
Name Address
000903825 Municipality of Svilengrad България, гр.Свиленград, 6500, бул. "България" 32

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a beneficiary

Project Name Home Total Grant Self-financing by the Beneficiary Actual amounts paid Duration (months) Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant
"Worthy life for disadvantaged people in the Municipality of Svilengrad" 01.08.2016 г. 499 949.02 499 949.02 0.00 451 276.40 21 Closed (completion date)
Energy efficiency of buildings providing administrative services 15.09.2016 г. 1 436 921.54 1 436 921.54 0.00 1 436 921.54 24 Closed (completion date)
Energy efficiency of a building of cultural infrastructure - Library, Town of Svilengrad 15.09.2016 г. 563 371.96 563 371.96 0.00 563 371.96 24 Closed (completion date)
Energy efficiency of buildings in the educational infrastructure 15.09.2016 г. 897 240.18 897 240.18 0.00 897 240.18 24 Closed (completion date)
Increasing the administrative capacity of officials of the Svilengrad municipality in connection with "Energy Efficiency" projects 28.09.2016 г. 43 925.68 43 925.68 0.00 43 925.68 36 Closed (completion date)
Energy efficiency of apartment buildings in Svilengrad - 3 28.09.2016 г. 1 246 227.42 1 246 227.42 0.00 1 246 227.42 24 Closed (completion date)
Energy efficiency of apartment buildings in Svilengrad - 1 29.09.2016 г. 1 217 008.94 1 217 008.94 0.00 1 217 008.94 24 Closed (completion date)
Energy efficiency of apartment buildings in Svilengrad - 2 07.10.2016 г. 1 101 377.80 1 101 377.80 0.00 1 101 377.80 24 Closed (completion date)
Construction of a composting instalation for separately collected green and biodegradable waste - Municipality of Svilengrad 29.06.2018 г. 2 703 229.00 2 432 095.12 271 133.88 2 432 095.12 36 Closed (completion date)
Introduction of measures for prevention and management of the flood risk on Kelandzhik Dam 13.02.2019 г. 879 021.94 879 021.94 0.00 879 021.94 29 Closed (completion date)
Implementation of energy efficiency measures in municipal property buildings 07.03.2019 г. 1 106 711.76 1 106 711.76 0.00 1 106 711.76 30 Closed (completion date)
Building sports grounds in the town of Svilengrad 20.05.2019 г. 80 970.30 80 970.30 0.00 80 970.30 36 Contracted
"Reconstruction of a street network in Svilengrad municipality" 20.05.2019 г. 978 083.31 978 083.31 0.00 937 544.73 36 Contracted
"Patronage care in Svilengrad Municipality" 02.07.2019 г. 143 301.10 143 301.10 0.00 143 301.10 27 Closed (completion date)
"Socio-economic Integration of Marginalized Communities on the territory of Svilengrad Municipality" 29.10.2019 г. 233 915.18 233 915.18 0.00 230 746.59 16 Closed (completion date)
Young people in Svilengrad municipality - active participants in the labor market 20.12.2019 г. 68 094.62 68 094.62 0.00 68 094.29 13 Closed (completion date)
Providing access to employment in the Svilengrad municipality 08.01.2020 г. 232 635.51 232 635.51 0.00 232 635.51 24 Closed (completion date)
"Patronage care in Svilengrad Municipality" 16.03.2020 г. 130 800.00 130 800.00 0.00 125 773.29 10 Closed (completion date)
"We study and create together" 18.05.2020 г. 275 681.46 275 681.46 0.00 275 681.46 36 Closed (completion date)
Construction of an exhibition hall in the town of Svilengrad and a children's playground in the village of Kapitan Andreevo" 27.05.2020 г. 132 029.08 132 029.08 0.00 66 014.53 36 Contracted
Energy efficiency of apartment buildings in Svilengrad, "Izgrev" Quarter 28.09.2020 г. 1 459 396.24 1 459 396.24 0.00 1 264 882.67 30 Closed (completion date)
Energy efficiency of apartment buildings in Svilengrad - "Prostor" Quarter 28.09.2020 г. 1 438 764.15 1 438 764.15 0.00 1 438 764.15 30 Closed (completion date)
"Renovation of areas for public use on the territory of Svilengrad Municipality - Levka village, Dimitrovche village and Kapitan Petko voyvoda, Svilengrad" 18.01.2021 г. 77 432.20 77 432.20 0.00 76 327.10 36 Contracted
"Exposing the cultural and historical heritage by creating a Visitor Center in Svilengrad municipality" 04.02.2021 г. 113 031.96 113 031.96 0.00 112 707.25 36 Contracted
"Hot lunch in the conditions of the pandemic of COVID-19 in the Municipality of Svilengrad" 01.03.2021 г. 597 640.68 597 640.68 0.00 597 640.68 19 Closed (completion date)
Patronage care + in Svilengrad Municipality 27.04.2021 г. 328 934.28 328 934.28 0.00 328 934.28 15 Closed (completion date)
"Renovating an area for public use in town of Svilengrad " 10.12.2021 г. 105 491.49 105 491.49 0.00 52 745.74 36 Contracted
Implementation of a best practice in Svilengrad municipality on the road to zero waste 14.12.2021 г. 292 579.79 292 579.79 0.00 292 579.79 18 Closed (completion date)
Renovation of areas for public use on the territory of Svilengrad Municipality - Svilengrad, Mezek village and Pastrogor village 07.02.2022 г. 151 782.22 151 782.22 0.00 75 891.11 36 Contracted
"Customs, traditions and culture - intertwined in the history" 20.05.2022 г. 159 945.43 159 945.43 0.00 79 972.72 36 Contracted
Patronage care + in Svilengrad Municipality 02.07.2022 г. 170 353.22 170 353.22 0.00 170 353.22 7 Closed (completion date)
Home care in Svilengrad Municipality 30.01.2023 г. 938 533.38 938 533.38 0.00 629 838.58 21 In execution (starting date)
"Warm meal in Svilengrad Municipality" 13.02.2023 г. 1 083 456.00 1 083 456.00 0.00 611 751.36 32 Contracted
"Strenghtening the municipal capacity in Svilengrad Municipality" 21.02.2023 г. 98 912.00 98 912.00 0.00 68 629.49 24 In execution (starting date)
"Rehabilitation of streets in the town of Svilengrad and the village of Kapitan Andreevo" 12.05.2023 г. 128 755.82 128 755.82 0.00 128 703.42 24 Contracted
Improving the capacity of Svilengrad municipality employees for implementation of RDP policies 06.07.2023 г. 179 863.36 179 863.36 0.00 179 863.36 5 Closed (completion date)
"Rehabilitation of streets in the village of Kapitan Andreevo" 09.08.2023 г. 313 787.42 313 787.42 0.00 156 893.71 24 Contracted
Renovation of High school "Petar Beron", Svilengrad 06.12.2023 г. 3 289 178.07 3 289 178.07 0.00 17 384.91 35 In execution (starting date)
Renovation of kindergarten "Zornitsa", Svilengrad 28.12.2023 г. 1 666 865.02 1 666 865.02 0.00 10 385.06 35 In execution (starting date)
Energy efficiency in public sport buildings in Svilengrad Municipality 24.06.2024 г. 1 768 049.61 1 671 482.99 96 566.62 0.00 30 In execution (starting date)