Saved trees

Programme: Good Governance

Planning region: All


The current project proposal is for the purchase of agricultural machinery: mower, hay picker, chipper, trailer, tractor, roller, water tank with options for gasoline pump and pumping system and elements which will be used to cultivate the applicant's agricultural areas,  located on the territory of the municipality Devnya.

"MARCIANA - AGRO" EOOD cultivates leased and own agricultural land and sells the produced products on the domestic market. For the business year 2022/2023. Currently, the applicant cultivates over 2,830 decares of land. The main crops that the applicant grows are wheat, corn, sunflower, barley and, to a lesser extent, alfalfa sorghum.

  The selection of suppliers was carried out on the basis of the "lowest price" criterion:
- For the purchase of the water tank in one of the options for it, a contract was concluded with Madara Agro EOOD, Shumen, worth BGN 35,009.69 excl. VAT. The asset is included in the reference list, therefore one offer is attached to the current project proposal.
- For the purchase of the mower and the hay picker, a contract was concluded with BIG HIX EAD, Stara Zagora for the value of 23,390 euros or the equivalent of BGN 45,746.16 excl. VAT (at an exchange rate of BGN 1.9558 per 1 euro).
- For the purchase of the shredder and the trailer, a contract was concluded with Agrotron 2007 OOD, Targovishte, worth 42,992 euros or the equivalent of BGN 84,083.75 excl. VAT (at an exchange rate of BGN 1.9558 per 1 euro).
- For the purchase of the tractor and the roller, a contract was concluded with Agroin OOD, Stara Zagora, worth BGN 221,000.00 not incl. VAT.
- For the development of a business plan, a contract was concluded with Varna Casta EOOD worth BGN 4,000. The contractor is not registered under VAT

The total cost of the project is BGN 389,839.60, with "Marciana Agro" EOOD applying for reimbursement of 50% of them, or in the amount of BGN 194,919.80.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Подобряване конкурентоспобността на „МАРЦИАНА – АГРО“ ЕООД, чрез закупуване на селскостопанска техника: В изпълнение на дейността кандидатът ще закупи следните активи: 1. Косачка KRONE AM R 240 – работна ширина 2.44 м. - 1бр. на стойност 23,997.67 лв.; 2. Сеносъбирач KRONE SWADRO S 380 – работна ширина 3.80 м. - 1 бр. на стойност 21,748.49 лв.; 3. Раздробител, сечка, навсена HORSCH Cultro 6 TC 3-Punkt - работна ширина 5.70 м. - 1 бр. на стойност 44,983.40 лв.; 4. Ремарке тандем ROMSAN R10TASGAP4 - обем 12 м3 - 1 бр. на стойност 39,100.35 лв.; 5. Трактор STEYR 4120 Multi - 117 к.с. - 1бр. на стойност 182,600.00 лв.; 6. Валяк DAL-BO MINIMAX SNOWFLAKE 630X55 – работна ширина 6.30 м. - 1 бр. на стойност 38,400.00 лв.; 7. Цистерна за вода MADARA CV7 000 – полезен товар 7 т. - 1 бр. на стойност 30,511.00 лв.; 8. Бензинова помпа към цистерна за вода (опция) - 1 бр.на стойност 1,740.69 лв.; 9. Помпена система и елементи към цистерна за вода (опция) - 1 бр.на стойност 2,758.00 лв. 385 839.60 305 846.51
Изготвяне на бизнес план и придружаващата кандидатстването документация: Основна цел на дейността бе осигуряване на изпълнител за изработване на конкурентно проектно предложение, включително бизнес план и придружаваща документация. Съгласно условията за кандидатстване и допустимите разходи, разходът за консултантски услуги е общ разход свързан с проекта. Дейността е извършена преди датата на кандидатстване с настоящото проектно предложение и след 01.01.2014 г. 4 000.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).