Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Community-led local development (CLLD)


With the implementation of the project proposal, an irrigation system will be built - drip irrigation of existing own orchards with a total area of 78 decares, of which 64 decares of almonds and 14 decares of plums located in PI 18259.24.07, PI 18259.26.60, PI 18259.29. 188 and PI 18259.29.189, in the land of the village of Galabintsi, commune. Tundzha of agricultural holding of Biogroup 2015 OOD. The plum and almond plantations are certified organic.

With the implementation of the project, one person of production staff will be hired, directly engaged in the activities in the farm.
The need for additional personnel is dictated by the expectations for double the yields of production from plums and almonds, since with the provision of irrigation of the areas, the yields will also increase.

By implementing the investment intention, several specific results will be achieved:
- Significant improvement of yields in the farm by placing effective drip irrigation on the entire area of almond and plum plantations;
- Timely execution of the necessary agrotechnical measures;
- Increasing the amount of production, its better marketing type and, accordingly, the placement;
- Possibility of obtaining a higher yield from the created plantations;
- Increasing the competitiveness and market share of the company in the region;

The project proposal is fully consistent with Specific objective 1.1. (SC 1.1) "Increasing the competitiveness and improving the market positions of agricultural holdings through their modernization" under priority I "Development of a competitive, innovative and environmentally friendly economy" from the Strategy for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Ministry of Agriculture -Tunja.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Поставяне на капково напояване на съществуващи овощни градини: Дейността включва поставяне на поливна система - капково напояване на съществуващи собствени овощни градини с обща площ от 78 дка, намиращи се в ПИ 18259.24.07, ПИ 18259.26.60, ПИ 18259.29.188 и ПИ 18259.29.189, в землището на с. Гълъбинци, общ. Тунджа. 94 847.12 0.00
Консултантски услуги по разработване на бизнес план, окомплектоване на пакета от документи, изпълнението и отчитането на дейностите по проекта до изплащане на помощта: Кандидатът е извършил пазарно проучване за предоставяне на консултантската услуга, като е осигурил най-малко три съпоставими независими индикативни оферти в оригинал. Индикативните оферти са набрани по изпратено запитване за индикативна оферта – съгласно Приложение № 4 към Условията за кандидатстване/Документи за информация. Избран е изпълнител, който е предложил най-добра цена и най-оптимални условия за плащане. Сключен е Договор с фирма „ХЮМАНКОНСУЛТИНГ” ЕООД, които имат опит в разработването и управлението на проекти по ПРСР. 4 742.36 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).