Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Burgas


In recent years, the sports infrastructure has been in constant regression. Along with the reduction of the social significance of sports, the maintenance and renovation of the sports base is neglected. Currently, the main features of this type of infrastructure are obsolete facilities, poor maintenance and isolated attempts at new construction of sports grounds and halls.
The number of specialized sports grounds at the place of residence, bicycle lanes and other sports facilities, which provide an opportunity for independent or organized sports, is insufficient.
The care for athletes from childhood and adolescence and the subsequent provision of a normal life in a market economy are aimed at creating opportunities for "double career". The implementation of this care will ensure good education of adolescents and optimal conditions for sports activities.
Experience shows that care involves athletes of different ages, non-working population, people with disabilities and disadvantaged people, social partners with sporting ambitions, fans, spectators and others.
The conditions for practicing sports are the best when using modern and quality outdoor and indoor sports facilities. The included sports should reflect the needs of the population and their practice should be accessible to all target groups.
Therefore, the project is aimed at improving living conditions and access to quality sports infrastructure, improved urban environment, among those living in the municipality of Ivaylovgrad, through reconstruction and modernization of the city stadium, including delivery and installation of seats for stands, benches for reserve players , sports equipment for "outdoor fitness", lighting of the fitness area, park bins, benches and a fence on the field.
The implementation of the project will have an impact on the provided public services and, in particular, will improve access to them, will diversify and improve the quality of services.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване и доставка на оборудване за обновяване и модернизация на градския стадион : Изпълнението на дейността включва доставка и монтаж на необходимото оборудване за обновяване и модернизация на градския стадион, както следва: СЕДАЛКИ - 200 бр. СКАМЕЙКИ ЗА РЕЗЕРВИ ФУТБОЛИСТИ - 2 бр. Комбиниран уред 6 в 1 - 1 бр. Барабан с уред за кофички - 1 бр. Велоергометър за ръце и крака - 1 бр. Комбиниран уред за външен фитнес - 1 бр. Въртящ стол със степер - 1 бр. Грация тройна с въртящ стол - 1 бр. БЕТОННИ КОЛОВЕ - 350 бр. МРЕЖА ВИСОЧ. - 760 м. ФОТОСОЛАРНО ТЯЛО - 2 бр. ТРЪБИ МЕТАЛНИ Ф60/6М - 2 бр. БОРДЮРИ ГРАДИНСКИ 50/16/8 - 100 бр. УДАРОПОГЛЪЩАЩА НАСТИЛКА ЗЕЛЕНА 3СМ - 100 КВ.М. ПЕРДАШЕНА АРМИРАНА БЕТОНОВА НАСТИЛКА - 100 КВ.М. ПАРКОВИ КОШЧЕТА - 10 бр. ПАРКОВИ СКАМЕЙКИ - 10 бр. 58 000.00 0.00
Консултантски услуги за управление и отчитане на проекта: Извършване на Консултантски услуги по управление и отчитане на проекта по време на неговото изпълнение 2 600.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).