Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Community-led local development (CLLD)


The project proposal includes a VEDERSTAD TEMPO TPT 6 - 6 row row crop seed drill equipped with the TRIMBLE, Basic GFX-750 and NAV - 900 tractor system, Trimble, (No radio) Isobus, Bundle EZ Pilot Pro Intermadiate. . The agricultural farm of the applicant - farmer Agro Niki Ltd. is registered and operates in Gorna Lipnitsa village, Pavlikeni municipality.The agricultural holding has an SPO amount of 145 834,97 EUR, which exceeds the required 8000 EUR. The agricultural income is 100%, described in Annex 13 of the Declaration of Agriculture income, which makes it an eligible candidate. Purchase of innovative spring planter (the planter is innovative because after a shallow tillage, it can be sowed directly, electronically controlling the sowing depth, distance between seeds and rows)It is sown under high pressure and with high speed of movement of the planter. Working together, both seeder and navigation systems will result in precision sowing of spring crops (maize and sunflower), without overlapping the already sown areas with accurate seed positioning and rows in the designated sowing areas. Several effects are achieved by using this seeder for the economy and nature.It saves on tillage - saving soil and reducing fuel costs. The seed drill can also be sown on an inclined terrain, which makes it functional for any terrain. Working at high speeds of up to 15 km / h, it is possible to sow up to 300 acres of spring in a day, which is important in view of the variable spring weather for rapid seeding and catching up in rare cases of delays in adverse climatic conditions.
The technical characteristics and capacity of the equipment subject to the investment are appropriate and will be used for part of the applicant's cultivation, amounting to 2449 decares, on which the region's typical cereals will be grown - wheat, corn for corn and sunflower.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Провеждане на процедури за избор на изпълнители с публична покана съгласно ЗУСЕСИФ за доставка на сеялка VEDERSTAD TEMPO TPT 6 – 6 РЕДОВА и Навигационна система за трактор - TRIMBLE, Basic GFX-750 and NAV - 900, Trimble,(No radio) Isobus,Bundle EZ Pilot Pro Intermadiate : Чрез публикуване на публични покани в ИСУН 2020 ще се осъществи избора на изпълнители доставчик на сеялка VEDERSTAD TEMPO TPT 6 – 6 РЕДОВА и доставчик на Навигационна система за трактор - TRIMBLE, Basic GFX-750 and NAV - 900, Trimble,(No radio) Isobus,Bundle EZ Pilot Pro Intermadiate при спазване на принципите на свободна и лоялна конкуренция, равнопостравеност и недопускане на дискриминация с критерии съгласно офертата и по критерий икономически най-изгодна оферта 0.00 0.00
Закупуване на сеялка сеялка VEDERSTAD TEMPO TPT 6 – 6 РЕДОВА от избрания изпълнител: Възлагане на доставка и закупуване - според договора. 77 255.29 0.00
Закупуване на навигационна система за трактор - TRIMBLE, Basic GFX-750 and NAV - 900, Trimble,(No radio) Isobus, Bundle EZ Pilot Pro Intermadiate от избрания изпълнител: Възлагане на доставка и закупуване - според договора. 22 176.38 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).