
Name Address
177472153 DZZD SBB LOGISTIK България, гр.София, 1510, р-н Подуене бул. Владимир Вазов № 9

List of projects in which the organization is involved as a contractor

Project Name UMIS Number Contracts amount Reported amount
“Strengthening the application of alternative measures to imprisonment” BGJUSTICE -1.001-0003-C01 598 417.20 498 944.02
"Enhancing the capacity of prison staff, building a pilot prison facility, connected to a training center and improving the rehabilitation of prisoners" BGJUSTICE -1.001-0001-C04 407 984.40 2 995.20
„Ensuring safe and secure conditions in prisons and places of detention“ BGJUSTICE -1.001-0002-C01 29 673.60 0.00