The main objective of the present budget line is to support the activities of the AFCOS Directorate in the performance of its operational responsibilities related to the control, coordination and protection of the ESIF financial interests through financing on-the-spot controls in Bulgaria, provision of the needed resources for the Directorate, as well as the improvement of the employees’ professional knowledge and skills through participation in training courses, seminars, study visits, workshops, etc. The implementation of the present budget line will ensure that the employees of the AFCOS, dealing with the ESIF matters shall actively participate in different events and workshops for exchange of good practices on the ESIF matters organized by the EU institutions and the competent institutions within the MS; to carry out administrative investigations and on-the-spot controls, independently or jointly with OLAF on grant contracts, funded by the EISF, etc. The implementation of the financial plan will enable the structures with criminal investigative functions to get acquainted with the investigative functions of OLAF; the employees from the AFCOS will get familiar with investigation practices regarding crimes of spending EU funds. The implementation of the financial plan will safeguard the horizontal policies regarding public procurement and equality between men and women. The number of staff within the Directorate is not divided to quotas by gender. The principle of non-discrimination is safeguarded during application and recruitment of new employees as regards to gender, race, ethnicity, religion, disabilities, age or sexual orientation. In all cases for relevant criteria serves the education possessed, qualifications and work experience required for the position. The implementation of the financial plan foresees the conducting of 7 tender procedures, with accordance to the requirements of The Public Procurement Act and its Rules of application.