Participating Organizations
Partner legal entity | Contracted Amount* | Reported Amount |
913252306 CULTURE BREAK BORDERS | 19 558.30 | 9 211.96 |
Contractor legal entity | Contracted Amount* | Reported Amount** |
131165086 ILEIT | 32 438.16 | 36 042.00 |
175614369 RESOURCE CENTER FOR EUROPEAM COLLABORATION | 31 536.00 | 35 040.00 |
983732089 Stable studio AS | 28 924.15 | 29 573.46 |
20081968 Frode Barth | 47 241.26 | 52 440.89 |
130194074 GEMA MUSIC | 22 349.36 | 24 832.64 |
831152722 FOMUS | 6 386.38 | 7 096.00 |
25121963 Oystein Fevang | 1 760.22 | 0.00 |
202926194 Free tour Ltd. | 92 361.87 | 102 624.30 |
205617395 Cloud Nine Consulting Ltd. | 10 530.00 | 11 700.00 |
07021964 Pal Rullestad | 3 520.44 | 5 807.30 |
Contractor physical person | Contracted Amount* | Reported Amount** |
Tzvetelina | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Daniela | 680.40 | 756.00 |
Dian | 6 484.80 | 6 054.46 |
Rumiana | 1 339.74 | 1 488.60 |
Plamenka | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Mihaela | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Filip | 680.40 | 756.00 |
Ivelina | 6 948.00 | 9 713.85 |
Alexander | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Siana | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Sonia | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Venezia | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Albena | 7 392.00 | 9 718.95 |
Kiril | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Zarina | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Borislava | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Svetlana | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Elena | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Krasimira | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
Tzvetelina | 1 339.74 | 1 488.60 |
Anelia | 1 224.72 | 1 360.80 |
* The projected contract value may be lower than the reported one because of any of the following reasons:
Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
- For physical person, the contracted value does not include the employer expenses, which are admissible expenses and are accounted under the project
- The Beneficiary has reported expense only with an invoice without a contract with the selected contractor
- The beneficiary has reported over again expenses to the MA
Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN