Participating Organizations
Partner legal entity | Contracted Amount* | Reported Amount |
42354498 Association “Home” | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Contractor legal entity | Contracted Amount* | Reported Amount** |
203425179 Globalno Travel Ltd. | 24 000.00 | 24 000.00 |
175054002 A amp; A CONSULTING LTD. | 6 000.00 | 6 000.00 |
204798213 New Evrika LTD | 28 800.00 | 28 800.00 |
203858351 MS EUROCONSULT LTD. | 3 360.00 | 3 360.00 |
175272976 Busy Ltd. | 21 600.00 | 21 600.00 |
175313729 GAUS Ltd. | 28 200.00 | 28 200.00 |
203330560 ProTechSys Ltd. | 9 000.00 | 18 384.00 |
203779306 KAMPINO 2000 LTD | 3 600.00 | 4 560.00 |
* The projected contract value may be lower than the reported one because of any of the following reasons:
Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
- For physical person, the contracted value does not include the employer expenses, which are admissible expenses and are accounted under the project
- The Beneficiary has reported expense only with an invoice without a contract with the selected contractor
- The beneficiary has reported over again expenses to the MA
Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN