Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Community-led local development (CLLD)


The project proposal includes the recreation of folk traditions and customs through two presentations – “Eniovden” and “Koleduvane”. The recreation of “Eniovden” continues one day. It happens in June in Lilkovo in front of the eyes of inhabitants and guests of the village. It is also planned to present the recreation of “Eniovden” in front of the local community of Sitovo, municipality of Rhodope. This presentation includes the recreation of the traditional folk rituals, collecting bunches of flowers and giving them different blessings, knitting a big festive wreath of herbs and flowers and going under it. The recreation of “Koleduvane” shows the typical traditions for the village and the region. This event happens in December in Lilkovo and continues for one day. The presentation of “Koleduvane” includes blessing the others for health and prosperity, singing songs and line dancing. The participants in the events “Tell me so I know, show me so I can preserve” are local amateurs from the folk formations “Rodopski slavei” and “Tantsuvasht zvan” , which are part of the community center  “Rodopska iskra 2020” in Lilkovo. For full authenticity and preservation of the specific local identity of the custom - the participants will be dressed in typical Rhodope folk costumes and accessories. All materials used in the organization and in the presentation of the traditions are of natural origin- cotton, wool, wood, natural dyes, flowers, herbs, etc.,as it was in the “old days”, to empathize the environmentally friendly aspect of events and to promote environmental protection. In addition to the preservation of local identities, traditions and rituals, the implementation of the project will contribute to the sustainable development of the community center, the village and municipality “Rhodope" by promoting cultural tourism.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Пресъздаване на обредността и традициите на два празника - "Еньовден" и "Коледуване" чрез възстановки от местни самодейци: Предвидено е пресъздаването на обредността и традициите на двата празника "Еньовден" и "Коледуване" да се реализира от местни самодейци от фолклорните формации „Родопски славей“ и „Танцуващ звън“ към НЧ „Родопска искра 2020“, с. Лилково. При ритуалите се пеят народни песни, играят се хора, извършват се наричания за здраве и берекет - типични за селото и региона. Дейносттите ще се представят пред местна публика в с. Лилково и пред местната общност в с. Ситово, община Родопи. За пълната автентичност и съхраняване на специфичната местна идентичност на обредността - участниците е необходимо да бъдат облечени в типични родопски народни носии и аксесоари към тях. Това налага необходимостта от закупуване на носии - мъжки и дамски, като броя на носиите отговоря на броя на участниците самодейци; 12 000.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).