
UMIS Number BGLD-3.001-0001-C02
Project Name “Novel Approaches to Generating Data on Hard-to-reach Populations at Risk of Violation of their Rights”
Beneficiary 000695146 National Statistical Institute
Funding EEA FM ==> Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups
Date of the Contract/Order 19.06.2019
Start Date 19.06.2019
End Date 08.02.2023
Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant Closed (completion date)
Location of Performance
  • България


Brief description
Търсенето на данни, разграничени по различни критерии за уязвимост (етнически, пол, увреждания, поведенчески модели и др.) в ЕС, се увеличава. Принадлежността към етническото малцинство (като ромите), хората с увреждания, живеещите в отдалечен район с икономически упадък, с мигрантски произход, често се свързва със социалната уязвимост. За да се разработят смислени политики и да се прилагат ефективно, държавите-членки трябва да знаят кои са рисковите групи, защо са изложени на риск и какви са количествените параметри на интервенциите, които ще отговорят на тези рискове. В контекста на новопоявилия се стълб на социалните права ще са особено необходими изчерпателни съпоставими данни, разграничени по различни критерии. В това отношение съществуват редица предизвикателства и рискове. Някои от тях са с методологически характер (напр. какви са критериите за дефиниране на уязвимостта), границата за личната неприкосновеност (каква степен на детайлност и вид дезагрегация би била в съответствие с най-високите стандарти за защита на данните). Агенцията за основните права ще предостави ценен опит и професионална помощ по време на изпълнението на проекта.
Заинтересованите страни от резултатите от проекта са гражданите; академичната общност и изследователите; неправителствените организации, представляващи различни социално уязвими групи; органите на държавното и местно управление; международни организации.
  • Activity: Approach and Methodology: Investigation of the existing good practices and methods of identifying vulnerable populations. Comparative overview of the instruments applied in surveys targeting hard-to-reach populations with analysis of their specific objectives and policy context. Investigation of the existing good practices and methods of identifying vulnerable populations; Consultations with stakeholders Conducting of research and analysis of the results from investigations conducted. Defining the criteria for identifying vulnerable populations. Experts workshop to define the criteria and identification of groups to be surveyed and the thematic areas to be covered in the survey Study visits in donor country for investigating novel methods, good practices and expertise , Contracted Amount: 252 530.94 , Reported Amount: 230 161.37
  • Activity: Survey preparation and conduct: Based on the investigation results under Activity 1, the best approaches and methods will be selected and developed to reach the target populations to be surveyed. The data collected will be disaggregated by age, economic activity, ethnicity, disability, etc. A representative sample survey will be conducted to collect the necessary data. Field survey design (questionnaires, sampling, IT tools development, logistics) – elaboration of tools and methodology for application of new approaches in collection of data on vulnerable populations; Training – different target groups will be trained – trainers, interviewers, accompanying persons will be trained to apply the survey tools and methodology in order to achieve the expected results and meet the quality requirements; Data collection – organisation and monitoring of the field work with interviewers, mediators and supervisors; Data processing – processing, validation, coding of survey data according to the quality requirements and project purposes; Combining/matching data from different sources – application of new approaches in data analysis based on linking data from different sources; Analysis of the survey results – production of validated data set, analysis of frequencies and cross tabulations. Analysis of the applicability of the used data collection approaches and methods; Estimation of core indicators at district level. , Contracted Amount: 1 065 199.28 , Reported Amount: 966 102.25
  • Activity: Analysis and Conclusions: The project will establish data sets (socioeconomic profiles of the vulnerable populations identified during Activity 1 and surveyed during Activity 2). These data will be visualized in a set of “vulnerability maps”, analyses and publications summarizing the results of the survey and the lessons learnt. The research outputs of the project will be presented at an international conference with a focus on their replicability in other countries., Contracted Amount: 330 514.13 , Reported Amount: 268 733.12
  • Activity: Information and Publicity: Developing of the project web page and organization of conferences (meetings) for project promotion and publicity. , Contracted Amount: 207 590.57 , Reported Amount: 147 415.01
  • Activity: Project management activities.: Project and financial management, supervision of the proper and accurate implementation of the project activities. Coordination between project partners., Contracted Amount: 89 614.76 , Reported Amount: 85 972.90

Participating Organizations

  • Partner: EU Agency for Fundamental Rights [FRA] , Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount: 360 939.41
  • Contractor: Bulpros Konsulting , Contracted Amount*: 35 700.00 , Reported Amount**: 29 337.00
  • Contractor: BEST HOTELS EOOD, Contracted Amount*: 678.80 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: "PRES PRODUKT LAIN" OOD, Contracted Amount*: 5 024.64 , Reported Amount**: 5 024.64
  • Contractor: RABISHA, Contracted Amount*: 980.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: OMEGA COM, Contracted Amount*: 11.99 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: BULGARIA WINE, Contracted Amount*: 520.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: "DRUSTAR TOURINVEST"LTD, Contracted Amount*: 438.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: HOTEL PLOVDIV, Contracted Amount*: 932.40 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: Kooperatsiya Panda, Contracted Amount*: 5 076.52 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: PETAR TSONEV-PETROV-TSONEV, Contracted Amount*: 202.20 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: SIMOVI, Contracted Amount*: 74.70 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: VOINOV I S-IE SD, Contracted Amount*: 751.20 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: GRAFIT GALLERY, Contracted Amount*: 250.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: Interlang ltd, Contracted Amount*: 2 448.00 , Reported Amount**: 1 488.00
  • Contractor: Ivan, Contracted Amount*: 7 334.36 , Reported Amount**: 7 334.38
  • Contractor: INTERNATIONALITY COLLEGE, Contracted Amount*: 90.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: KRASI-M, Contracted Amount*: 499.77 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: I S J Group, Contracted Amount*: 79.64 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: BRONTES BS, Contracted Amount*: 294.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: MILKOVI - TI Ltd, Contracted Amount*: 43.50 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: GEOSTROY ENGINEERING, Contracted Amount*: 419.79 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: Fonatsiya "Institut Otvoreno obshtestvo-Sofiya", Contracted Amount*: 7 800.00 , Reported Amount**: 7 800.00
  • Contractor: AV SISTEM , Contracted Amount*: 97 050.00 , Reported Amount**: 97 050.00
  • Contractor: MILIANI, Contracted Amount*: 437.50 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: MAGUS 1305 LTD, Contracted Amount*: 840.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: RADINA 61, Contracted Amount*: 240.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: Didzhitek, Contracted Amount*: 150.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: VETROPOKAZATEL LTD, Contracted Amount*: 504.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: GRAND HOTEL HEBAR, Contracted Amount*: 777.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: Roel-98, Contracted Amount*: 6 111.46 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: DIVIS-60, Contracted Amount*: 970.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: NELI TRANS 2009 ltd, Contracted Amount*: 960.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: MAK DI LTD, Contracted Amount*: 306.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: KISYOV-2006, Contracted Amount*: 293.94 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: TECHNOPOLIS BULGARIA, Contracted Amount*: 365.31 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: OP Uchenichesko hranene, Contracted Amount*: 735.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: ARCUS - STROY EAD, Contracted Amount*: 420.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: FFF - ROMA LTD., Contracted Amount*: 285.52 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: EA , Contracted Amount*: 29 274.00 , Reported Amount**: 29 274.00
  • Contractor: "Obrazovanie i nauka", Contracted Amount*: 63 360.00 , Reported Amount**: 63 360.00
  • Contractor: UKRABUL-MC, Contracted Amount*: 705.84 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: SuperHosting.BG OOD, Contracted Amount*: 152.45 , Reported Amount**: 152.45
  • Contractor: HOTEL CITY SOFIA, Contracted Amount*: 1 704.80 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: TSB-Severozapad - UTz-Slivek, Contracted Amount*: 4 863.30 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: HASHOVE TURS EOOD, Contracted Amount*: 959.80 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: "OSAM TURS 2017" Ltd., Contracted Amount*: 436.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: ROSTOV, Contracted Amount*: 514.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
Subcontractors None
Members of the Consortium None


* The projected contract value may be lower than the reported one because of any of the following reasons:

  • For physical person, the contracted value does not include the employer expenses, which are admissible expenses and are accounted under the project
  • The Beneficiary has reported expense only with an invoice without a contract with the selected contractor
  • The beneficiary has reported over again expenses to the MA

** This column represents the amount of costs claimed by the beneficiary


Indicator 1 Thematic reports on the situation of children, people with disabilities, the elderly and the Roma, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 4.00 , Reached amount: 4.00
Indicator 2 Main data multidimensional tables, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 29.00 , Reached amount: 29.00
Indicator 3 Participation of NSI experts in a study visit in the donor country, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 6.00 , Reached amount: 3.00
Indicator 4 Report with recommendation of the use of collected data published, Measure Unit: Да/Не, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 1.00 , Reached amount: 1.00
Indicator 5 Participation of experts from the donor state for exchange of good practices in a study visit in Bulgaria, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 2.00 , Reached amount: 2.00
Indicator 6 Data collection on vulnerable groups completed, Measure Unit: Да/Не, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 1.00 , Reached amount: 2.00
Indicator 7 Level of trust between the cooperating entities in Bulgaria and the donor countries, Measure Unit: Scale 1-7, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 4.00 , Reached amount: 4.00
Indicator 8 Successfully surveyed households, Measure Unit: Брой, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 10 000.00 , Reached amount: 12 086.00

Financial Information

Total Project cost 1 698 384.65 BGN
Grant 1 698 384.65 BGN
Self amount 0.00 BGN
Total actual amounts paid 1 711 283.16 BGN
Percentage of EU co-financing 85.00 %

Financial Corrections



1 The quoted value represents the maximum amount of the imposed financial correction. Depending on the performance of the contract, the actual amount of the deducted financial correction may be lower.

2 A financial correction with a zero total value means that it has been canceled as a result of a court judgment.


Procedure 1 Subject to due process: Audit, Estimated Amount: 14 668.50
Procedure 2 Subject to due process: Consultations with stakeholders, Estimated Amount: 9 387.84
  • Differentiated position 1: Консултации със заинтересованите страни
    Contractor: Fonatsiya "Institut Otvoreno obshtestvo-Sofiya"
    Contract total funded value: 7 800.00
Procedure 3 Subject to due process: Experts workshop (transport service), Estimated Amount: 5 867.40
  • Differentiated position 1: Транспорт на участниците в работната среща по проекта
    Contractor: NELI TRANS 2009 ltd
    Contract total funded value: 960.00
Procedure 4 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Blagoevgrad, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Благоевград
    Contractor: DIVIS-60
    Contract total funded value: 970.00
Procedure 5 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Burgas, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Бургас - обучение 06.03.2020
    Contractor: MILIANI
    Contract total funded value: 437.50
  • Differentiated position 2: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Бургас - обучение 13.03.2020
    Contractor: RADINA 61
    Contract total funded value: 240.00
Procedure 6 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Dobrich, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Добрич (кетъринг)
    Contract total funded value: 90.00
  • Differentiated position 2: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Добрич (обучителни материали)
    Contractor: OMEGA COM
    Contract total funded value: 11.99
Procedure 7 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Gabrovo, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура от проведено обучение на ОСИ Габрово
    Contractor: MAK DI LTD
    Contract total funded value: 306.00
Procedure 8 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Haskovo, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Хасково
    Contractor: UKRABUL-MC
    Contract total funded value: 705.84
Procedure 9 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Kardzhali, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Кърджали (06.03.2020 и 09.03.2020)
    Contract total funded value: 504.00
Procedure 10 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Kyustendil, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Кюстендил
    Contractor: OP Uchenichesko hranene
    Contract total funded value: 735.00
Procedure 11 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Lovech, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Ловеч (храна, кафе-паузи)
    Contractor: "OSAM TURS 2017" Ltd.
    Contract total funded value: 196.00
  • Differentiated position 2: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Ловеч (наем зала)
    Contractor: "OSAM TURS 2017" Ltd.
    Contract total funded value: 240.00
Procedure 12 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Montana, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Монтана
    Contractor: VOINOV I S-IE SD
    Contract total funded value: 751.20
Procedure 13 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Pazardzhik, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Пазарджик
    Contractor: GRAND HOTEL HEBAR
    Contract total funded value: 777.00
Procedure 14 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Pernik, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Перник
    Contractor: MAGUS 1305 LTD
    Contract total funded value: 840.00
Procedure 15 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Pleven, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Плевен (обяд)
    Contractor: ROSTOV
    Contract total funded value: 169.00
  • Differentiated position 2: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Плевен (кафе-пауза)
    Contractor: ROSTOV
    Contract total funded value: 45.00
  • Differentiated position 3: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Плевен (наем зала)
    Contractor: ROSTOV
    Contract total funded value: 300.00
Procedure 16 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Plovdiv, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Пловдив
    Contractor: HOTEL PLOVDIV
    Contract total funded value: 932.40
Procedure 17 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Razgrad, Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Разград
    Contract total funded value: 202.20
Procedure 18 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Ruse, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Русе
    Contractor: FFF - ROMA LTD.
    Contract total funded value: 285.52
Procedure 19 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Shumen, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Шумен
    Contractor: BULGARIA WINE
    Contract total funded value: 520.00
Procedure 20 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Silistra, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Силистра (кетъринг)
    Contract total funded value: 438.00
  • Differentiated position 2: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Силистра (обучителни материали)
    Contract total funded value: 365.31
Procedure 21 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Sliven, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Сливен - 06.03.2020
    Contractor: KRASI-M
    Contract total funded value: 499.77
  • Differentiated position 2: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Сливен - 12.03.2020
    Contractor: SIMOVI
    Contract total funded value: 74.70
Procedure 22 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Smolyan, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Смолян
    Contractor: KISYOV-2006
    Contract total funded value: 293.94
Procedure 23 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Sofia, Estimated Amount: 1 300.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ София (столица)
    Contractor: HOTEL CITY SOFIA
    Contract total funded value: 1 228.33
Procedure 24 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Sofia District, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Софийска област
    Contractor: HOTEL CITY SOFIA
    Contract total funded value: 476.47
Procedure 25 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Stara Zagora, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Стара Загора - 06.03.2020
    Contractor: BEST HOTELS EOOD
    Contract total funded value: 326.80
  • Differentiated position 2: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Стара Загора - 09.03.2020
    Contract total funded value:
Procedure 26 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Targovishte, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Търговище
    Contractor: BRONTES BS
    Contract total funded value: 294.00
Procedure 27 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Varna, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Варна
    Contractor: GRAFIT GALLERY
    Contract total funded value: 250.00
Procedure 28 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Veliko Tarnovo, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Велико Търново (кетъринг)
    Contractor: ARCUS - STROY EAD
    Contract total funded value: 420.00
  • Differentiated position 2: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Велико Търново (обучителни материали)
    Contractor: I S J Group
    Contract total funded value: 79.64
Procedure 29 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Vidin, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура от проведено обучение на ОСИ Видин
    Contractor: RABISHA
    Contract total funded value: 980.00
Procedure 30 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Vratsa, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Враца
    Contractor: HASHOVE TURS EOOD
    Contract total funded value: 959.80
Procedure 31 Subject to due process: Interviewers training for OSI Yambol, Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Ямбол - 05.03.2020
    Contract total funded value: 419.79
  • Differentiated position 2: Фактура за проведено обучение на ОСИ Ямбол - 09.03.2020
    Contractor: MILKOVI - TI Ltd
    Contract total funded value: 43.50
Procedure 32 Subject to due process: IT tools development - data entry, Estimated Amount: 29 337.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Договор за изработване на приложение/електронен въпросник за въвеждане на данни
    Contractor: Bulpros Konsulting
    Contract total funded value: 35 700.00
Procedure 33 Subject to due process: Organisation of Final Conference (for presentation of the final results), Estimated Amount: 10 405.00
Procedure 34 Subject to due process: Organisation of Interim Conference (for presentation of the investigation phase results), Estimated Amount: 9 779.00
Procedure 35 Subject to due process: Other project related costs., Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Фактура за функционирането на сайта 1
    Contractor: SuperHosting.BG OOD
    Contract total funded value: 28.95
  • Differentiated position 2: Фактура за функционирането на сайта 2
    Contractor: SuperHosting.BG OOD
    Contract total funded value: 58.75
  • Differentiated position 3: Фактура за адаптери за електронните устройства
    Contractor: Didzhitek
    Contract total funded value: 150.00
Procedure 36 Subject to due process: printing , Estimated Amount: 29 923.74
Procedure 37 Subject to due process: production and delivery of promotional materials for the project promotion, Estimated Amount: 5 867.00
  • Differentiated position 1: production and delivery of promotional materials for the project promotion
    Contractor: "PRES PRODUKT LAIN" OOD
    Contract total funded value: 5 024.64
Procedure 38 Subject to due process: purchase of equipment - tablets or other electronic devices suitable for field work , Estimated Amount: 97 790.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Договор за доставка гаранционно обслужване на място и застраховка на преносими компютри - таблети
    Contractor: AV SISTEM
    Contract total funded value: 97 050.00
Procedure 39 Subject to due process: purchase of materials , Estimated Amount: 64 541.40
  • Differentiated position 1: Закупуване на материали за промотиране на проекта сред домакинствата
    Contractor: "Obrazovanie i nauka"
    Contract total funded value: 63 360.00
Procedure 40 Subject to due process: Trainings , Estimated Amount: 9 958.93
Procedure 41 Subject to due process: Trainings of regional coordinators, Estimated Amount: 9 958.93
  • Differentiated position 1: Обучения регионални координатори 1
    Contractor: TSB-Severozapad - UTz-Slivek
    Contract total funded value: 521.60
  • Differentiated position 2: Обучения регионални координатори 2
    Contractor: TSB-Severozapad - UTz-Slivek
    Contract total funded value: 400.00
  • Differentiated position 3: Обучения регионални координатори 3
    Contractor: TSB-Severozapad - UTz-Slivek
    Contract total funded value: 3 941.70
Procedure 42 Subject to due process: Договор за одит, Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: извършване на одит
    Contractor: Ivan
    Contract total funded value: 7 334.36
Procedure 43 Subject to due process: Канцеларски материали за провеждане на регионални обучения, Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Канцеларски материали за провеждане на регионални обучения
    Contract total funded value:
Procedure 44 Subject to due process: Материали за провеждане на регионални обучения (тонер касети), Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Материали за провеждане на регионални обучения (тонер касети)
    Contractor: Kooperatsiya Panda
    Contract total funded value: 5 076.52
Procedure 45 Subject to due process: Осигуряване на предпечатна подготовка, отпечатване и доставка на статистически издания, формуляри и други печатни материали, по две обособени позиции“, Обособена позиция № 1 „Осигуряване на предпечатна подготовка, отпечатване и доставка на статистически издания, формуляри и други печатни материали за текущата дейност на НСИ за периода 2022 – 2024 г.“ и Обособена позиция № 2 „Осигуряване на предпечатна подготовка, отпечатване и доставка на статистически издания с резултати от Преброяване 2021“, Estimated Amount: 1 200 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: „Осигуряване на предпечатна подготовка, отпечатване и доставка на статистически издания, формуляри и други печатни материали за текущата дейност на НСИ за периода 2022 – 2024 г.“
    Contractor: EA
    Contract total funded value: 29 274.00
Procedure 46 Subject to due process: Подновяване на домейн за специализрания сайт, Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: подновяване на домейн
    Contractor: SuperHosting.BG OOD
    Contract total funded value: 64.75
Procedure 47 Subject to due process: Устен симултантен превод на конференция, Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Договор за превод
    Contractor: Interlang ltd
    Contract total funded value: 960.00
Procedure 48 Subject to due process: Устен симултантен превод на конференция., Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Договор за превод
    Contractor: Interlang ltd
    Contract total funded value: 960.00
  • Differentiated position 2: Договор за превод
    Contractor: Interlang ltd
    Contract total funded value: 528.00


All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN