Saved trees

Programme: Good Governance

Planning region: All


In recent years, in its active activity "Fish Farming Pazardzhik" Ltd. has matured the idea and the need to build its own mini-factories for feed production. There are several reasons for this - the higher cost of animal feed produced in large factories and transported over long distances; their unsatisfactory quality or the urgent need for specialized feed prepared according to a special recipe.
Feeding is a basic prerequisite for achieving optimal efficiency on the farm. By creating the right feed balance you can increase the productivity and quality of farmed aquaculture. In the current project we will build a Feed Warehouse and a Feed Shop. The investment will help to create its own feed farm in the field of aquaculture.
The feed shop will produce two types of feed for predatory fish and herbivorous fish. The fodder workshop is planned to be a one-storey building in compliance with the requirements for the implementation of the specified activity. The facilities for the production of both types of feed are own, and are not subject to funding for this item.
The second building will be a Feed Warehouse, where we will store raw materials for feed production and finished products. The warehouse will be made in the form of a hall in sync with the necessary requirements and standards for the activities for which it will be used.
The implementation of this project and the available facilities and equipment that we have will create a prerequisite for the construction of a feed farm profiled in the field of aquaculture, which in itself will be flexible to meet the challenges of the market in the industry.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Изграждане на Цех за за производство на фураж и Склад за съхранение на фураж: Предвижда се изграждане на цех за производство на фураж, който ще бъде оборудван със съоръжения собственост на фирмата . Ще се произвежда фураж в две разновидности за хищни риби и растителноядни. Дейността и продуктите са нови за района на МИРГ Пазарджик. Производството на фуража ще бъде под формата на гранули и тясно специализиран в областта на аквакултурите, за които е предназначен. Висока хранителна стойност и качества на фуража ще спомогнат за по-доброто производителност на потребители отглеждащи аквакултури. Успоредно с това ще бъде изграден склад за съхранение на готовата продукция - гранулиран фураж и суровините необходими за неговото производство. С предвидените дейности по проекта и собствените съоръжения, и оборудване ще изградим фуражна кухня, която ще бъде естествено продължение в развитието на фирмата и нейната стратегия. 387 999.00 387 984.70


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).