Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: International


The investment intention is related to increasing the area of ​​an existing processing enterprise of the company "Ariel Fish" Ltd., and for this purpose a new room will be built for packaging of fish products. The MI is intended to achieve greater comfort of work, and reduce to a minimum the likelihood of cross-contamination. After the implementation of the project proposal it is envisaged: optimization of the work processes, modernization of the use of manual labor; increasing production capacity; improving the quality of manufactured products; reducing the risk of additional pollution from staff; increasing the shelf life of some of the manufactured products.
The company was founded in May 2010 with the subject of activity: "Processing of fish and fish products, ice production". The fish factory and the warehouse are located in the village of Vaglen, Aksakovo municipality. The administrative, production and storage premises are built on their own land with an area of ​​3,450 m2.
The investment in the processing enterprise will contribute to higher competitiveness of the production and services, to increase the volume of the production of the enterprise, and to the establishment and development of the business. The project envisages:
- construction of an extension to an existing production building, as a new room for packaging of chilled and frozen fish products will be built in it;
- increasing the area of ​​the refrigeration room for salting and marinating;
- construction of new refrigeration chambers
- moving the position of the refrigerator for shock freezing
- construction of a room for ice production;
The project proposal falls within the eligible activities 3 and 4 of the Conditions for application as follows:
3. Activities related to the production and processing of fish and other aquatic organisms.
4. Lead to new or improved products / processes / management and organizational systems and / or to the diversification of the candidates' incomes.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Строително-монтажни работи: Строително - монтажните работи предвиждат: - изграждане на пристройка към съществуваща производствена сграда, като в нея ще се изгради ново помещение за пакетиране на охладени и замразени рибни продукти; - увеличаване на площа на хладилното помещение за осоляване и мариноване; - изграждане на нови хладилни камери; - преместване позицията на хладилната камера за шоково замразяване; - изграждане на помещение за производство на лед= СМР ще се изпълняват по одобрен инвестиционен проект включващ следните части: 1. СМР част Конструкция 2. СМР част Архитектура 3. СМР част Електро 4. СМР част ВиК 5. СМР част ОВК 6. СМР част Озеленяване 7. СМР част Хлад. оборудване 330 616.62 329 879.17


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).