Saved trees

Programme: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security

Planning region: All


The project envisions the construction of two combined sport playgrounds for mini-football and volleyball in the schoolyards of United School "Neofit Rilski" in the village of Dermantsi and of Primary School "Vasil Levski" in the village of Toros. Both schools are essential for the local educational system as they house a total of over 280 students.

The school in Dermantsi is a central secondary school (i.e. there are students from 1st grade up to and including 7th grade, coming not only from Dermantsi, but also from the village of Uglen to study there; after primary education, up to the 10th grade, pupils from Bezhanovo and Toros also study there). In the school year 2021/2022, 212 pupils were studying at the school. The school in the village of Toros is an elementary school (up to the 7th grade), and is a protected school, since only about 70 children from the village study there.

The two new playgrounds will be the only places, in both villages, where local children and youngsters can enjoy sports and recreational activities. In recent years, the municipality has actively been working to build new places for sports, especially for schoolchildren and young people. Modern sport playgrounds have already been built on the grounds of two urban schools and in several open town areas, including in the yard of the primary school in the village of Bezhanovo.

The villages that manage to keep their schools operating  are much more vibrant and full of opportunities for social inclusion and improvement of the living standards, which leads in directly to the objective of the measure and works to reduce poverty and promote economic development in these villages, respectively on the territory of the LAG Lukovit-Roman.

Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Обновяване / реконструкция/ на спортни площадки - 2 бр.: Съществуващите спортни площадки в двете училища са изградени заедно със строителството на училищните сгради. На място са трудно различими очертанията на игрища за мини-футбол, баскетбол и волейбол. Всички площадки са изпълнени с асфалтова настилка, като в годините на експлоатацията им не са правени ремонти. Настилките са пропукани с видимо затревяване на пукнатините и с ями от пропадания на основите. Игрищата разполагат със стари и амортизирани уреди като: врати за мини-футбол, баскетболни кошове, пилони за опъване на мрежа за волейбол, които на практика са неизползваеми. И двете училища разполагат с малки физкултурни салони, които са недостатъчни, често е невъзможно провеждане на нормален учебен процес в часовете по физическо възпитание и спорт, поради факта, че две или повече паралелки трябва да провеждат часовете си заедно. И в двете населени места няма друга възможност за спорт, освен в училищата. 298 120.08 0.00


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All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).