Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Community-led local development (CLLD)


The current project proposal is for the purchase of an attached equipment fertilizer spreader and stick sprayer, which will be used for the fertilization and spraying of the applicant's agricultural areas located in the lands of the villages of Geshanovo, Enevo, Karapelit, Podslon and Feldfebel Denkovo, municipality. Dobrichka.
The goal that the applicant wishes to achieve with the newly purchased agricultural machinery, the subject of the current project proposal, is to achieve a consistently high quantity and quality of yields, low production costs and losses, as well as reducing its dependence on weather conditions.
At the moment, the applicant is using rental equipment to process his areas. In view of the started expansion of cultivated areas, the management of the company developed an investment program to secure its own machine park and the purchase of the assets, subject of the current project proposal, are part of it. Since the spraying and fertilizing activities are carried out most times during the cultivation of the land, the constant use of rental equipment as a service makes the production more expensive.
In order to improve the operation and increase the efficiency of his holding, the applicant intends to purchase and put into operation the following assets, the subject of this investment proposal:
• RAUCH AXIS M 30.2 W plow - 1 piece - working width from 12 to 42 meters, depending on the size of the disc;
• Sprayer CAFFINI STARTER 3300 l./24 meters – 1 piece.
The total net financial resource for the implementation of the investment is in the amount of 148,500.00 (one hundred and forty-eight thousand and five hundred.) BGN excluding VAT. The assets will be purchased by Zlatex OOD. having provided preliminary contracts for the purchase. The assets are included in the list for which DF "Agriculture" has reference prices.
"MOTO CONSULT DOBRICH" EOOD applied for 50% financial support in the amount of 74,250.00  BGN.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Инвестиции в материални активи за подобряване дейността на “МОТО КОНСУЛТ ДОБРИЧ” ЕООД : С цел подобряване на работата и повишаване на ефективността на стопанството си, кандидатът възнамерява да закупи и въведе в експлоатация следните активи, предмет на настоящото инвестиционно предложение: • Торачка RAUCH AXIS M 30.2 W – 1 брой – работна ширина от 12 до 42 метра, в зависимост от размера на диска; • Пръскачка CAFFINI STARTER 3300 л./24 метра– 1 брой. Целта, която кандидатът желае да постигне с новозакупената земеделска техника, предмет на настоящото проектно предложение е постигане на постоянно високо количеството и качеството на добивите, ниска себестойност и загуби на продукцията, както и намаляване зависимостта си от метеорологичните условия. Към момента кандидатът ползва техника под наем за обработка на своите площи. Предвид стартиралото разширяване на обработваемите площи, ръководството на дружеството разработи инвестиционна програма за осигуряване на собствен машинен парк и закупуването на активите, предмет на настоящото проектно предложение, са част от нея. Тъй като дейностите по пръскане и торене се осъществяват най-много пъти при обработката на земята, то и постоянното ползване на техника под наем като услуга оскъпява продукцията. 148 500.00 148 500.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).