Subject to due process: КОНСУЛТАНТСКИ УСУГИ,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Differentiated position 1: КОНСУЛТАНТСКИ УСУГИContractor: ZAVAR EOODContract total funded value: 0.00
Subject to due process: СМР,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Differentiated position 1: СМРContractor: HIDROSTROI ADContract total funded value: 0.00
Subject to due process: УПРАВЛЕНИЕ НА ПРОЕКТА,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Differentiated position 1: УПРАВЛЕНИЕ НА ПРОЕКТАContractor: STANJER EOODContract total funded value: 0.00
Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN