Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Community-led local development (CLLD)


IVN Tech LTD is a company established on 06.12.2018 with the subject of activity: Computer programming, management and service of computer tools and systems, information technology consultancy, WEB-portals, data processing, hosting and the like.
Headquarters and address of management: Stara Zagora district, commune. Galabovo, town of Galabovo, 41 Republika Blvd. Since its establishment, the company was active for 6 months at the beginning and then ceased operations.

The manager and owner of the company is IVAN NIKOLOV DIMITROV, who graduated from the Technical College of Electrical Engineering and Electronics in the city of Sliven, majoring in "Electrical equipment of industrial enterprises". He has a completed specialization for "Fitter in electrical equipment of industrial enterprises".
He has accumulated experience in the field of monitoring and maintenance of photovoltaic plants and in this regard decided to create his own activity, starting to offer cleaning and washing of panels of already built plants in the region, as well as to ensure monitoring of their production.

In order to realize this intention, the following assets are applied for with the current project:
- Software for monitoring and maintenance of photovoltaic plants - 1 pc.
- System for washing solar panels - 1 pc.

Through the purchase of specialized equipment and software for monitoring and maintenance of photovoltaic plants, the company IVN Tech LTD will have the opportunity to offer cleaning and washing of panels of already built plants, as well as to ensure monitoring of their production. The software will provide an effective solution for monitoring and analyzing strings, inverters and other hardware specifics of solar power plants in order to prevent and promptly eliminate problems, as well as to optimize the production of green energy from the photovoltaic power plants themselves.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на специализирано оборудване и софтуер за мониторинг и поддръжка на фотоволтаични централи: Инвестицията, за която се кандидатства е както следва: 1. Софтуер за мониторинг и поддръжка на фотоволтаични централи – 1 бр.; 2. Система за миене на соларни панели – 1 бр.; За закупването на активите ще се проведе процедура за избор с публична покана според разпоредбите на ЗУСЕСИФ и ПМС №160/01.07.2016 г. и правилата на настоящата процедура. Разходите по изпълнение на дейността са заложени в Раздел II. РАЗХОДИ ЗА МАТЕРИАЛНИ АКТИВИ и Раздел III. РАЗХОДИ ЗА НЕМАТЕРИАЛНИ АКТИВИ от бюджета на проектното предложение. 274 000.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).