Saved trees

Programme: All

Planning region: Shumen


The purpose of this project proposal is to establish a Youth Center in Gabrovo through which complex services for young people between 15 and 29 years of age are offered, incl. young people from vulnerable groups, meeting high standards for youth work and meeting the needs and desires of young people. For this purpose, it is envisaged to reconstruct the complex of the summer theater in Gabrovo by performing the necessary construction and assembly works and purchasing and installing the necessary equipment and furnishing. Initiatives and activities will be developed and implemented under the five main strands of the Strategy for Creation and Development of the Gabrovo Youth Center - Attractive for Young, Active and Enterprising People 2020 - 2030 - Youth Hub (Youth Open Zone) Youth Leadership, "Culture, Ecology and Creative Activities", "Sport and Physical Activity" and "Health and Wellbeing", which are also included in the Youth Development Plan 2020 - 2024 to the Strategy. The project proposal will be implemented within 42 months and will allow the expression of ml people in the city and the region.
The main target groups of the project are:
Youth between the ages of 15 and 29;
Students at risk of dropping out or dropping out of the education system;
At-risk youth living in small and remote settlements or in economically less developed areas;
Secondary target groups are:
- mediators working with young people from vulnerable groups (including Roma);
- Youth workers;
- Youth center employees and municipal employees;
- Other persons involved in the activities of the Youth Center, incl. children, parents, teachers, community representatives.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Creation of a Youth Center-Gabrovo: According to the Strategy for Creation and Development of the Gabrovo Youth Center - Attractive for Young, Active and Entrepreneurial People, 2020-2030 this activity envisages the construction of the Gabrovo Youth Center in the area of the former Summer Theater in the city. The Summer Theater was built in 1972 as a complex consisting of main building, amphitheater and ancillary buildings and facilities, located in the picturesque surroundings of Bazhdar Park.The complex is positioned as a natural visual extension of one of the most important transverse axes of the city, connecting the Church “UspenieBogorodichno” (real estate of national importance), the building of the National High School “Aprilovskagimnazia” / the first secular school in Bulgaria / and the administrative city center. With its location and unique architecture, the Summer Theater actively participates in the appearance of the central city area.The location of the future Gabrovo Youth Center in the heart of Bazhdar Park is of great importance with regard to the use of the accompanying park environment for sports activities - cycling, fitness playgrounds, organizing bio-agriculture events, etc. Along with its convenient location and functional features, the theater is in close proximity to the educational buildings and hostels of the Technical University of Gabrovo.The physical construction of the Gabrovo Youth Center envisages reconstruction works construction of new buildings and facilities in a way that corresponds functionally to the activities and measures,envisaged in the Strategy, for youth development in the Gabrovo District and also to allow the center to act as a platform and space for youth support and engagement with an active role of young people and youth organizations in the region. The architectural and construction activities for the creation of the youth center include: 1. Reconstruction and remodeling of existing buildings; 2. Construction of a new building - accommodation area for 35 people / with internal connection to the main building /; 3. Reconstruction of the amphitheater and its facilities; 4. Landscaping and vertical planning of adjacent spaces; 5. Improvement of transport and pedestrian access, incl. with the construction of new technical facilities. In accordance with the main priority axes of the Strategy for the creation and development of a youth center - Gabrovo, the physical construction of the following youth spaces is envisaged: Youth Hub (Youth Open Zone) and Youth Leadership Axes: • Shared workspace for collaboration and common activities between youth, community, teams,etc.. • Café and library area • Place for production and screening of films • Conference room with multimedia and equipment for large public events • Area for access to computers and printers / plotters with exhibition space, multifunctional halls and spaces for training, debates, games, culture and creative activities, promotion of entrepreneurship. Culture, Ecology and Creative Activities Axes: • Recording studio • Dance and rehearsal studio with sound and lighting equipment, suitable for indoor and outdoor spaces Sport and Physical Activity Axes: - additionalfacilities for sports activities will be created (climbing wall, sports equipment, table tennis, etc.). Health and Wellbeing - creation of conditions for organic gardening for growing fruits, vegetables and plants in the open space / garden / park of the building and the surrounding area. It is envisaged that the premises will be equipped with appropriate equipment according to the list of equipment and furnishings annexed to this project proposal. For operational needs of the Youth Center in Gabrovo at least 10 employees will be recruited, incl. manager of the youth center, 5 youth workers, 2 Roma educational mediators, as well as other center support staff. All staff will be trained to work in accordance with national youth work standards. 3 812 185.10 664 707.95
Initiatives and activities for the Youth Hub (Youth Open Zone) and the Youth Leadership Axes: Two of the main axes of the Strategy for the creation and development of the Gabrovo Youth Center - Attractive for Young, Active and Entrepreneurial People 2020-2030 are respectively the Youth Hub and Youth Leadership. The two axes are closely related thematically and functionally and will use shared youth spaces in the Gabrovo Youth Center.The Youth Hub will be an open area in the space of the Gabrovo Youth Center, which will provide opportunities for various forms of youth involvement, support and expression. This axis corresponds to Strategic Objective 1 - "Creating favorable conditions for active, full and creative participation of young people in public life" of the Youth Development Plan 2020 - 2024 of Gabrovo Municipality. In pursuit of this strategic objective, the following activities will be implemented: - Establishment of a Youth Advisory Council of Gabrovo with a direct commitment to participate in the planning, control and monitoring of youth policy on the territory of Gabrovo, incl. Development of a management plan for the Gabrovo Youth Center and monitoring of its implementation. - Developing and implementing a capacity development program for young people and youth organizations; - Creating a youth internet platform for active youth dialogue and promoting support services for young people; - Development of youth volunteering through various forms of social and civic responsibility and initiative; - Organizing a youth festival for the role of young people in a dynamically changing global world. - A visit to study the Norwegian experience in active youth policy - a visit to exchange experience with responsible institutions for the creation and implementation of youth policy in the Kingdom of Norway is planned, as a 10-member delegation from Bulgaria, comprising representatives of the municipality of Gabrovo, of the Regional Governor, of the Advisory Youth Council will visit Norway and within 5 days will exchange experiences for successful and unsuccessful youth policy practices, prerequisites and conditions for achieving this, achieved results for different target groups, etc. The second Axis “Youth Leadership” is in line with Strategic Goal 2 –“Creating a motivating and supportive environment for effective career guidance, realization and personal development of young people”of the Youth Development Plan 2020 - 2024 It is envisaged within the activity to develop and implement various packages of programs and initiatives aimed at supporting young people to participate in public processes, uphold their rights and participate in the democratization of our society.Another focus in that Axis will be the development and implementation of programs and promotion of services for young people for the development of active volunteering, healthy lifestyle programs and prevention of harmful substances, vocational guidance and career programs and services, programs to develop key competences and skills for digitalization and media literacy, programs for inclusion of vulnerable groups and prevention of social exclusion, etc. Specifically, that could be a youth program or project for entrepreneurship and employment, for non-formal learning and the development of key competences (teamwork, leadership, critical thinking, lifelong learning skills, etc.), pilot programs to support the achievement of young people in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship and social innovation, organizing information campaigns / exchanges for vocational guidance and perspective for young people, reintegration programs for school dropouts. Target group under thecurrent Activity are young people between 15-29 years, incl. NEETs - young people over 18 years of age who are not in training, education or employment, as at least 20% are expected to be from vulnerable groups - children without parental care, minorities, victims of abuse, at risk of dropping out or dropping out of school. 62 000.00 15 774.66
Initiatives and activities under "Culture, Ecology and Creative Activities", "Sport and Physical Activity" and "Health and Wellbeing" Axes: The other three main Axes of the Strategy for the creation and development of the Gabrovo Youth Center - Attractive to Young, Active and Entrepreneurial People 2020-2030 are respectively” Culture, Ecology and Creative Activities”, “Sport and Physical Activity” and “Health and Wellbeing”. These three axes are in line with Strategic Objective 3 - "Promoting healthy lifestyles and supporting the social inclusion of young people through various forms of engagement" of the Youth Development Plan 2020-2024. Within the framework of this activity, it is envisaged to prepare and implement the following initiatives, measures and activities in these three axes, as follows: - Culture, Ecology and Creative Activities Axis Within the project, various initiatives will be prepared and implemented, such as: youth festivals (local, national, international) with various activities under the working title "In the Center" (skate, streetball, graffiti, cycling, music, movies, dance, etc.), art and creative studios, etc. such as are key to developing young people's civic skills, creative habits and talents. Particular emphasis will be put on developing the environmental dimension of the axis and developing and implementing programs to engage young people through bio-agriculture, ecology and energy efficiency. This is an innovative approach for the prevention and impact of young people in risk groups - dropouts or at risk of dropping out, youth in addiction, etc. Here the main role will be assigned to the project partner - the Norwegian University College of Agriculture and Rural Development. The College is a private academic institution with a large number of scientific and practical achievements in agriculture, landscape management / development, as well as rural and municipal development. Regenerative municipal practices are a topical thematic priority in the institution. The Gabrovo Youth Center will develop jointly with the Norwegian partner programs for organic gardening / agriculture and ecology, for this purpose a study visit will be organized for the exchange of experience of 15 representatives of the target groups, the Municipality of Gabrovo and the Youth Center team, to which will be presented the Norwegian experience in the field and best way to transfer it in Bulgaria will be searched taking into account the geographical, social, demographic and ecological features of Gabrovo District. - Sport and Physical Activity Axis: Under this axis, programs and initiatives will be created to engage young people through sports - various types of sporting events, volleyball competitions, basketball, table tennis, fitness initiatives, marathons and other similar, which will aim to increase the physical activity of young people, but also to identify and develop potential talents in certain sports. For the purposes of these activities and initiatives, the sports facilities created at the Youth Center will be used, as well as other sports specialized facilities, depending on the nature of the sporting events. - Health and Wellbeing Axis: This Axis is key to providing young people with access to services and programs that form skills and habits for healthy lifestyles and prevent harmful habits. In partnership with various organizations at local, regional and international level, it is envisaged to work to educate young people and engage them in initiatives that protect young people from the harmful effects and abuse of drugs and alcohol.Stress will be put on the problems of safe road traffic, prevention of abuse of modern technologies and support for the emotional health of young people. Support programs for young parents are planned to be developed as well initiatives / campaigns / festivals / for healthy eating and healthy living. Target group of activities in this area are parents and young people aged 15-29, incl. at least 20% of vulnerable groups. 481 220.00 270 356.55
Communication and publicity of Youth center - Gabrovo: Within this activity, the Publicity and Communication Plan of the Youth Center - Gabrovo, annexed to this project proposal, will be implemented. The Communication plan provides for the general implementation of the following measures: - Website development and maintenance; - periodically reflecting the progress of the project in electronic media - All information and communication materials related to the EEA and Norway grants will use the logo and slogan "Working together for a greener, more competitive and more inclusive Europe" of the funding program. - Initial press conference on the project and the inaugural ceremony –First sod" - - Mid-term conference to present progress in the implementation of the project activities; - Final press conference on the project - Publication of press releases / in electronic, local and national media / - 16 issues - Creating and placing an Information banner and billboards - Design and installation of information board, - 2 pieces; - Production of flyers, brochures and souvenirs - When the project starts, only in Bulgarian, 500 pcs. and an electronic invitation for English flyers - Production and distribution of brochures and fact sheets - 500 pcs. - Production and distribution of souvenirs: Number of promotional gifts, types: 1.) T-shirts - 1000pcs, 2.) bowls - 500pcs, 3.) pencils - 1000pcs, 4.) key chains - 500pcs, 5.) backpacks - 500pcs, 6.) external batteries - 150 pcs, 7.) speakers - 100 pcs. - production and distribution of photographs, videos and other materials in graphic form In addition to the above measures, the Technical University of Gabrovo is envisaged, as one of the project partners, to provide information to the student councils and the community about the activities carried out at the youth center and the opportunities for youth involvement in the respective activities. 36 095.00 30 086.40
Project management: The organization and management of the project will be entrusted to a project management team, which on the Bulgarian side will consist of a Project Manager, an Administrative Coordinator, an Accountant, a Technical Assistant, a Communication and Information Services Coordinator, a Coordinator for the organization and management of the Construction and Construction Works. There will be one coordinator from the Norwegian and Bulgarian partners, who will provide the necessary resources from the respective partner, mainly organizational and sufficient qualified experts to carry out the activities envisaged - these experts are not included in the project budget and are the engagement of the participating partner organizations. The team will ensure strict implementation and reporting of planned activities in the project proposal; control the lawfulness and proper use of the funds in the budget for the implementation of the planned activities; monitor and compliance with the implementation schedule; will monitor the work of contractors hired for project activities; they will monitor the implementation of the project proposal; will prepare technical reports for the project. The project manager is responsible for the overall successful implementation of the project, the achievement of the set goals and indicators. It must be able to effectively carry out the tasks assigned to it, to fulfill them within a tight budgetary framework and to create a positive environment. His responsibilities are: planning the implementation of the project on a daily basis; clarifying the work ethic and activities of colleagues; drawing up a progress report on the project through appropriate media channels and to the Contracting Authority;keeping and updating project reports; carries out financial control and financial reporting to high standards; plans and organizes partner visits; coordinate the required level of support and training from partners; approves reports, etc. The accountant of the project has the following responsibilities: creating analytical accounts in the accounting system; keeping records related to project documentation, access to project accounts;reviews and approves invoices of contractors related to the project; reviews and approves work schedules related to the project; reviews and approves overheads (indirect costs) that apply to the project; reviews the profile of amounts related to project costs and revenues; reviews project deviations and submits budget change reports; monitors outstanding invoices for contracts; report on the profitability of project management; reports to the management regarding the financing of the project; creates accounting records or approves all invoices related to the project; responds to requests for more financial detail; approves the cancellation of all invoices relating to the project that cannot be charged or collected; closes project accounts after completion of project; prepares and submits reports and tax returns related to the project; collects information on internal and external auditors as required. The project coordinator has the following responsibilities: creates and maintains work files in accordance with the work instructions and applicable project guidelines; monitors the progress of contracts with project contractors and reports to the Project Manager, monitors the implementation of activities assigned to project partners. 228 689.04 152 133.67
Independent audit of the project: The project audit provides an opportunity to identify the problems and challenges encountered in the implementation of the project. It gives the project manager, the funding institution and the project team an intermediate look at what went well and what needs to be improved in order to be successful. If done at the end of the project, the project audit can be used to develop the criteria for success of future projects, providing an overview. This review will explore what elements of the project have been successfully completed and which activities have been challenging.This will help the organization identify the factors that will make it possible for mistakes not to be repeated in future projects. Regardless of whether the project audit was carried out at an intermediate stage of the project or at its completion, the process is similar. It is usually recommended that an external auditor perform the project audit. This guarantees confidentiality, but also provides team members and other stakeholders the opportunity to effectively implement the set parameters.They know that their involvement will be appreciated and the final report will not be identified by individual names, and the audit will only include facts and figures. It is undisputed that during the preparation of the audit, the persons involved in project management will be interviewed by an outsider so that they can share their emotions and feelings about their participation in the project and / or the impact of the project on them. 19 500.00 0.00
Development of bilateral relations, cooperation, exchange of experience and good practices: The organization of joint initiatives in the planned areas of the Youth Center - Gabrovo together with the other, created through the EEA Financial Mechanism, youth centers in the country will allow to expand and enrich the ideas for development of the Gabrovo center, and will also give young people from different areas of Bulgaria to work together on different topics, to create, to build new acquaintances and to exchange experiences in search of opportunities for their development. Through joint work between the youth centers in the country (discussion and creation of joint initiatives), the team of the Youth Center - Gabrovo will have the opportunity to exchange experience and good practices in working with young people, including those at risk and remote areas, as well as to expand of their initiatives by creating a partnership in the organization of: 1. Exchange of good practices, including with the international partners of each of the centers. By participating in events of other centers and their participation in ours, we will have the opportunity to exchange and apply new good practices in certain areas by more international partners and experts. The partners of the Youth Center - Gabrovo can also contribute to the development of other centers in the country in eco-topics, as well as in the field of new technologies, mechatronics and nanotechnology. 2. Debates and discussions - organizing online and live debates and discussions on topics relevant to young people, which they themselves offer for discussion. The initiatives can be joint and in this way the young people themselves can exchange experiences with other peers in other cities in Bulgaria. 3. Clubs by interests and leisure activities - the organization of competitions, hackathons, festivals, etc. with the joint efforts of two or more centers will contribute to the promotion of the network of centers, their capabilities, services and free spaces for use; new initiatives and events created thanks to youth proposals and ideas; engaging a larger percentage of young people in the process of creating and implementing activities, etc. 4. Among horizontal policies /cross cutting isuues/, youth policy is by far the most complex to plan and manage. Youth policy presupposes a serious concentration of the resources of the country and the local government (personnel, financial, material and technical) in favor of clear political goals of strategic and fateful nature (development of the young generation). With the growing demographic crisis, the place and role of youth policy at the municipal level is of paramount importance. In this regard, horizontal information regarding equal opportunities and sustainable development will be applied in all information and communication materials of the Youth Center-Gabrovo. There will be no specific restrictions on participation in any activity or initiative of the center, and attracting young people from hard-to-reach neighborhoods and poor remote areas will be done through good dissemination of printed communication materials, outsourced initiatives and access through the mobile application where there is access. to the Internet. 5. Visit to the youth centers in Budapest and Strasbourg together with the partners from Norway; 6. Summarize the established good practices in manuals and guides for transfer of the good experience. 479 776.00 158 817.06


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).