
UMIS Number BGLD-1.003-0004-C02
Project Name Vratsa Youth Center - a factor for the development of the Northwest
Beneficiary 000193115 Municipality of Vratsa
Funding EEA FM ==> Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups
Date of the Contract/Order 01.07.2020
Start Date 01.07.2020
End Date 30.06.2023
Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant In execution (starting date)
Location of Performance
  • България, Северна и югоизточна България (BG3), Северозападен (BG31), Враца (BG313), Враца, гр.Враца


Brief description
Проектът отговаря на идентифицирана в община Враца потребност от осигуряване съответствие на нуждите със стремежите на младите хора и представителите на общността, включително тези от уязвимите групи.Неговата цел е разширяването на териториалния обхват на Младежки център Враца (МЦ Враца), продължаване и развиване на съществуващи дейности и провеждане на нови, които да увеличат многообразието, интереса и броя на включените младежи в дейностите.Основна целева група са младежи на възраст между 15 и 29 години; ученици, застрашени от отпадане или отпаднали от образователната система; младежи в риск от етническите малцинства; младежи в риск, живеещи в малки и отдалечени населени места или в икономически по-слабо развити райони; хора, непопадащи в групата на младежите, свързани с участието на младежите в дейностите на младежките центрове: включително деца, родители, учители, наставници и други представители на местната общност. Вторична целева група са образователни/ромски медиатори; младежки работници; служителите на МЦ Враца и общински служители. Основната цел е подобряване благосъстоянието на децата и младежите в риск на територията на община Враца и разширяване териториалният обхват на работа на МЦ Враца на областно ниво, чрез въвеждане на услуги за деца и младежи в риск, които да отговарят на изискванията за получаване на Знак за качество на Съвета на Европа. Основните дейности по проекта са насочени към подобряване на условията за равен достъп до образование, обучение и труд; засилване на мотивацията за включване на деца и родители от етническите малцинства, създаване на предпоставки за социално включване; интеграционни дейности за деца и младежи, чрез организиране на съвместни инициативи и промяна на обществените нагласи в посока към по-голяма толерантност към младежите в риск. Очаквани резултати: разширени териториален обхват и дейности на МЦ Враца, по-активно участие на целевата група в дейностите на центъра; повишен капацитет на служителите в младежкия център.
  • Activity: Project management: For successful implementation of the project will be formed a Project Management Team (PMT). The management team will be responsible throughout the project for the implementation of the management activities, including: control over the implementation of activities under the contract between the Program Operator (PO) and the Beneficiary; transmission of information by the Beneficiary for the PO; control of subcontracting; preparation and holding of control meetings with the PO for ongoing review of the project implementation; control of the accounting documents; control over the timely fulfilment of commitments by suppliers; managing publicity activities and the other. The project management team /PMT/ is joint by the Municipality of Vratsa, the Youth Center of Vratsa and the Youth Foundation of Timis County and will consist of following experts: 1. Project manager (Municipality of Vratsa); 2. Project manager (Timis County Youth Foundation); 3. Project Coordinator (Vratsa Youth Center); 4. Project Accountant (Municipality of Vratsa); 5. Partner Accountant (Timis County Youth Foundation); 6. Public Procurement Expert (Vratsa Municipality); 7. Technical expert (Municipality of Vratsa); 8. Construction Expert (Vratsa Municipality); Project "Vratsa Youth Center - a factor for the development of the Northwest" is envisaged many and varied activities in two countries with a large target group and participants which it imposes the need to form a larger team. A detailed description of each expert's staff duties is given in Item 8 TEAM. A control system will be created, guaranteeing the highest degree the success realize of the assigned tasks and functions to the experts. The control will be combined with a direct communication between EUP members, aimed at achieving the best possible results from the accomplishment of the tasks assigned and the timely completion. The team of experts will report directly to the Team Leader. It will be created schedules for all outsourcing contracts and progress on implementation will be constantly monitored. Control mechanisms will be introduced to monitor the implementation of the project based on the three main objectives: quality, costs and terms. The monitoring process is based on: Collaboration between experts; Compilation and analysis of information; Review of progress reports and documents related to the implementation of project activities; Comparing of the information and the reported data with the objectives, expected results, activities and performance indicators of the contract The project manager will communicate with the stakeholders, and copies of the official correspondence will be provided to the Head of the Lead Organization - Mayor of Vratsa Municipality. The documents and correspondence will be stored by the Coordinator in the project archive. The implementation of the project will rely on constant contact by telephone and e-mail between all interested parties., Contracted Amount: 126 989.04 , Reported Amount: 112 298.18
  • Activity: Equipment and Construction works: Renovation and repair of an existing hall for the needs of the Youth center Vratsa. Due to the need to expand the scope and activities of the "Youth Center - Vratsa", as the halls and capacity of the existing building are limited and no longer meet the needs of young people in their entirety, an ongoing renovation of a hall located in the building of "Youth Home - Vratsa" will lead to the unification of the efforts of both institutions to fully engage the free time of young people from the city and the region. The hall is important for the development of educational, cultural, and youth activities on the city's territory. Will be formed a new youth space, which will establish itself as a safe place designed for the development and expression of the creative abilities of young people and the activation of their potential. Renovating the hall in connection with the “Youth Center – Vratsa” needs will allow some of the Centers’ clubs to better implement their activities. The renovation will support the development of the youth community and expand the scope of activities of the "Youth Center - Vratsa", which is related to the increased interest and needs of young people from the region. The premises - a large salon in the "Youth House", subject to ongoing renovation, is located on "Vtori June" blvd. with identifier 12259.1016.101.1 according to the cadastral map of the city. It is located on the 2nd floor of the building, intended for a performance hall, with an area of 281.00 sq. m., updated with Act No. 1334 of 30.01.2008, built in a regulated land property UPI I, Central city part (CGCH ) according to the current Regulatory Plan of the city of Vratsa. The premises are heavily depreciated and do not meet modern functional requirements. It is located at an elevation of 3.60, with metal windows, wooden panels on the walls, ceilings, and parquet flooring - depreciated and worn. The nature of the future renovation is current, as there are no changes in the construction of the room. Commissioning of the site - will be carried out in accordance with the Spatial Planning Act. Base and Equipment Insurance-The building and equipment will be insured by a licensed company in Bulgaria against the usual insurance risks., Contracted Amount: 628 242.19 , Reported Amount: 305 031.30
  • Activity: Project activities: The main project activity includes 5 sub-activities Sub-activity 3.1: Stakeholder research and surveys. Organization of motivational talks. Providing information forums and preventative information campaigns. Stakeholder survey, Organizing motivational talks, Conducting informative forums, Conducting preventative information campaigns, Other campaigns to be implemented within the project and related to the health of young people will be "Tuberculosis prevention" and a campaign against drug use. Sub-activity 3.2: Conducting informal training. Organizing consultation forums and guidance in searching and finding the right job. Conducting vocational retraining courses. Conducting development training of the staff center team. Creation of interest clubs - Conducting informal training, Organize forums for advice and guidance in searching and finding suitable work, Conducting vocational retraining courses,Conducting development training of the members of the center team,Creation of Interest Clubs. Sub-activity 3.3: Common activities with National Network of Youth Centers – The final activity of Youth Center Vraca – Youth Mind Exchange Forum: Organization and implementation of a common joint activity with FITT - Timisoara and the National Network of Youth Centers (NMMC) Sub-activity 3.4 working visit with educational and educational purpose to the city of Veliko Tarnovo with 40 young people Carrying out an educational and educational visit to the town of Veliko Tarnovo. Youth Center - Vratsa will hold an educational and educational program in a period of two days with the participation of 20 young people and students representing vulnerable communities from small settlements in the territory of the Vratsa region. In the program of activities for the participants, we will include a visit and participation in the children's Roma festival "Open Heart", a visit to the Tsarevets fortress, a visit to the "Revival and Founding Assembly" museum and the village of Arbanasi. Through this activity, we will enrich empathy by getting to know the different ethnic groups, taking them out of their social environment, as well as improving their knowledge of history, art and old urban architecture. Sub-activity 3.5: Educational meetings with the other Youth Centers The Youth center Vraca will be the host of some of the new youth centers and some of the already existing ones on the training cources to increase the capacity of the youth workers and the educational mediators. A detailed description is given in Annex 1 to item 7. Implementation plan / project activities from the application form. , Contracted Amount: 713 027.98 , Reported Amount: 445 020.78
  • Activity: Information and publicity: The project envisages a huge information campaign in several directions: - Conducting three main information activities on the progress and impact of the financial mechanism, such as opening and closing press conferences and open stakeholder meetings; - Development of information materials for the project (billboard, permanent sign, banners, posters, information leaflets, folders, etc.); - Development of promotional materials for the activities of the Youth Center under the project (flash drives, T-shirts, backpacks, balloons, pens, badges, etc.); - Media publications; - Production and broadcast on local television of 2 thirty second advertising clips for the results of the project; - Drafting, printing and distribution of a „Guide to Artistic Participation“ by a partner of the Timis County Youth Foundation; - Social media; - Project website. The role of information and publicity measures is: - Raise awareness of target groups about project objectives; - Raise awareness of beneficiaries about its benefits to the public; - Increase the public recognition of the role of the EU and the Funds for its implementation. The Information and publicity activities will allow the public to be informed about the progress of the project and the contribution of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. The publications and information materials created under the project will be in accordance with the Communication and Design Manual FM of EEA 2014-2020. Communication and publicity activities are detail described in the Communication Plan developed in accordance with Annex 3 of the Implementation Regulation FM of EEA 2014-2021 and the Communication and Design Manual., Contracted Amount: 81 941.47 , Reported Amount: 56 346.21
  • Activity: Bilateral relation: 1. Activity Bilateral project relations include 5 sub-activities with Youth Center Timisoara:: Subactivity 5.1. Exchange between project implementation and management teams Subactivity 5.2. Capacity building 5.2.1. General support in the implementation of the project activities of the project implementation team 5.2.2. Capacity building - project development Sub-activity 5.3. Study visit to the Youth Center – Timisoara Sub-activity 5.4. Participatory Arts Sub-Activity 5.5 Organization and holding of a Youth Forum 2. Activity Bilateral project relations with the partner from Iceland – Youth Center Hafnarfjordur The main purpose of the study visit is to learn how colleagues from Iceland engage and activate local young people through board and role-playing games. In return, the team of the Youth Centre - Vratsa will share their good practices in this field and will organize activities with local youth. Because of the study visit, the two teams will have better experience in organizing activities based on roleplaying and board games. That will lead to a bigger reach of young people and their activation. 3. Team exchanges: 3.2 in Lisboa Carrying out the visit with the aim of exchanging experience and practices between the teams of the youth centers and getting to know the types of informal activities with young people, forums, campaigns and trainings. 3.3 in Strasbourg In order to get to know the essence of the work and the development of youth initiatives and practices, participation in a working visit to the center in the city of Strasbourg will be taken by fellow youth workers and educational Roma mediators appointed recently. 3.4 in Reykjavik with Youth Center Bourgas The main idea is to gain experience, to exchange good practices between the teams and to see how the foreigner youth centers work with the young people. , Contracted Amount: 107 542.35 , Reported Amount: 63 837.48
  • Activity: Audit: The implementation of this activity is required to carry out an independent external assessment of the eligibility of the project costs incurred. The purpose of an independent audit is through a set of necessary and interconnected procedures defined by International Standards on Auditing to express an independent opinion on the reliability in all aspects of the materiality (reliability and validity) of the financial statements prepared in accordance with the Bulgarian accounting legislation in carrying out the above project. Independent auditing of project activities, covered by the subject of the contract, as an independent and objective activity for confidence and consultation, aims to assist the Contracting Authority by applying a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and management processes. The audit performed will express an independent auditor's opinion on the fair presentation in all aspects of materiality in the implementation of the project, this activity being accounted for by the preparation of an audit report in accordance with international auditing standards and should include: 1. Monitoring the effective implementation of national and EU law in the implementation and reporting of the project by the Contracting Authority. 2. Monitoring the effective implementation by the Contracting Authority of the rules lay down by the Program Operator of the Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups program. 3. Provision of an additional control mechanism for monitoring the implementation of all rules for the implementation of activities and reporting of project costs., Contracted Amount: 12 411.60 , Reported Amount: 1 958.36
  • Activity: Overheads: Overheads (incurred directly in relation to the eligible direct costs of the project) are at a flat rate of 15% of the eligible direct costs of personnel, in accordance with Art. 8.5.1 (c) of the Regulation., Contracted Amount: 67 319.34 , Reported Amount: 57 805.67

Participating Organizations

  • Partner: Timis Country Youth Foundation, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount: 72 721.04
  • Contractor: BODI - M- TRAVEL, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 1 044.00
  • Contractor: CHEZ RAZPREDELENIE BULGARIA , Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 97.08
  • Contractor: Tenidi, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 1 619.50
  • Contractor: Picko Games, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 768.90
  • Contractor: Miteva Mitov, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 1 018.00
  • Contractor: Divivnitas, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 411.00
  • Contractor: Baron LTD, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 570.00
  • Contractor: Fetro 99, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 87.50
  • Contractor: Time to Play, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 203.80
  • Contractor: INTEGRITY AUDIT, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: E-TOURS LTD, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 38 550.00
  • Contractor: Art photo plus, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 200.00
  • Contractor: Inistrad, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 857.99
  • Contractor: Dinacord, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 3 324.56
  • Contractor: Inex Trade, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 4 098.48
  • Contractor: Fantasmagoria, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 737.53
  • Contractor: Ozon entertainment, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 325.06
  • Contractor: Stonick, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 28.08
  • Contractor: Impresia 99 Ltd, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 1 000.00
  • Contractor: RAVIN, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 552.62
  • Contractor: VODOSNABDYAVANE I KANALIZATSIA LTD, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 264.00
  • Contractor: IMI 2008, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 450.00
  • Contractor: RONOS , Contracted Amount*: 83 988.00 , Reported Amount**: 7 133.08
  • Contractor: Iliev 2015, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 53.63
  • Contractor: Sonqa Vladimirova, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 32.00
  • Contractor: Aresgas LTD, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 1 620.00
  • Contractor: DMI DEVELOPMENT LTD, Contracted Amount*: 62 058.00 , Reported Amount**: 34 518.00
  • Contractor: Decatlon, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 143.60
  • Contractor: Stilen dom, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 610.15
  • Contractor: Funtasia, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 117.80
  • Contractor: PHOENIX PETROL 91, Contracted Amount*: 25 470.00 , Reported Amount**: 3 862.75
  • Contractor: ART BUILDING INVEST, Contracted Amount*: 479 850.12 , Reported Amount**: 303 050.22
  • Contractor: Karat Nova , Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 78.00
  • Contractor: Fresh print, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 158.00
  • Contractor: Niakan, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 588.00
  • Contractor: TAT Biliard, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 415.12
  • Contractor: Temax, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 349.90
  • Contractor: Lucky party, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 16.00
  • Contractor: Grest, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 396.00
  • Contractor: Galaxy Plaza, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 798.00
  • Contractor: Didasko, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 283.20
Subcontractors None
Members of the Consortium None


* The projected contract value may be lower than the reported one because of any of the following reasons:

  • For physical person, the contracted value does not include the employer expenses, which are admissible expenses and are accounted under the project
  • The Beneficiary has reported expense only with an invoice without a contract with the selected contractor
  • The beneficiary has reported over again expenses to the MA

** This column represents the amount of costs claimed by the beneficiary


Indicator 1 Number of youth centres supported, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 1.00 , Reached amount: 1.00
Indicator 2 Number of youth-led initiatives in targeted communities, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 40.00 , Reached amount: 32.00
Indicator 3 Number of youth reached by project activities, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 1 362.00 , Reached amount: 1 417.00
Indicator 4 Number of people (non-youth) reached by project activities, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 375.00 , Reached amount: 1 160.00

Financial Information

Total Project cost 1 737 473.97 BGN
Grant 1 587 473.97 BGN
Self amount 150 000.00 BGN
Total actual amounts paid 1 428 727.54 BGN
Percentage of EU co-financing 85.00 %

Financial Corrections



1 The quoted value represents the maximum amount of the imposed financial correction. Depending on the performance of the contract, the actual amount of the deducted financial correction may be lower.

2 A financial correction with a zero total value means that it has been canceled as a result of a court judgment.


Procedure 1 Subject to due process: „Доставка на течни горива, за нуждите на автомобилите, собственост на Община Враца, обслужващи Общинска администрация, общински предприятия и звена по две обособени позиции“, Estimated Amount: 470 692.42
  • Differentiated position 1: „Доставка на течни горива, за нуждите на автомобилите, собственост на Община Враца, собственост на Община Враца, ползвани и обслужващи общинските предприятия и други второстепенни разпоредители с бюджет"
    Contractor: PHOENIX PETROL 91
    Contract total funded value: 25 470.00
Procedure 2 Subject to due process: Доставка на материали за нуждите на Община Враца, Estimated Amount: 144 450.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Доставка на материали за нуждите на Община Враца
    Contractor: RAVIN
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 3 Subject to due process: „Изпълнение на мерки за информация и комуникация по Проект № BGLD-1.003.0004 -C01 „Младежки център Враца - фактор за развитие на северозапада“, Програма „Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и подобрено включване на уязвимите групи“ към МОН, финансирана от „Финансовия механизъм на европейското икономическо пространство 2014-2021“, Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: „Изпълнение на мерки за информация и комуникация по Проект № BGLD-1.003.0004 -C01 „Младежки център Враца - фактор за развитие на северозапада“, Програма „Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и подобрено включване на уязвимите групи“ към МОН, финансирана от „Финансовия механизъм на европейското икономическо пространство 2014-2021“
    Contract total funded value: 29 058.00
Procedure 4 Subject to due process: „Изпълнение на мерки за информация и комуникация по Проект № BGLD-1.003.0004-C01 „Младежки център Враца - фактор за развитие на северозапада“, Програма „Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и подобрено включване на уязвимите групи“ към МОН, финансирана от „Финансовия механизъм на европейското икономическо пространство 2014-2021“, запазена на основание чл. 80, ал. 1 от ППЗОП“, Estimated Amount: 9 758.34
  • Differentiated position 1: Изпълнение на мерки за информация и комуникация по Проект № BGLD-1.003.0004-C01 „Младежки център Враца - фактор за развитие на северозапада“, Програма „Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и подобрено включване на уязвимите групи“ към МОН, финансирана от „Финансовия механизъм на европейското икономическо пространство 2014-2021“, запазена на основание чл. 80, ал. 1 от ППЗОП“
    Contract total funded value: 7 800.00
Procedure 5 Subject to due process: „Инженеринг - проектиране, упражняване на авторски надзор и изпълнение на СМР във връзка изграждане на нова сграда “Младежки център-база 2”, в УПИ IX, кв. 167, ж.к. “Подбалканска”, ул. “Войнишка” № 6а, гр. Враца“., Estimated Amount: 338 615.07
Procedure 6 Subject to due process: „Предоставяне на услуги, включващи самолетни билети, трансфер, наземен транспорт, хотелско настаняване, изхранване и обучения по обособени позиции“, Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Обособена позиция №3 „Закупуване на самолетни билети, организиране на трансфери, резервиране на хотели и всички други дейности необходими за обезпечаване пътуванията“
    Contractor: E-TOURS LTD
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 7 Subject to due process: „ТЕКУЩ РЕМОНТ НА ОБЕКТИ ОТ ОБЩИНСКАТА ИНФРАСТРУКТУРА НА ТЕРИТОРИЯТА НА ОБЩИНА ВРАЦА“, Estimated Amount: 1 500 000.00
    Contract total funded value: 479 850.12
Procedure 8 Subject to due process: „Туристически услуги за нуждите на проект BGLD-1.003-004 „Младежки център Враца - фактор за развитие на Северозапада” по обособени позиции.” , Estimated Amount: 21 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Обособена позиция №1 „Осигуряване на автобусен транспорт за пътуване в с. Стакевци“
    Contract total funded value: 1 200.00
  • Differentiated position 2: Обособена позиция №2 „Организиране на събития за нуждите на проект „Младежки център Враца – фактор за развитие на Северозапада“
    Contract total funded value: 24 000.00
Procedure 9 Subject to due process: Доставка на материали за нуждите на Община Враца, Estimated Amount: 135 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Доставка на материали за нуждите на Община Враца
    Contractor: Inex Trade
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 10 Subject to due process: Логистично обезпечаване - осигуряване на кетъринг, кафе паузи, хотелско настаняване и изхранване за участници в конференции, лекторски услуги, наем на зали и помещения., Estimated Amount: 108 333.33
    Contractor: RONOS
    Contract total funded value: 83 988.00


All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN