Saved trees

Programme: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security

Planning region: All


Candidate under the current procedure is ZP Alexandra Valentinova Todorova. The farmer was registered on 06.06.2018 as organically growing 26.5 decares of plums in the land of Izvor village, Dimovo municipality. The assets are aimed at technological and ecological modernization in crop production in tillage through the use of technological solutions that provide an opportunity to control operations and protect environmental components.
For this purpose, ZP Alexandra Valentinova Todorova has chosen to include in her investment costs 2 main and key assets for the development of every farmer in the field of fruit growing:
1. A 26 hp tractor equipped with a GPS module
2. Milling machine;
A machine suitable for the field of fruit growing was selected. The power of the tractor fully corresponds to the size of the orchard. By using the tractor equipped with a GPS module and the tiller aggregated to it, two of the main objectives of the PVU will be achieved:
- Technological and ecological modernization of the individual phases of production processes in crop production in tillage, fertilization, plant protection and harvesting through the use of technological solutions that provide the possibility of traceability or control of operations and/or process management and/or data generation and exchange. The second goal:
"Greening of farm processes" will also be achieved, since the selected tractor has the latest generation of engines, which optimizes fuel consumption, while exhaust gases are less polluting. This determines that the investment fully complies with the principle of "doing no significant harm" and contributes to the ecological transition. The tiller will improve soil fertility.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Закупуване на земеделска техника: Дейността се предвижда да започне веднага след входиране на проекта, тъй като необходимостта от техника е наложителна. Ще бъде направена процедира и сключен договор в съответствие с изисванията на процедурата и в съптветствие с правилата за изпълнение. Предвижда се доставка, регистрация в КТИ на техниката и въвеждане в употвеба в стопанството. 69 240.00 0.00
Организиране, управление и отчитане: Кандидатът има изключителна необходимост от активите, за да може да поддържа стопанството си. Поради това ще пристъпи към провеждане на процедура чрез 2 оферти и сключване на договор, ведната след входиране на проекта. Документацият ще бъде качена в системата на ИСУН в раздел комуникация. След подписване на договор за финансиране при необходимост отново ще бъде изпратена за съгласуване. Предвижда се подаване на ТФО и заявка за плащане при първа възможност в системата. 0.00 0.00


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).