Saved trees

Programme: Home Affairs

Planning region: All


The project proposal includes renovation of a plot of land designated for landscaping in PI 15285.8.515, LPR I - for a garden and a shop, quarter 92 of the PPP of the village of Govedartsi, Samokov Municipality. The existing garden, subject of the project solution is of high social significance for the residents and guests of the settlement. The terrain, subject of the design solution, is partially fenced with a metal openwork fence and with a fence net of metal stakes, poorly maintained, with corroded elements. The green area is swampy. There are lawns and large woody vegetation. The available vegetation is not taken care of. A river flows through the terrain and flows into the Cherni Iskar River. The river has been repaired, in poor condition, with an uncleaned riverbed of sediments, broken branches, bushes, grass and more. There is a landscaping of the terrain, which includes a water area - swimming pool, water cascade, decorative retaining walls, an external ladder to overcome the displacement of the terrain, alleys, two bridges for crossing the river and alley lighting. The condition of the elements of the landscaping described above is very bad. The activities of the project proposal are directly related to the small-scale infrastructure of the region, and to the promotion of the identity on the territory of FLAG Samokov. The implementation of the project proposal will contribute to increasing the attractiveness of the fishing area. In particular, the project provides for:
 Drainage of the terrain;
 Restoration of existing water area - pool, water cascade;
 Rehabilitation and renovation of the terrain;
 Construction of new alleys and stairs to overcome the displacement of the terrain;
 Construction of recreation areas;
 Replacement and new sidewalks, curbs, including the ladder;
 Installation of garden and park elements - benches, benches with pergolas, gazebos, bins for household waste, etc.
 Repair and restoration of alley lighting
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Строително - монтажни дейности по обновяване на терен отреден за озеленяване в ПИ 15285.8.515, УПИ I - за градинка и магазин, кв. 92 по ПРЗ на с. Говедарци, Община Самоков: Ще бъдат извършени строително - монтажни дейности по обновяване на терен отреден за озеленяване в ПИ 15285.8.515, УПИ I - за градинка и магазин, кв. 92 по ПРЗ на с. Говедарци, Община Самоков, което включва:  Отводняване на терена;  Възстановяване на съществуваща водна площ – басейн, водна каскада;  Рехабилитация и обновяване на терена;  Изграждане на нови алеи и стълби за преодоляване на денивелацията на терена;  Изграждане на кътове за отдих;  Подмяна и нови плочници, бордюри, включително стълбата;  Монтаж на градински и паркови елементи - пейки, пейки с пергули, беседки, кошчета за битови отпадъци и др.  Ремонт и възстановяване на алейното осветление 200 000.00 188 736.09


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).