
UMIS Number BGLD-1.003-0002-C02
Project Name Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development
Beneficiary 000471504 Municipality of Plovdiv
Funding EEA FM ==> Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups
Date of the Contract/Order 01.07.2020
Start Date 01.07.2020
End Date 30.06.2023
Status of Implementation of the Contract/Order of the Grant In execution (starting date)
Location of Performance
  • България, Югозападна и южно-централна България (BG4), Южен централен (BG42), Пловдив (BG421), Пловдив


Brief description
Основният фокус на проекта е насочен към разширяване обхвата на дейността на Младежки център –Пловдив и увеличаване многообразието на предлаганите в него услуги, предназначени за младите хора до 29г., като, същевременно, се обогати целевата група с представители и извън тази група, вкл. - и лица от уязвими общности. Функционирането на надградените услуги на МЦ-Пловдив ще бъде осигурено от предвидения екип от висококвалифицирани специалисти – 5 младежки работници и 2 образователни медиатори, които ще гарантират качественото обслужване на потребителите и целесъобразното предлагане на новите младежки услуги. Комплексът от мерки, предвиден в новите програми на МЦ, които освен локално, ще се предоставят и в близките до града населени места, са насочени към: разширяване обхвата на съществуващите услуги, въвеждане на иновативни и мобилни услуги, провеждане на комплекс от надграждащи неформални обучения, развитие на пакет от активности с общността и с представители на групи, различни от младежите (вкл.-деца, родители и т.н.), активна работа с групи/общности в неравностойно положение и др. Очакваните резултати от реализацията на проектните дейности са: подобряване на достъпа на млади хора до услугите на МЦ-Пловдив; повишаване на социално-икономическото развитие на по-слабо развити общини; подобряване на сътрудничеството и взаимоотношенията със страните-донори; надграждане дейността на МЦ-Пловдив; активиране участието на младите хора и лицата, извън тази група, в дейностите на Центъра; повишаване капацитета на служителите на МЦ – младежки работници, медиатори и др.; предоставяне на иновативни и надграждащи услуги с цел привличане и социално приобщаване на младежите, вкл. – от уязвимите групи и др. Чрез реализацията на настоящия проект, подкрепен от ФМ на ЕИП 2014-2021, Община Пловдив ще продължи успешните действия по създаване на съвременна, благоприятна и отворена към младите хора обучителна и социална среда, съобразена с техните потребности и изискванията на 21 век.
  • Activity: Organization and management of the project: The main objective of the activity is to ensure the implementation of the project in accordance with the requirements of the EEA FM 2014-2021, the Grant agreement, the conditions for the implementation of projects under the Programme, as well as the principles of good governence. The implementation of the project will involve a team of highly qualified specialists, which will include: Project Manager, Coordinator, Accountant, Technical Secretary, Public Procurement and Legal Assistance Expert, Construction and Assembly Works and Technical Assistance Expert, and Educational Initiatives and Programs Expert. The main task of the team is to ensure the correct implementation of the activities envisaged, the achievement of the project objectives and the reporting to the Programme Operator. According to the project timetable, monthly meetings will be held with the purpose of reflecting the progress and, if necessary - measures should be taken to correct any deviations. The regular internal evaluation ensures constant readiness to submit data for verification to the relevant control bodies, as well as timely response to problems that threaten the timely and qualitative implementation of the project. Plovdiv Municipality will provide the Programme Operator and/or its authorized persons with all required information regarding the implementation of the project. Technical reports will be prepared in accordance with the templates and deadlines set by the Programme Operator. The team members will prepare monthly personal reports. The Manager will monitor the overall administrative and technical implementation of the project and will report to the management of the Municipality and representatives of the Programme Operator on the progress of its implementation. The Coordinator will assist the Manager in the performance of his/her monitoring duties on the work of the team and will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the measures for publicity, communication and supervision and will perform other tasks assigned to him/her by the latter. The Accountant of the project will be responsible for the overall financial and accounting management of the project, and the Technical Secretary will maintain a complete record traceability of the correspondence and archives of the project. The Public Procurement and Legal Assistance Expert will ensure the smooth and lawful conduct of public procurements and procedures, the preparation of the necessary contracts with project contractors, and will provide legal advice to the project team and the personnel of the Center if necessary. The Construction and Assembly Works and Technical Assistance Expert will monitor the technical implementation of the construction works envisaged to be carried out by the selected contractor and will be responsible for monitoring whether the correct equipment and furnishing for the services of the Center is delivered. The Educational Initiatives and Programs Expert will be responsible for overseeing the work of the team at the Youth Center and the appropriateness of the planned programs and initiatives, and will coordinate his/her work with the Coordinator and the Project Manager. A detailed description of the functions of the team members is given in Section 9 “Team”. The selection of qualified experts as team members for the project will ensure the correct and rigorous accounting and technical reporting. All activities will involve and comply with the following principles: equality, rule of law, capacity and competence and responsibility to the needs of the community. The project implementation will be subject to the implementation conditions laid down in the Grant Agreement, the instructions for the implementation of grant contracts under the EEA FM and the applicable national and European legislation in the field., Contracted Amount: 164 000.00 , Reported Amount: 151 711.44
  • Activity: Implementation of public information and media campaigns: Описание Within the framework of the activity, communication and information measures will be organized and implemented in accordance with the requirements set out in Annex No3 of the Regulation on the implementation of the EEA FM 2014-2021. The purpose of the activity is to raise the public awareness of the project, its goals and objectives, the financial contribution of the EEA FM 2014-2021, as well as promote the services offered by the YC Plovdiv expanded through the project and directed at the target groups. The media and information campaign and the methods set out in the Communication Plan will ensure the achievement of: 1.Maximum promotion and dissemination of information about the project; 2.Distribution of advertising materials; 3.Involvement of key participants and stakeholders; 4.Reaching the maximum number of potential participants in the project activities; Expanding and upgrading the audience interested in the services of the YC Plovdiv; 6.Strengthening and positioning of the regular and innovative youth services offered within the project at a supranational level- nationally and internationally. The communication campaigns will contribute to the creation of opportunities for maximum publicity and transparency of the project implementation and to the attraction of external project institutions, organizations and potential partners so as to establish short- and long-term relations for the purpose of continuous upgrading and expansion of the scope of the Center's youth services and initiatives. The main techniques set out in the Communication Plan of the project are based on the principles of: transparency, accessibility, equality and empowerment of stakeholders, interactivity and use of modern technologies, etc. The intended communication channels are focused on: intensive interaction with the media; support of web-based resources- social networks, etc.; development and distribution of advertising and promotional materials; organization and implementation of public information events and initiatives- press conferences, awareness campaigns (incl. on-site); maintaining feedback (notebooks, e-mails, etc.), and etc. With the purpose to complement the implementation of the communication measures of the project various materials for information, visualization and branding will be developed and disseminated, such as: paid publications, banners, promotional materials (questionaires, flash drives, pens, etc.). The main target groups of the campaigns are: youth between the ages of 15-29, students at risk of dropping out or who have already dropped out of the educational system; youth of ethnic minorities at risk; youth living in small and remote settlements or economically less developed areas who are at risk; people outside the group of youth, connected with the participation of young people in the activities of the YC: including children, parents, teachers, mentors and other representatives of the local community; participants from the intended secondary target groups of the project: mediators working with representatives of vulnerable groups, incl. Roma mediators, youth workers, personnel of youth centers and municipal staff; institutions, youth NGOs, training organizations, social partners, partner organizations from donor countries and others, incl. the general public. The implementation of the activity will provide full information and communication coverage, maximum dissemination of information about the project and the source of its funding- the EEA FM 2014-2021, as well as will provide an opportunity for the stakeholders and the public to implement effective public regulation and monitor its implementation. The activity will start at the beginning of the project. All envisaged advertising and information materials for the public campaign will be provided after the proper procedure for the selection of a contractor has been carried out in accordance with the Public Procurement Act (from the 5th project month). , Contracted Amount: 116 900.00 , Reported Amount: 79 915.13
  • Activity: Implementation of financial audit: The activity involves the implementation of a financial audit of the project, in accordance with the Beneficiaries Manual on Project Implementation under the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups” Programme, funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021. The objective is to provide additional assurance as to the legality and appropriateness of the costs, the effective and efficient implementation of project activities and the compliance with the specific EU regulatory requirements, as well as to confirm that the costs reported by the Beneficiary have actually been incurred and that they are accurate and eligible. The eligibility of the costs is defined as the correct and proper disbursement of the grant in accordance with the terms, conditions and requirements laid down in the grant agreement. The financial audit will be assigned to an external contractor selected in conjunction with the PPA (public procurement act) through a deliberate procedure. The contractor shall submit as a final result 3 interim audit reports at the end of each project year and 1 summarized report on the overall financial execution of the project. The objective is realization of a complete inspection on the compliance of the planned with the actual costs incurred, as well as to prove their appropriateness with respect to the financial resource of the EEA FM 2014-2021 used., Contracted Amount: 9 000.00 , Reported Amount: 1 512.00
  • Activity: Providing the material and technical base and conditions for the provision of the continuing services of the Youth Center Plovdiv: Within the activity,the material and technical base will be upgraded,as well as the conditions for the provision of specialized services at the YC Plovdiv.The following interventions will be implemented through selected contractors under the PPA:1.Construction and assembly works–Given the introduction of new services in the YC,as well as the increased № of users,the current material base of the YC is insufficient for the impl. of the planned initiatives.The nature of the newly activities requires not only more space,but also one that creates enough modern conditions for its use.For this reason,there is a plan for renovation of premises close to the existing YC-Rowing Canal,Sports Complex “Recreation and Culture”,and representing respectively–a hall with an area of 184 sq.m. and a kitchen with an area of 12 sq.m.,as well as Conference Hall No206 with an area of 113 sq.m.on the second floor–all 3 located in the southwest part of a building with ID No 56784.510.295.1.The envisaged construction and assembly works for the mentioned premises will include: 1) Replacement of existing flooring and joinery, dismantling of paneling,replacement of existing ceiling, etc.The need for the repair of the building is entirely determined by the spatial characteristics and the condition of the site and the planned interventions are in accordance with the modern functional requirements related to the specifics of the youth activities,the scope of the project and the needs of the target groups.It will be conducted also an establishment of an open-air ground in front of Meteora Hall; 2) Supply and installation of equipment/furnishings,incl.for the open-air educational room and equipping the YC with photovoltaic cells-in order to provide the most up-to-date training environment and to create comfort for the users of the services provided within the project;the equipment and furnishings will be purchased and delivered in accordance with the required standards for quality.Considering the spatial characteristics and the allocation of the premises of the building stock provided by the Plovdiv Municipality for the project,the following groups of articles will be identified for the purpose of the internal improvement of the additional base to the YC,namely: office and portable furniture(shelves, tables, chairs, etc.),computer equipment, peripherals and accessories(tablets, laptops, printers, etc.), etc. The delivery of equipment/furnishings under the project will comply with the principles of quality, safety and functionality corresponding to the diverse range of activities and services aimed at the users of the YC.For improving the energy efficiency the building of the Center will be equipped with photovoltaic cells; 3) Purchase of motor vehicles for the purpose of the mobile work (in other settlements) of the youth teams of the Center. In connection with the above, there is a plan for purchase of one motor vehicle – 1 pc. car (6 + 1 seats).This will ensure the easy movement of the youth teams of the YC to small settlements in the region with the purpose to carry out a wide range of activities, such as: mobile library, “child-parent” interactions, on-site campaigns, etc. envisaged in the package of new services provided by the YC Plovdiv. The implementation of these 3sub-steps will provide the necessary prerequisites for the establishment of a contemporary, supportive and appropriate environment for the youth activities envisaged, which will serve as a basis and encouragement of the spirit, initiative and desire of young people to participate in community activities and the socio-economic life of the region and will stimulate personal development and pro-activeness. All assets acquired in the course of the activity, incl. the material and technical improvements made as a result of its realization, will be duly insured and warranty serviced, and the purpose of the property will not be changed–for a period not less than 5 years after project completion., Contracted Amount: 522 584.84 , Reported Amount: 377 201.81
  • Activity: Expansion of the scope of activities of the Youth Center Plovdiv: The activity is aimed at provision of the extended package of services by the Youth Center Plovdiv. 1 team manager, 1 eductaional adviser 5 youth workers and 2 educational/Roma mediators will be hired in order to maintain the expertise gained under Programme BG06 of the EEA FM 2009-2014. The measures are aimed at: expansion of the scope of the existing and introduction of new innovative services, implementation of trainings, development of a package of activities with the community, incl. with children, parents; active work with disadvantaged groups/communities, etc. The planned program, corresponding to the Strategy of the YC, includes the following basic training directions: 1.Mobile work with representatives of the target group from the region- development of a package of innovative services provided on the field (training/initiatives in small settlements) about youth leadership and empowerment of groups; encouraging youth activeness within the local community; development of critical thinking and working on case studies relevant to the locality; organization and implementation of cultural, educational, audio-visual and interactive events- socially engaged theater, etc.); 2.Initiatives with the Bottom-Up approach (Youth initiatives)- provision of a package of innovative services, inspired by the youth and aimed at the youth- support for youth entrepreneurship and ideas (competitions, exhibitions), socially significant causes, engaging the youth in shaping the surrounding social and urban environment, etc.; 3.Introducing a package of cross-sector solutions and models for complementing and building upon the traditional education system (“Truth or Dare” Youth Forum)- organization of events that bring together “creators” of ideas and flexible approaches to non-formal education in order to provoke finding sustainable solutions to youth problems in the area; 4.Organization of thematic events initiating change in the interaction model between the key stakeholders in the formal education system (principals, teachers, etc.) - “Breaking the mold” Education Forum- the objective is to reduce the distance between the teaching staff, the training organizations and the parents and to help students find effective responses to the youth’s concerns related to traditional training and standards, including in the areas of interpersonal relations, conflict situations, etc.5.Implementation of initiatives of social importance for local communities (charity bazaars.)- realization of events with the active participation of youth, aimed at establishing empathy, tolerance, volunteering, protection of fundamental human rights, etc., in support of vulnerable groups and related to significant problems of the local community 6.Development of training panels to increase the capacity of experts and organizations working with vulnerable groups (youth workers, mediators, NGOs, etc.) - enhancing dialogue, exchanging experience, developing and upgrading skills for work and application of current standards/methodologies in dealing with youth and vulnerable groups through training seminars, workshops, etc.; 7.Provision of complex innovative youth services under the slogan “Skills of The Modern Times” - the aim is to develop packages of thematic events and measures that will help the acquisition of skills related to all aspects of life Gatherings of business experts and youth to raise awareness of opportunities in the sector 8 Recruitment of trainees: Stagiaires to support YC staff to promote and hold activities. 9. Sport events : Inclusion of children and youths from small settlements to motivate for movement. 10. Training with health experts to increase team capacity on prevention work . 11.Climate change and youth: eco camps for youth The following is planned (at least): 25% of the young people using the services of the Youth Center should be from vulnerable groups., Contracted Amount: 624 890.62 , Reported Amount: 350 114.40
  • Activity: Implementation of initiatives related to the activity of the National Network of Youth Centers: Описание The activity is aimed at the development of activities within the National Network of Youth Centers (NNYC) in the country, initiated by the YC Plovdiv, and includes the existing youth centers in the cities Stara Zagora, Dobrich, Vratsa, opened under the Project BG06 of the EEA FM 2009-2014. The focus of the NNYC is on the exchange of experience and good practices, active interaction between the staff in the centers, enhancement of communication between youth from different Bulgarian cities, improvement of the quality of work and the implemented policies in the field of youth, including advocacy and recognition of youth activities, introduction of a uniform standard in youth work. In this context, the objective is to strengthen, develop and differentiate the work of the NNYC so far, which has established itself as a successful example and a sustainable model for promotion of shared work, intensive communication and interaction between the key figures in youth policy processes within the current project, as well as to create new youth centers in other cities in Bulgaria (according to BGLD-2.001 - “Establishment of Youth Centers”, under the EEA FM 2014-2021). The further strengthening of the NNYC is planned through: the continued organization of events and initiatives for promotion of the interaction of organizations active in the youth field; development of joint programs for youth, such as: digital competencies, internet, cyber security and etc. In view of the aforementioned and widening the scope of the YC Plovdiv in activities and geographical reach, the implementation of 3 types of events is envisaged: Youth Festival- an interactive platform for sharing experiences, visions and good practices between youth from the country and stakeholders, with a focus on: youth entrepreneurship, non-formal education, integration and reintegration of vulnerable youth groups, etc. Panel training sessions led by the teams of international centers with the Quality Label of the Council of Europe and organizations working with and for youth will also be implemented. During the event, participants will be able to join different thematic panels and to get acquainted with the achievements of their colleagues. The events will aim to strengthen the link between the responsible organizations in the youth field , the teams at the youth centers in the country and abroad and the young people themselves for the successful modeling of the interaction process between them and for increasing the efficiency of the work 2. Development and promotion of a digital media literacy program/methodology, together with ARC Fund, the Norwegian partner and external experts-the objective is to create a single program/methodology to serve as a benchmark for the work of youth structures in the country, and to establish a normative standard in the field of non-formal education in the field of digital media literacy. After its development, teams will be trained to use with the target groups. It will be implemented locally and nationally and will include training modules for children, youth, parents and teachers. In order to promote it, 2 national conferences will be held, in which the teams that participated in its development will take part. The ARC Fund will play the main role as the initiator of the program, and the Norwegian partner will perform monitoring functions regarding its modeling.3. Preparation of a second methodology based on the outcomes of the digital and media literacy programme : to follow up a second methodology will be prepared. It will collect good practices in resolving community issues. Activity 6 will be implemented following the principles of cross-sector approach, bilateral dialogue, feedback, enhanced communication and partnership in the field of youth activities in order to change the model in the field and initiate sustainable reforms in sector policies. , Contracted Amount: 242 315.14 , Reported Amount: 170 050.32
  • Activity: Development of bilateral relations and exchange of experience and good practices: The implementation of the activity focuses on three main areas: 1. International youth exchanges in Bulgaria from a donor country – The objective is to gather young people from different countries with the purpose of actively participating in the exchange of ideas and good case practices about topics relevant to young people, such as: media literacy, active civic participation, planning of initiatives and more. An additional effect of the events is the enhancement of the intercultural dialogue and communication, the creation of personal contacts and the overcoming of linguistic, ethnic and other barriers in the communication of young people. Within this sub-activity, an opportunity will be provided for active participation of young people from nearby settlements in the planned exchanges with their peers, which will allow not only to increase their personal competences and outlook, but also to differentiate the scope of the previous activities of the Youth Center, in view of the extension of the range of young people covered on a local level. The focus groups of the exchanges will be: young people from the donor country, young people up to the age of 29, including from the extended target group of the Youth Center; 2. Work visits to the donor country – Development of partnerships with the donor country participating in the project, with the purpose of creating more effective communication, intensive, personal contact-driven interaction and better understanding between the participating countries, incl. implementation of mutual monitoring activities, taking timely corrective actions regarding project implementation (if necessary), more appropriate planning of joint activities, etc. The main focus of the work visits will be to ensure effective control and guidance from the donor countries on the work being done under the project, the implementation of its stages and the various planned sub-activities. This will provide an opportunity for the active involvement of the organization in the policies and initiatives implemented by the YC Plovdiv in the project area. This sub-activity will help to expand partnerships with donor countries, increase the trust between beneficiaries and donors, achieve a higher level of mutual satisfaction from the joint cooperation and enhance the bilateral dialogue. The focus groups of the work visits are: representatives of the partner organizations involved in the project, youth workers; 3. Exchange of experience and good practices with youth centers and organizations on an international level – the visits focus on the acquisition of experience in the field of youth activities on an international level by the training team of the Youth Center, the monitoring of good practices in the field of youth work and non-formal education, as well as joint activities with representatives of recognized organizations from/in the donor countries. The visits will also include young people who will not only be able to gain valuable international experience, but will also learn about youth policies and activities at a supranational level, and will be able to share their stories and the change that has taken place in their lives thanks to the Youth Center and its services with the stakeholders. Focus groups of the visits: employees of the Youth Center Plovdiv, the project team, young people, users of the services of the Youth Center. The overall implementation of the activity will achieve: strengthening of the bilateral relations and trust, expanding and upgrading established partnerships, creating new and enriching existing inter-institutional contacts, facilitating communication with donor countries, improving intercultural dialogue, developing and transferring good practices and successful working models in youth policy, non-formal education and training, etc., Contracted Amount: 374 050.00 , Reported Amount: 225 232.04

Participating Organizations

  • Partner: Norsensus Mediaforum , Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount: 80 070.46
  • Partner: Research and Communications Fund, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount: 52 398.70
  • Contractor: ATLAS TRAVELS, Contracted Amount*: 305 708.33 , Reported Amount**: 250 287.49
  • Contractor: ALLEGRO 2000 SOFIA LTD, Contracted Amount*: 18 000.00 , Reported Amount**: 7 728.38
  • Contractor: IT Service Ltd., Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 5 061.60
  • Contractor: IZDATELSKA KASHTA „SV.GEORGl POBEDONOSEC", Contracted Amount*: 4 680.00 , Reported Amount**: 4 680.00
  • Contractor: HD CHANEL, Contracted Amount*: 62 871.00 , Reported Amount**: 45 999.00
  • Contractor: "VERTINITY" Ltd, Contracted Amount*: 7 980.00 , Reported Amount**: 7 980.00
  • Contractor: FILKAB AD, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 2 528.28
  • Contractor: BIZNES OFIS KOREKT LTD, Contracted Amount*: 77 799.86 , Reported Amount**: 93 359.81
  • Contractor: "DallBogg Insurance Joint Stock Company: Life and Health" Inc., Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: SATELIT - ES LTD, Contracted Amount*: 24 875.00 , Reported Amount**: 29 848.00
  • Contractor: PARSEC GROUP LTD, Contracted Amount*: 115 829.45 , Reported Amount**: 138 968.56
  • Contractor: NANO TECHNOLOGIES LTD, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 5 825.56
  • Contractor: SKRYPTA MANENT, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 2 973.60
  • Contractor: Bulgroup Engineering Ltd., Contracted Amount*: 6 700.00 , Reported Amount**: 6 700.00
  • Contractor: EURATEC AUTO LTD, Contracted Amount*: 66 665.83 , Reported Amount**: 79 999.00
  • Contractor: PRINTX, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
  • Contractor: FINANS ODIT KONSULT 2002, Contracted Amount*: 4 200.00 , Reported Amount**: 1 512.00
  • Contractor: BRIGHT - 2000 LTD, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 3 761.25
  • Contractor: EA PRINT LTD., Contracted Amount*: 914.10 , Reported Amount**: 1 096.92
  • Contractor: JSIC OZK - INSURANCE JSC, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 999.99
  • Contractor: KRIVICKI and CO Ltd, Contracted Amount*: 30 000.00 , Reported Amount**: 28 839.98
  • Contractor: SOLIS, Contracted Amount*: 28 144.17 , Reported Amount**: 33 773.00
  • Contractor: "ARTE RS" Ltd., Contracted Amount*: 191 560.00 , Reported Amount**: 118 332.09
  • Contractor: REM BUILD LTD, Contracted Amount*: 35 736.82 , Reported Amount**: 35 736.81
  • Contractor: GEORAMA, Contracted Amount*: 7 500.00 , Reported Amount**: 4 068.00
  • Contractor: Sedem kliucha Ltd, Contracted Amount*: 4 080.00 , Reported Amount**: 4 080.00
  • Contractor: "AQUA CONSTRUCTION GROUP" Ltd, Contracted Amount*: 30 991.00 , Reported Amount**: 36 830.68
  • Contractor: ELSOL, Contracted Amount*: 0.00 , Reported Amount**: 0.00
Subcontractors None
Members of the Consortium None


* The projected contract value may be lower than the reported one because of any of the following reasons:

  • For physical person, the contracted value does not include the employer expenses, which are admissible expenses and are accounted under the project
  • The Beneficiary has reported expense only with an invoice without a contract with the selected contractor
  • The beneficiary has reported over again expenses to the MA

** This column represents the amount of costs claimed by the beneficiary


Indicator 1 Level of trust between the cooperating entities in Bulgaria and the donor countries, Measure Unit: Scale 1-7, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 4.50 , Reached amount: 0.00
Indicator 2 Number of staff from Bulgaria participating in exchanges with Donor States (disaggregated by gender, Donor State), Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 20.00 , Reached amount: 5.00
Indicator 3 Number of people (non-youth) reached by project activities, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 376.00 , Reached amount: 2 062.00
Indicator 4 Number of youth-led initiatives in targeted communities, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 40.00 , Reached amount: 42.00
Indicator 5 Number of staff from Donor states participating in exchanges with Bulgarian projects (disaggregated by gender, Donor state), Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 10.00 , Reached amount: 0.00
Indicator 6 Level of satisfaction with the partnership, Measure Unit: Scale 1-7, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 4.50 , Reached amount: 0.00
Indicator 7 Number of youth centres supported, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 1.00 , Reached amount: 1.00
Indicator 8 Number of youth reached by project activities, Measure Unit: Number, Base Value: 0.00 , Target amount: 1 250.00 , Reached amount: 2 547.00

Financial Information

Total Project cost 2 053 740.60 BGN
Grant 2 053 740.60 BGN
Self amount 0.00 BGN
Total actual amounts paid 1 721 427.48 BGN
Percentage of EU co-financing 85.00 %

Financial Corrections



1 The quoted value represents the maximum amount of the imposed financial correction. Depending on the performance of the contract, the actual amount of the deducted financial correction may be lower.

2 A financial correction with a zero total value means that it has been canceled as a result of a court judgment.


Procedure 1 Subject to due process: "Delivery and installation of equipment and furniture in two separate positions in connection with the implementation of project BGLD-1.003-0002" Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development "under the program" Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups " , financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021. ", Estimated Amount: 105 141.67
  • Differentiated position 1: "Delivery and installation of equipment and furniture in two separate positions in connection with the implementation of project BGLD-1.003-0002" Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development "under the program" Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups " , financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021. "
    Contract total funded value: 38 243.12
  • Differentiated position 2: "Supply and installation of furniture for the needs of OP "Youth Centre Plovdiv"
    Contract total funded value: 39 556.74
Procedure 2 Subject to due process: "Insurance of furniture and equipment acquired under the project "Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development" under the program "Local development, poverty reduction and improving the inclusion of vulnerable groups", financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 - 2021.", Estimated Amount: 1 960.78
  • Differentiated position 1: "Insurance of furniture and equipment acquired under the project "Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development" under the program "Local development, poverty reduction and improving the inclusion of vulnerable groups", financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 - 2021."
    Contractor: "DallBogg Insurance Joint Stock Company: Life and Health" Inc.
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 3 Subject to due process: "Pre-printing, printing and supply of forms, advertising and printed materials for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and the municipal budget support units", Estimated Amount: 416 666.67
  • Differentiated position 1: "Pre-printing, printing and supply of forms, advertising and printed materials for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and the municipal budget support units"
    Contractor: EA PRINT LTD.
    Contract total funded value: 914.10
Procedure 4 Subject to due process: "Printing of forms, advertising and printed materials for the needs of the Municipality of Plovdiv and its structural units", Estimated Amount: 466 666.67
  • Differentiated position 1: "Printing of forms, advertising and printed materials for the needs of the Municipality of Plovdiv and its structural units"
    Contractor: PRINTX
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 5 Subject to due process: "Supplies of construction chemicals, plumbing materials and construction tools", Estimated Amount: 333 333.34
  • Differentiated position 1: "Supplies of construction chemicals, plumbing materials and construction tools"
    Contractor: BRIGHT - 2000 LTD
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 6 Subject to due process: "Supplies of electrical materials for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and its structural units", Estimated Amount: 150 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: "Supplies of electrical materials for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and its structural units"
    Contractor: FILKAB AD
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 7 Subject to due process: "Supply of 1 (one) caravan for the needs of Project BGLD-1.003-0002 "Plovdiv Youth Centre - a powerful factor for local development" under the program "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups", financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 - 2021.", Estimated Amount: 41 666.67
Procedure 8 Subject to due process: "Supply of basic building materials and their accessories", Estimated Amount: 333 333.32
  • Differentiated position 1: "Supply of basic building materials and their accessories"
    Contractor: BRIGHT - 2000 LTD
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 9 Subject to due process: Carrying out construction activities (current repairs) under project BGLD-1.003-0002 "Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development" under the program "Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups", funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Union economic space 2014 - 2021. ", Estimated Amount: 115 833.33
  • Differentiated position 1: Carrying out construction activities (current repairs) under project BGLD-1.003-0002 "Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development" under the program "Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups", funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Union economic space 2014 - 2021. "
    Contract total funded value:
  • Differentiated position 2: Carrying out construction activities (current repairs) under project BGLD-1.003-0002 "Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development" under the program "Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups", funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Union economic space 2014 - 2021. "
    Contractor: PARSEC GROUP LTD
    Contract total funded value: 115 829.45
Procedure 10 Subject to due process: Catering, Estimated Amount: 191 560.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Catering
    Contractor: "ARTE RS" Ltd.
    Contract total funded value: 191 560.00
Procedure 11 Subject to due process: Construction works for an open-air ground in front of Meteora Hall, Estimated Amount: 37 103.66
  • Differentiated position 1: "Renovation of the outdoor playground in front of Meteor Hall under Project BGLD-1.003-0002 "Plovdiv Youth Centre - a powerful factor for local development" under the programme "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups", funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 - 2021."
    Contract total funded value: 30 991.00
Procedure 12 Subject to due process: Construction works under the project, Estimated Amount: 139 000.00
Procedure 13 Subject to due process: Consulting services for the team of the Center, Estimated Amount: 25 000.00
Procedure 14 Subject to due process: Creation of a web page to an existing bilingual website, Estimated Amount: 8 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Създаване на страница към съществуващия двуезичен уеб-сайт на ОП "Младежки център Пловдив"
    Contractor: "VERTINITY" Ltd
    Contract total funded value: 7 980.00
Procedure 15 Subject to due process: Delivery of motor vehicles for the project, Estimated Amount: 130 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Delivery of motor vehicles for the project
    Contractor: EURATEC AUTO LTD
    Contract total funded value: 66 665.83
Procedure 16 Subject to due process: Delivery of stationery and office supplies under two separate positions: 1. Delivery of stationery 2. Delivery of office supplies, Estimated Amount: 18 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Доставки на хартия и пликове
    Contractor: ALLEGRO 2000 SOFIA LTD
    Contract total funded value: 6 000.00
  • Differentiated position 2: Доставки на хартиени изделия и класьори
    Contractor: ALLEGRO 2000 SOFIA LTD
    Contract total funded value: 6 000.00
  • Differentiated position 3: Доставки на канцеларски материали и принадлежности за офиса, средства за презентация, рисуване и моделиране
    Contractor: ALLEGRO 2000 SOFIA LTD
    Contract total funded value: 6 000.00
Procedure 17 Subject to due process: Equipment and furnishing for the project, Estimated Amount: 126 170.00
Procedure 18 Subject to due process: Equipment insurance , Estimated Amount: 2 000.00
Procedure 19 Subject to due process: Implementation of financial audit, Estimated Amount: 12 500.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Implementation of financial audit
    Contractor: FINANS ODIT KONSULT 2002
    Contract total funded value: 4 200.00
Procedure 20 Subject to due process: Insurance of the official vehicles of the Municipality of Plovdiv and the units of municipal budgetary dependence with insurance "Civil liability" of motorists, "Accident" of passengers in the means of public transport and "Autocasco" of vehicles, Estimated Amount: 623 290.18
  • Differentiated position 1: Insurance of the official vehicles of the Municipality of Plovdiv and the units of municipal budgetary dependence with insurance "Civil liability" of motorists, "Accident" of passengers in the means of public transport and "Autocasco" of vehicles
    Contractor: JSIC OZK - INSURANCE JSC
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 21 Subject to due process: Provision of information and publicity on the project in four separate positions: 1. Creation and printing of educational materials: reserved for specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities; 2. Photographing and video recording; 3. Implementation of public information and media campaigns;, Estimated Amount: 98 000.00
  • Differentiated position 1: ОП № 1 - „Разработване и разпечатване на образователни материали“
    Contract total funded value: 4 680.00
  • Differentiated position 2: ОП № 2 - „Заснемане на фото и видео филми“
    Contractor: HD CHANEL
    Contract total funded value: 23 400.00
  • Differentiated position 3: ОП № 3 - „Изготвяне и разпечатване на информационни материали за целите на проекта, публикации в медиите, провеждане на пресконференции”
    Contractor: HD CHANEL
    Contract total funded value: 39 471.00
Procedure 22 Subject to due process: Purchase of airline tickets, travel arrangements (including transfer, food and passenger insurance), Estimated Amount: 305 708.33
  • Differentiated position 1: Purchase of airline tickets, travel arrangements (including transfer, food and passenger insurance)
    Contractor: ATLAS TRAVELS
    Contract total funded value: 305 708.33
Procedure 23 Subject to due process: Realization of measures for outdoor advertising, Estimated Amount: 30 000.00
Procedure 24 Subject to due process: Staff trainings, Estimated Amount: 30 000.00
Procedure 25 Subject to due process: Supplies of office stationery and supplies, presentation, drawing and modelling aids, Estimated Amount: 102 774.46
  • Differentiated position 1: Supplies of office stationery and supplies, presentation, drawing and modelling aids
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 26 Subject to due process: Supplies of paper and envelopes for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and the municipal budget support units, Estimated Amount: 0.00
  • Differentiated position 1: Supplies of paper and envelopes for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and the municipal budget support units
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 27 Subject to due process: Supplies of paper products and cassettes, Estimated Amount: 43 034.08
  • Differentiated position 1: Supplies of paper products and cassettes
    Contract total funded value: 0.00
Procedure 28 Subject to due process: Supply and installation of equipment/furnishings, incl. for the open-air educational room, Estimated Amount: 35 736.82
Procedure 29 Subject to due process: Supply, installation and warranty maintenance of new air conditioning systems for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and its structural units, Estimated Amount: 39 166.67
  • Differentiated position 1: Supply, installation and warranty maintenance of new air conditioning systems for the needs of Plovdiv Municipality and its structural units
    Contractor: Bulgroup Engineering Ltd.
    Contract total funded value: 6 700.00
Procedure 30 Subject to due process: Translation services, Estimated Amount: 34 000.00


All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN