Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Burgas


The purpose of the investment proposal is to increase the quality and quantity of production and reduce production costs by modernizing / increasing the available production assets, thus increasing the competitiveness of Bulgarian fresh fruits produced on the farm. The investment under the project proposal has a total value of BGN 50,400 with VAT (BGN 42,000 without VAT) and includes the purchase and commissioning of:
• Wheeled tractor with cab, with nominal engine power 45-55 hp, 4WD drive and load capacity 1200-1800 kg;
• Sprayer, fan, wheeled, with a fan diameter of 800-1000 mm and a tank capacity of 1300-1500 liters.
This project proposal applies for 80% of the total eligible costs in the amount of BGN 48,895 (grant -60%, increased by 10% for projects that are implemented in the area of ​​natural and other specific constraints and increased by 10% for projects submitted by young farmers).The tractor and sprayer investment items fully meet the needs of the farm and have the necessary technical and operational characteristics. The total value of the investment is over BGN 30,000 without VAT and in case of approval of the project proposal and conclusion of an administrative contract, a procedure will be conducted for selection of a contractor under CMD 160. The project will be implemented in one stage. For its implementation, the candidate has provided its own funds.The wheeled tractor object of the investment will carry out the main and vegetative tillage of the soil between the rows of perennials, treatment with plant protection products, it will be used for transport and spreading of fertilizers, removal of pruning branches and transportation of products. The wheeled fan sprayer will carry out all plant protection measures to protect perennials from diseases and pests.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Модернизиране/увеличаване на наличните производствени материални активи, чрез закупуване на колесен трактор с кабина . : За повишаване качеството и количеството на произведената продукция и понижаване разходите за производство, стопанството на фермера се нуждае от колесен трактор с кабина, 45-55 к.с., задвижване 4WD, товароподемност 1200-1800 кг. за извършване на всички агротехнически мероприятия в подходящ момент и в кратки срокове. 35 000.00 42 000.00
Модернизиране/увеличаване на наличните производствени материални активи, чрез закупуване на пръскачка, вентилаторна , колесна. : За повишаване качеството и количеството на произведената продукция и понижаване разходите за производство, стопанството на фермера се нуждае от пръскачка вентилаторна, колесна, диаметър на вентилатора 800-1000мм., вместимост на резервоара 1300-1500л. за извършване на всички Р.З. мероприятия в най-подходящ момент и в кратки срокове. 7 000.00 6 895.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).