Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Community-led local development (CLLD)


The project envisages delivery, installation and commissioning of a horizontal sawmill - technological equipment for processing wood into timber - beams, beams, planks and planks.
With the current project proposal, "Forest Market" EOOD intends to start its own business with the main subject of activity - processing of wood into timber - logs, beams, planks, boards and others, which activity will become possible after the implementation of the current project and purchase on a horizontal bench. For this purpose, the company rented an existing industrial building with a built-up area of ​​747 sq.m., located in a property with ID number 23025.502.1162.1.The building has a metal structure - metal columns located on an axis of 6m and lattice trusses moving 12m. The exterior and interior walls are made of 25cm brick. The clear height of the building to the lower truss belt is 4m, and to the ridge of the building is 6m. The roof is double-pitched with a slope of the roof plane of 25% and is solved with lt galvanized sheet metal. The garage and all double doors are metal, and the windows are wooden - single-story. The capacity of the workshop is determined by the productivity of the main machine – horizontal banzig, but considering the non-mechanized manual labor when feeding the logs to the conveyor and the necessary readjustment of the machine, its productivity will be 5-12 m3 of raw material per day at a yield of 50-60%. For production needs, 6 new jobs will be created, which will improve the social situation in the town of Dospat.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Доставка, монтаж и пускане в експлоатация на един брой хоризонтален банциг. : С проекта се цели стартиране на производствена дейността и диверсификация на производството на „ФОРЕСТ МАРКЕТ“ ЕООД , създаване на устойчив и конкурентоспособен местен бизнес, създаване на нови работни места и допринасяне за намаляване на безработицата в региона. За реализиране на инвестицията се кандидаства за финансово подпомагане по процедура BG06RDNP001-19.285 на Местна инициативна група Високи Западни Родопи – Борино – Доспат – Сърница - подмярка 8.6 "Инвестиции в технологии за лесовъдство и в преработката, мобилизирането и търговията на горски продукти". 383 025.00 0.00
Управление на проекта: По повод на извършване на тази дейност е избран консултант за предоставяне на консултантската услуга. По време на изпълнението на проекта, ще се изпълняват дейностите по управление, отчитане по време на изпълнението на проекта. Дейността ще включва и комуникация с управляващия орган 8 125.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).