Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Community-led local development (CLLD)


The project envisages investments and measures to increase the biosecurity of the farm, in particular the livestock farm, by achieving a better level of prevention against mass outbreaks of infectious animal diseases.
Under the present project the following investments are envisaged. Silos are being built with a capacity of 3801 cubic meters or about 2,500 tons of fodder.
Protective barrier with mesh for ventilation valves for production premises against pests, 48 ​​per hall
for 10 halls - 480 pieces. Through these valves, the entire flow of air enters the animal's premises. By purchasing a protective barrier with a mesh for the valves, you will prevent the entry of insects and other pests into the premises.
UV lamps - 10 pieces and chlorinators for water disinfection - 10 pieces in the rooms where the birds are kept. One UV lamp and one chlorinator for water disinfection will be installed in each hall.
Thermal gasification machine for disinfection of production halls - atomizer - 1 piece.
Disinfection baths made of rubber 43/60/4 cm. - 10 pieces. They are placed at the entrance to the subscriber room, one for each subscriber room. 10 baths are needed for 10 halls. Upon entering the subscriber's room, the worker disinfects the shoes with which he moves in the white zone and with which he enters the room. Then he takes off the shoes with which he entered the subscriber's room and changes into shoes / boots only with which he can enter the animal halls. Before entering the tents with animals from the subscriber's room, 53/62/8 cm rubber disinfection baths are placed - 10 pieces.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Изграждане на силозно стопанство от два броя силози за съхранение на фураж: Ще бъдат доставени и монтирани оборудването към силозното стопанство, както и 2 броя силози. Съоръжението ще бъде въведено в експлоатация, с което ще се осигури биосигурност и защита от вредители. Инвестицията в съоръжения и оборудване е свързана с превенцията и повишаването на безопасността при съхранение на фуражи. 790 608.00 0.00
Доставка на оборудване за дезинфекция и доставка и монтаж на преградни съоръжения и съоръжение за обеззаразяване на водатата: Предвидени са за закупуване: Защитна преграда с мрежа за вентилационни клапи за производствени помещения против вредители. През тези клапи навлиза целият поток на въздух в помещенията на животните. UV лампи и хлораторите за дезинфекция на водата в помещенията, в които се отглеждат птиците. Термообгазяваща машина за дезинфекция на производствени халета - атомизатор. Дезинфекционни вани от каучук 43/60/4 см. Дезинфекционни вани от каучук 53/62/8 см 140 738.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).