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Programme: Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups

Planning region: All


The demand for data disaggregated by various vulnerability criteria (ethnicity, gender, disability, age, region, etc.) in the EU is increasing. Factors such as belonging to an ethnic minority (like Roma) or having a disability or living in a remote area in economic decline or having migrant background often correlate with being vulnerable to poverty, social exclusion and violation of rights. In order to develop meaningful policies and effectively implement them, the Member States need to know which groups are at risk, why they are at risk and what are the quantitative parameters of the interventions that will address these risks. Robust comparable data disaggregated by various criteria will be particularly needed for monitoring the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals and in the context of the newly announced Pillar of Social Rights. A number of challenges and risks exist in this regard. Some of them are of methodological nature (e.g. on what criteria to define vulnerability), other verge on individual privacy (what level of detail and type of disaggregation would be in line with highest standards of data protection). The Fundamental Rights Agency will provide advice and  technical expertise throughout the project implementation.
Stakeholders of the project results are civil society; the academic community and researchers; non-governmental organizations representing different socially vulnerable groups; the bodies of state and local governments; international organizations.
Activity Contracted Amount Reported Amount
Approach and Methodology: Investigation of the existing good practices and methods of identifying vulnerable populations. Comparative overview of the instruments applied in surveys targeting hard-to-reach populations with analysis of their specific objectives and policy context. Investigation of the existing good practices and methods of identifying vulnerable populations; Consultations with stakeholders Conducting of research and analysis of the results from investigations conducted. Defining the criteria for identifying vulnerable populations. Experts workshop to define the criteria and identification of groups to be surveyed and the thematic areas to be covered in the survey Study visits in donor country for investigating novel methods, good practices and expertise 252 530.94 230 161.37
Survey preparation and conduct: Based on the investigation results under Activity 1, the best approaches and methods will be selected and developed to reach the target populations to be surveyed. The data collected will be disaggregated by age, economic activity, ethnicity, disability, etc. A representative sample survey will be conducted to collect the necessary data. Field survey design (questionnaires, sampling, IT tools development, logistics) – elaboration of tools and methodology for application of new approaches in collection of data on vulnerable populations; Training – different target groups will be trained – trainers, interviewers, accompanying persons will be trained to apply the survey tools and methodology in order to achieve the expected results and meet the quality requirements; Data collection – organisation and monitoring of the field work with interviewers, mediators and supervisors; Data processing – processing, validation, coding of survey data according to the quality requirements and project purposes; Combining/matching data from different sources – application of new approaches in data analysis based on linking data from different sources; Analysis of the survey results – production of validated data set, analysis of frequencies and cross tabulations. Analysis of the applicability of the used data collection approaches and methods; Estimation of core indicators at district level. 1 065 199.28 966 102.25
Analysis and Conclusions: The project will establish data sets (socioeconomic profiles of the vulnerable populations identified during Activity 1 and surveyed during Activity 2). These data will be visualized in a set of “vulnerability maps”, analyses and publications summarizing the results of the survey and the lessons learnt. The research outputs of the project will be presented at an international conference with a focus on their replicability in other countries. 330 514.13 268 733.12
Information and Publicity: Developing of the project web page and organization of conferences (meetings) for project promotion and publicity. 207 590.57 147 415.01
Project management activities.: Project and financial management, supervision of the proper and accurate implementation of the project activities. Coordination between project partners. 89 614.76 85 972.90


Elements in light blue allow detailed view when selected
All amounts are in Bulgarian lev (BGN) / 1 EUR = 1,95583 BGN
The project is financed by the Operational Programme "Technical Assistance" and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
In implementing the project № 0115-CCU-2.1 "Information system for management and monitoring of EU funds in 2014-2020 - UMIS 2020" (BG161PO002-2.1.01-0007-C0001).