,457 people.
The building has historical value, but is not entered in the register of immovable cultural heritage of National Institute of Immovable Cultural Heritage.
The ritual building with the auxiliary buildings was built in the XIX century, which is why restoration, repair and reconstruction activities are necessary.
This project proposal envisages construction and installation works for the reconstruction of a building for public services to the mosque in the village of Dolno Prahovo, including all associated costs, including: costs for preparation of an investment project in the phase "Technical project", costs for author's supervision, costs for construction supervision and costs for project management.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
"Реконструкция на сграда за битови услуги към джамия с. Долно Прахово": Извършване на строително - монтажни работи за възстановяване, ремонт и реконструкция на сграда за битови услуги към джамия в с. Долно Прахово, включващо и всички съпътстващи разходи, в т.ч.: разходи за управелние на проекта, разходи за строителен надзор и авторски надзор, разходи за изготвяне на инвестиционен проект във фаза "Технически проект". 49 269.80 49 269.80


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).