Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Burgas


On the territory of the town of Kubrat there is the plant breeding farm, and in the land of the village of Seslav there is an apiary. In the current economic year, on the basis of a questionnaire and forms on the holding are grown 6, 105 decares of perennial plantations of stone fruit, vegetables - 7, 495 decares of open-cut tomatoes and 80 bee families. Three properties (№ 40422.502383, № 40422.502371 and № 40422.502382) are managed with legal basis - own and rentals. The entire holding at the time of application has transition status and has concluded a contract with the certification company "Institute for Control of Organic Products", which is available in the information register of the persons authorized by the Minister of Agriculture and Food to control the compliance of organic production. Perennials are the third year of their creation, non-fertile, the variety is "Stanley". December 2018 - March 2019 provides for the planting of properties № 40422.502371 with an area of ​​3.35 decares and № 40422.502382 with an area of ​​4.145 decares with perennial plums. At the time of application, property № 40422.502382 was purchased. The next business year is to be bought property № 40422.502371. There is no agricultural machinery on the farm. The main agro-technical measures are carried out by using external services. The technique applied for: a tractor with front loader, a mowing machine, a mulcher, a sprayer and a disc harrow will be used on the farm.
The bee families have 80 pcs. Apiary farm is entered in the Register of Livestock Sites with Reg. No. 7341-0189 of the State Forestry Office - Razgrad on the grounds of Art. 137, para. 6 of the Law on Veterinary Activities, located on the land of the village of Seslav, in Reg. III-427, district 38 according to the village plan. The bee families are identified according to the requirements of Ordinance No 10 of 01.04.2015. apiculture logbook, which reflects the examinations carried out.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Доставка на Земеделска техника: Доставка на земеделска техника: трактор с кабина 50 к.с., Челен товарач подходящ за трактора, фреза с откланяща секция, дискова брана 1,8 м., пръскачка вентилаторна 400-450 л., мулчър 1,70-1,80м. по процедура за външно възлагане съгласно ПМС 160 77 910.00 70 710.00
Създаване на трайно овощно насаждение- сливи: Увеличаване на площта с трайни насаждения. Създаване на трайни овощни насаждения- сливи, подпомагане процеса на жизнеспособно и устойчиво стопанство 0.00 0.00
Достигане на съответствие със съществуващи и нововъведени стандарти на ЕС: Достигане на съответствие със съществуващи и нововъведени стандарти на ЕС- спазване на закони и наредби от законодателството, касаещи стопанството. 0.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).