Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: International


The present investment project envisages the opening of a modern photographic studio to offer innovative art-photographic services. The candidate company is registered as EOOD with the owner Nadya Krasimirova Gancheva. The headquarters of the company is Belene, Belene, reg. Pleven. The photographic studio will be located at 10, Vasil Levski Str. The main clients will be the local residents of the town of Belene, the surrounding settlements and the nearby settlements of the Municipality of Nikopol, as well as the guests of the town of Belene who visit the local attractions - Persina Nature Park and others.
The project initiative provides for the purchase of high-end assets, through which the provision of high quality photographic art services will be realized.
The present project initiative is a kind of investment for professional realization during the active life of the entrepreneur, possessing the necessary skills and qualities in the field of photography, which guarantees full participation in the society and the right to decent work, development of human capital, providing higher employment, income and social integration. The entrepreneur Nadya Gancheva has a long-time amateur experience, started as a hobby in the field of photography and graduated a vocational training course called Graphic Design for which she holds a Vocational Training Certificate №453-40 / 25.02.2019, which will greatly contributes to the quality artwork for the captured photos.
The envisaged fixed assets included in the project budget fully correspond to the technological process for carrying out activities in the sphere of photography, the aesthetic layout of the picture material, etc. The long-term amateur experience of the developer in this field has created the need to work with high-quality materials, machines and art decors to achieve the satisfaction of potential customers.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Ракриване на модерно Арт ателие за предоставяне на висококачествени фотографски услуги: Настоящият инвестиционен проект предвижда разкриване на модерно фотографско ателие за предлагане на иновативни арт-фотографски услуги. Фирмата-кандидат е регистрирана като ЕООД със собственик Надя Красимирова Ганчева. Седалището на фирмата е гр. Белене, общ. Белене, обл. Плевен. Фотографското студио ще бъде разположено на ул. „Васил Левски“ №10. Основни клиенти ще бъдат местните жители на град Белене, околните населени места и близките населени места от община Никопол, както и гостите на гр. Белене, посещаващи местните забележителности – ПП „Персина“ и др. В проектната инициатива се предвижда закупуване на висок клас активи, чрез които ще бъде осъществено предлагането на високо качествени арт фотографски услуги, а именно: № Инвестиция Вид Модел, порода, тип, сорт, други К-во мярка 1 Компютърна конфигурация ASROCK GAMING K6 S.1151 1 бр. 2 Принтер BROTHER DCP-L8410CDW 1 бр. 3 Фотоапарат Nikon D750 тяло 1 бр. 4 Фотоапарат Nikon D850 тяло 1 бр. 5 Светкавица Nikon SB-700- Фотосинтез - Photosynthesis 1 бр. 6 Обектив Tamron SP 24 1 бр. 7 Обектив Tamron SP 70 1 бр. 8 Обектив Nikon AF-S Nikkor 85 mm f/1.8G 1 бр. 9 Комплект Dynaphos 66779 Delicacy 600 Home Studio 1 бр. 10 Мебели за фотостудио По приложена оферта от "Минчев Мебел" ООД 1 бр. 31 899.36 28 446.81


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).