Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Community-led local development (CLLD)


The project aims at equipping the farm with the necessary equipment to contribute to increasing the productivity of a unit of agricultural land, improving the quality of the produced agricultural production, improving the agricultural land renewal, meeting the standards for environmental protection and improving working conditions .
That is why the project envisages to buy 1 pc. seeder for precision sowing of QUIVOGNE spring crops,
- 1 precision pneumatic seed drill for harvesting, 
- 1 fertilizer
- 1 6-line cultivator with chopper
- 1 cultivator with pre-sowing treatment
- 1 lean bar sprayer
 The value of the investment is BGN 42 650. This is an upgrading investment to modernize the farm of Deyan Geshev, which will allow an additional catalyst for intensification of production capacity and technological optimization of the production process of agricultural production.
The selected investment asset, which is the subject of this project, corresponds to the fullest extent of the farm's capacity. The choice of supplier is based on the relationship between price, quality characteristics and servicing of the equipment. The aid intensity of the project is 60% of the total eligible costs of the project.
Expected results can be defined as follows:
Improvement of the usual activity of the farm, its competitiveness and efficiency as a whole;
• Development of available material capacities on the holding and modernization of physical capital.
• Improving the quality of agricultural production
• Improving environmental protection
• Compliance with Community standards and the introduction of good agricultural practices
• The contract for the supply of raw material for processing with a food processing plant from the territory of the LAG will further strengthen the horizontal and vertical integrity of the LAG territory.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Доставка на земеделска техника: Основна цел на дейността е закупуване на необходимото оборудване за нуждите на стопанството, която да допринесе за повишаване на производителността на единица площ земеделска земя, повишаване на качеството на произведената земеделска продукция, подобряване на възобновяемостта на земеделската земя, покриване на стандартите относно опазване на околната среда и подобряване условията на труд. По проекта се предвижда да бъдат закупени 1 бр. прецизна пневматична сеялка за пролетници с торовнасяне, торачка, окопен култиватор 6-редов, с торовнасяне, култиватор с предсеитбена обработка инавесна щангова пръскачка като стойността на инвестицията е 42 650 лв. Това се явява надграждаща инвестиция за модернизиране на стопанството на ЗП Деян Гешев, която ще позволи допълнителен катализатор за интензифициране на производствения капацитет и технологично оптимизиране на процеса на производство на селскостопанска продукция. 42 650.00 48 350.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).