Saved trees

Programme: Good Governance

Planning region: All


The project aims at the development of communities engaged in fishing and aquaculture production in the coastal areas along the Danube River and inland reservoirs of the target territory, as well as diversification of the economy to improve the well-being of the population. The established partnership aims to solve long-standing challenges related to the lack of investment in the fishing sector, better the image of fish farming, overcome the problem of low income of the population in the fishing areas, as well as retaining young people in the territory of the fishing areas and addressing environmental challenges. The support, will increase the quality of life of the population in fishing and aquaculture dependent communities, as well as other stakeholders and overall revitalization of the economic development. It is planned to carry out capacity building activities and preparatory actions to support the development and future implementation of a strategy between the municipalities of Vidin, Novo Selo and Bregovo, which will support its strong sides and develop the capacity to attract investments for the development of the fishing sector. The popularization of the CLD approach will be carried out by holding 4 meetings, one in each of the three municipalities and one round table, within which the public will be informed about the process of developing a CLD strategy in the target territory. Another group of activities refers to the study of the territory of the three municipalities. A socio-economic analysis of the "Vidin-Novo selo-Bregovo" Local Initiative Fishing Group LIFG will be prepared, a study of the strengths and weaknesses of the territory (SWAT analysis), as well as the preparation of a strategy for the CLD of the Vidin-Novo selo-Bregovo LIFG and Analysis of partnerships. It is also planned to hold two types of one-day trainings on the topic "What is LIFG and who can participate?", as well as "Preparation and management of LIFG Vidin-Novo selo-Bregovo".
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Учредяване на МИРГ "Видин - Ново село - Брегово": Организационни работи по Учредяване на МИРГ "Видин - Ново село - Брегово" 1 300.00 0.00
Информационни срещи и обучения: Популяризирането на подхода ВОМР ще се осъществи, чрез провеждането на 4 срещи, по една във всяка от трите общини и една кръгла маса, в рамките на които ще се информира обществеността за процеса по разработване на стратегия за ВОМР в целевата територия. Предвижда се и провеждането на два вида еднодневни обучения на тема "Какво е ВОМР и кой може да участва?”, както и “Подготовка и управление на МИРГ Видин-Ново село-Брегово". 5 360.00 0.00
Разработване на стратегия на МИРГ "Видин-Ново село-Брегово": Проучването на територията на трите общини. За целта ще се изготви един социално-икономически анализ на МИРГ "Видин- Ново село-Брегово”, проучване на силните и слабите страни на територията (SWAT анализ), както и изготвяне на стратегия за ВОМР на МИРГ Видин-Ново село-Брегово и Анализ на партньорствата. 15 829.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).