UMIS Number | BGLD-1.003-0002-C02 |
Project Name | Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development |
Beneficiary | 000471504 Municipality of Plovdiv |
Funding | EEA FM ==> Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups |
Date of the Contract/Order | 01.07.2020 |
Start Date | 01.07.2020 |
End Date | 30.06.2023 |
Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant | In execution (starting date) |
Location of Performance |
Brief description |
Основният фокус на проекта е насочен към разширяване обхвата на дейността на Младежки център –Пловдив и увеличаване многообразието на предлаганите в него услуги, предназначени за младите хора до 29г., като, същевременно, се обогати целевата група с представители и извън тази група, вкл. - и лица от уязвими общности. Функционирането на надградените услуги на МЦ-Пловдив ще бъде осигурено от предвидения екип от висококвалифицирани специалисти – 5 младежки работници и 2 образователни медиатори, които ще гарантират качественото обслужване на потребителите и целесъобразното предлагане на новите младежки услуги. Комплексът от мерки, предвиден в новите програми на МЦ, които освен локално, ще се предоставят и в близките до града населени места, са насочени към: разширяване обхвата на съществуващите услуги, въвеждане на иновативни и мобилни услуги, провеждане на комплекс от надграждащи неформални обучения, развитие на пакет от активности с общността и с представители на групи, различни от младежите (вкл.-деца, родители и т.н.), активна работа с групи/общности в неравностойно положение и др. Очакваните резултати от реализацията на проектните дейности са: подобряване на достъпа на млади хора до услугите на МЦ-Пловдив; повишаване на социално-икономическото развитие на по-слабо развити общини; подобряване на сътрудничеството и взаимоотношенията със страните-донори; надграждане дейността на МЦ-Пловдив; активиране участието на младите хора и лицата, извън тази група, в дейностите на Центъра; повишаване капацитета на служителите на МЦ – младежки работници, медиатори и др.; предоставяне на иновативни и надграждащи услуги с цел привличане и социално приобщаване на младежите, вкл. – от уязвимите групи и др. Чрез реализацията на настоящия проект, подкрепен от ФМ на ЕИП 2014-2021, Община Пловдив ще продължи успешните действия по създаване на съвременна, благоприятна и отворена към младите хора обучителна и социална среда, съобразена с техните потребности и изискванията на 21 век. |
Activities |
Partners |
Contractors |
Subcontractors | None |
Members of the Consortium | None |
Notes: * The projected contract value may be lower than the reported one because of any of the following reasons:
** This column represents the amount of costs claimed by the beneficiary |
Indicator 1 | Level of trust between the cooperating entities in Bulgaria and the donor countries, Measure Unit: Scale 1-7, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 4.50 , Reached amount: 0.00 |
Indicator 2 | Number of staff from Bulgaria participating in exchanges with Donor States (disaggregated by gender, Donor State), Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 20.00 , Reached amount: 5.00 |
Indicator 3 | Number of people (non-youth) reached by project activities, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 376.00 , Reached amount: 2 062.00 |
Indicator 4 | Number of youth-led initiatives in targeted communities, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 40.00 , Reached amount: 42.00 |
Indicator 5 | Number of staff from Donor states participating in exchanges with Bulgarian projects (disaggregated by gender, Donor state), Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 10.00 , Reached amount: 0.00 |
Indicator 6 | Level of satisfaction with the partnership, Measure Unit: Scale 1-7, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 4.50 , Reached amount: 0.00 |
Indicator 7 | Number of youth centres supported, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 1.00 , Reached amount: 1.00 |
Indicator 8 | Number of youth reached by project activities, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 1 250.00 , Reached amount: 2 547.00 |
Total Project cost | 2 053 740.60 BGN |
Grant | 2 053 740.60 BGN |
Self amount | 0.00 BGN |
Total actual amounts paid | 1 721 427.48 BGN |
Percentage of EU co-financing | 85.00 % |
None | |
Notes: 1 The quoted value represents the maximum amount of the imposed financial correction. Depending on the performance of the contract, the actual amount of the deducted financial correction may be lower. 2 A financial correction with a zero total value means that it has been canceled as a result of a court judgment. |
Procedure 1 |
Subject to due process: "Delivery and installation of equipment and furniture in two separate positions in connection with the implementation of project BGLD-1.003-0002" Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development "under the program" Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups " , financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021. ",
Estimated Amount: 105 141.67
Procedure 2 |
Subject to due process: "Insurance of furniture and equipment acquired under the project "Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development" under the program "Local development, poverty reduction and improving the inclusion of vulnerable groups", financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 - 2021.",
Estimated Amount: 1 960.78
Procedure 3 |
Subject to due process: "Pre-printing, printing and supply of forms, advertising and printed materials for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and the municipal budget support units",
Estimated Amount: 416 666.67
Procedure 4 |
Subject to due process: "Printing of forms, advertising and printed materials for the needs of the Municipality of Plovdiv and its structural units",
Estimated Amount: 466 666.67
Procedure 5 |
Subject to due process: "Supplies of construction chemicals, plumbing materials and construction tools",
Estimated Amount: 333 333.34
Procedure 6 |
Subject to due process: "Supplies of electrical materials for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and its structural units",
Estimated Amount: 150 000.00
Procedure 7 |
Subject to due process: "Supply of 1 (one) caravan for the needs of Project BGLD-1.003-0002 "Plovdiv Youth Centre - a powerful factor for local development" under the program "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups", financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 - 2021.",
Estimated Amount: 41 666.67
Procedure 8 |
Subject to due process: "Supply of basic building materials and their accessories",
Estimated Amount: 333 333.32
Procedure 9 |
Subject to due process: Carrying out construction activities (current repairs) under project BGLD-1.003-0002 "Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development" under the program "Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups", funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Union economic space 2014 - 2021. ",
Estimated Amount: 115 833.33
Procedure 10 |
Subject to due process: Catering,
Estimated Amount: 191 560.00
Procedure 11 |
Subject to due process: Construction works for an open-air ground in front of Meteora Hall,
Estimated Amount: 37 103.66
Procedure 12 |
Subject to due process: Construction works under the project,
Estimated Amount: 139 000.00
Procedure 13 |
Subject to due process: Consulting services for the team of the Center,
Estimated Amount: 25 000.00
Procedure 14 |
Subject to due process: Creation of a web page to an existing bilingual website,
Estimated Amount: 8 000.00
Procedure 15 |
Subject to due process: Delivery of motor vehicles for the project,
Estimated Amount: 130 000.00
Procedure 16 |
Subject to due process: Delivery of stationery and office supplies under two separate positions:
1. Delivery of stationery
2. Delivery of office supplies,
Estimated Amount: 18 000.00
Procedure 17 |
Subject to due process: Equipment and furnishing for the project,
Estimated Amount: 126 170.00
Procedure 18 |
Subject to due process: Equipment insurance ,
Estimated Amount: 2 000.00
Procedure 19 |
Subject to due process: Implementation of financial audit,
Estimated Amount: 12 500.00
Procedure 20 |
Subject to due process: Insurance of the official vehicles of the Municipality of Plovdiv and the units of municipal budgetary dependence with insurance "Civil liability" of motorists, "Accident" of passengers in the means of public transport and "Autocasco" of vehicles,
Estimated Amount: 623 290.18
Procedure 21 |
Subject to due process: Provision of information and publicity on the project in four separate positions:
1. Creation and printing of educational materials: reserved for specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities;
2. Photographing and video recording;
3. Implementation of public information and media campaigns;,
Estimated Amount: 98 000.00
Procedure 22 |
Subject to due process: Purchase of airline tickets, travel arrangements (including transfer, food and passenger insurance),
Estimated Amount: 305 708.33
Procedure 23 |
Subject to due process: Realization of measures for outdoor advertising,
Estimated Amount: 30 000.00
Procedure 24 |
Subject to due process: Staff trainings,
Estimated Amount: 30 000.00
Procedure 25 |
Subject to due process: Supplies of office stationery and supplies, presentation, drawing and modelling aids,
Estimated Amount: 102 774.46
Procedure 26 |
Subject to due process: Supplies of paper and envelopes for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and the municipal budget support units,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Procedure 27 |
Subject to due process: Supplies of paper products and cassettes,
Estimated Amount: 43 034.08
Procedure 28 |
Subject to due process: Supply and installation of equipment/furnishings, incl. for the open-air educational room,
Estimated Amount: 35 736.82
Procedure 29 |
Subject to due process: Supply, installation and warranty maintenance of new air conditioning systems for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and its structural units,
Estimated Amount: 39 166.67
Procedure 30 |
Subject to due process: Translation services,
Estimated Amount: 34 000.00
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN