Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Community-led local development (CLLD)


The objects of the investments under the project are:
1. Tractor 59 hp, with a technological solution providing the possibility of traceability and control of operations and data exchange for self-propelled agricultural machinery and equipment. This solution will enable precise management of all agro-technical operations, collect data on cultivated areas, eliminate overlap, enable easy planning of the working day and check the effectiveness of the performed activities. This investment will help to automate processes, trace and control operations in order to increase the efficiency of the farm.
2. Front loader with joystick for control and compatibility to work with the Technological solution through which loading and unloading operations, calculation of hourly productivity and processed mails will be tracked.
3. Mulching machine, compatible to work with Technological solution for traceability and control of operations and data exchange - The technological solution through which operations will be tracked will report what area the machine processed on the specific day, the field on which it worked, speed and processing time , which will eliminate repetition and give performance statistics.
4. Electric scissor set with a cutting capacity of 50mm, autonomy 8h, battery, case, carrying collar and sharpening bar with Bluetooth interface for Android and iOS operating systems, providing the possibility of traceability and control of operations and data exchange. With them, the owner will be able to track the rate of his daily treatments.
The aim of the current project is technological modernization and automation of the processes in the farm based on modern technologies for management and control of agricultural machinery. This will be achieved through investments in agricultural machinery with a Technology solution for traceability and control of operations
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Технологична и екологична модернизация на отделните фази на производствените процеси в растениевъдството при обработка на почвата, торене, растителна защита и прибиране на реколтата чрез използването на технологични решения, които осигуряват възможност за проследимост или контрол на операциите и/или управление на процесите и/или генериране и обмен на данни ( ПО: BG-RRP-6 , фонд: МВУ ): Закупуване на: 1.Трактор 59к.с, кабина, задна навесна система, двигател STAGE V с Технологично решение осигуряващо възможност за проследимост и контрол на операциите и обмен на данни за самоходни селскостопански машини и инвентар. 2.Челен товарач, с максимална височина на повдигане 3 400 - 3 500мм., максимална товароподемност 700-850кг., с джойстик за управление. 3.Палетна вилица за челен товарач. 4.Машина мулчираща работна ширина 1,5м., необходима мощност 50-60к.с. , съвместима за работа с Технологично решение за проследимост и контрол на операциите и обмен на данни. 5.Електрическа ножица комплект с капацитет на подрязване 50мм., автономност 8ч., батерия, куфар, хомот за носене и брус за заточване с Bluetooth интерфейс за Android и iOS операционни системи, осигуряващ възможност за проследимост и контрол на операциите и обмен на данни. 242 400.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).