Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Community-led local development (CLLD)


The project proposal objective relates to purchasing equipment for an event and for the main activity of the Association in training children and young people, mainly focused on the safety of the participants. The event "Catch the wind in the sail" will be held in the city of Burgas, on the Central Beach. This event is educational, cultural and sector-oriented, with the aim of increasing the culture to know and protect the sea. The project proposal objective is to popularize sailing sports among teenagers. On one hand, this will help them to grow up with a responsible attitude towards the sea, and on another, it will give them an opportunity to practice and get acquainted with a new sport that helps their development - thinking, coordination, sensitivity. The possibilities for active tourism combined with the natural features and the beautiful beach will be presented. In addition, a modern look will be given to the attractive entertainments, which will actually be part of a complete tourist package "Active Vacation". The event aims at increasing the attractiveness of the area as a tourist destination for various types of alternative tourism. In parallel with the training of young competitors and beach lovers, there will be demonstrations of water attractions and free training in water and sailing sea sports in the sea. The instructors will be professional competitors in sailing, surfing, paddle boarding, etc. At the end, there will be demo launches by the participants in the training of water and sailing sports. The main objectives of the event are to promote the fishing territory as a tourist destination and to show the local features and traditions in an attractive and engaging way, through which more people from all over the country with different interests will be attracted.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на специализирано оборудване за безопастност по време на обучения, състезания и събития.: Ще бъде закупено оборудване за самото събитие и за основната дейност на Сдружението в обучения, състезания и събития на деца и младежи, основно свързано с безопастността на участниците. Ще бъдат закупени средства за комуникация и навигация в морето (радистанции и GPS устройства), спасителни жилетки, помощни стройства за времеизмерване и организация на състезания и събития. 31 239.47 31 239.47
Събитие "ХВАНИ ВЯТЪРА В ПЛАТНАТА" : Ще бъдат представени възможностите за активен туризъм съчетан с природните дадености и красивия плаж. Паралелно с обучението на млади състезатели и любители на плажа, в морето ще се проведе демонстрации на водни атракции и безплатно обучение по водни и ветроходни морски спортове. Инструкторите ще бъдат проф. състезатели по ветроходство, сърф, падъл борд и др. В края ще се проведат стартове за демо от участниците в обучението по водни и ветроходни спортове.На официална церемония ще бдат връчени дипломи на завършилите "Детска Яхт Школа Бургас". 29 200.00 29 200.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).