Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Community-led local development (CLLD)


The project envisages the introduction of a new modernized machine at the Roy Agro EOOD feed production plant, which will lead to improved productivity and increased competitiveness of the company. The mission of the company is to produce and offer quality feed for the needs of breeders from the country and abroad. In order to achieve the project objectives, namely to increase the competitiveness of a processing enterprise, Royce Agro Ltd applied for this project under Measure 2 (code of the measure under the RDP 2014-2020 - 4.2.) "Investments in the processing sector" from the Community Local Government Development Strategy of LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad for the purchase of a new modernized machine that will improve the production potential of the holding . The Project Proposal of Roy Agro EOOD fully corresponds to the overall objective of Measure 2 (Code of the RDP measure 2014-2020 - 4.2.) "Investments in the Processing Sector" from the Community Local Government Development Strategy of LAG - Lyubimets - Ivaylovgrad - "Improving the attractiveness and improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the municipalities of Lyubimets and Ivaylovgrad through the sustainable development of a competitive agricultural sector, the creation of opportunities for the development of business and employment of the local population, the preservation of natural resources and the building of accessible and modern infrastructure, the promotion of local natural resources and traditions and the development of civil society ", as well as the specific objective: "Enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of enterprises in the food processing sector. Increasing labor productivity, improving quality, adding value and processing agricultural produce ".
The project asset will be purchased through a finance lease with a repayment term of 12 months in which the beneficiary will become its owner no later than the date of submission of the final payment request.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на газокар: На 22.05.2019г. беше сключен договор за финансов лизинг за доставка на Газокар HELI, модел CPQYD25 - RC1H. Договорът е със срок на изплащане 12 месеца, при който получателят на помощта ще стане собственик на актива не по-късно от датата на подаване на искане за окончателно плащане. В проекта не са включвани разходи за лихви и комисионни, печалба на лизинговата компания, разходи по лихви за рефинансиране, оперативни и застрахователни разходи по лизинговия договор. 33 600.00 33 599.99
Консултантски услуги по изготвяне и управление на проекта: Дейността включва : Изготвяне на проектно предложение за кандидатстване и приложения към него и последваща организация и управление на проекта след получено одобрение и подписване договор за финансиране. 1 068.00 3 068.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).